边防、边检局在英语中通常表示为Customs and Border Protection,即海关与边境保护局。
边防可翻译为Border Protection。
1. Bean enterprise legal person – 企业的法人代表
2. Scribing machine – 划线机
3. Cut tendon machine – 切腱机
4. Silicon wafer – 硅晶圆
5. Pla *** a cutting machine – 等离子切割机
6. Plug welding – 焊接
7. Any argument between the two parties shall be settled by friendly consultation. – 双方之间的任何争议都应通过友好协商解决。
8. This database is only accessible by the authorized manager. – 此数据库仅限授权管理员访问。
9. Price includes ** but subject to freight fluctuation. – 价格包含 **,但受运费波动影响。
“出入境管理处”的英文表达为Immigration and Exit-Entry Administration Division。
1. Immigration status – 移民身份
2. Immigration act – 移民法或移民法案
First, you have to go through immigration and customs. – 你必须通过移民局和海关的检查。
1. Bird migration – 鸟类迁徙
2. Moisture migration – 水分迁移
3. Data migration – 数据迁移
There was a huge migration of people into Europe because of the war. – 因为战争,大量的人涌入欧洲。
出入境管理处的 *** 英文翻译
Division of Exit-Entry Administration of the People’s Republic of China
1. Identity: Green card (permanent citizen), photocopy of citizen’s passport – 身份证明:绿卡(永久居民),公民护照复印件
2. The first page of the passport showing the man’s visa – 当年(男方)签证美国时的护照首页及签证页
3. Invitation letter – 邀请函
4. Tax invoice, or documents to show exemption of tax (payment) – 税单,如无,需提交证明无需交税的文件
5. Evidence of cash deposits (in banks) – 存款证明(银行)
6. Economic guarantee: i-134 guarantee of economic situation (status) – 经济担保:i-134经济状况担保
7. Photos while in the US – 在美国的生活照片
8. Photocopies of travel documents to show travel between China and the US – 中美往返出入境复印件
9. Photographs from the time of knowing each other till now – 从认识到现在的多张照片