


昆山好玩的免费景点:千灯古镇、亭林园、苏州古戏台、昆山体育生态园、常熟石街、鳄鱼谷 最佳出行时间:四季皆宜,9-11月大闸蟹新鲜上市时最佳。建议游玩天数:2 天当地气候:亚热带季风气候










2 .锦西古镇AAAA







敬业堂俗称“沉堂”,始建于乾隆七年(1742年) ) 清代,由沉万三后裔沉本仁所建。



7. 五谷风灯风景区AAA









不买票是不能进入需要门票的景点的。周庄门票上的大部分景点都无法进入。不买票只能看到双桥、福安桥、小桥流水的景色。不能进入的景点有张殿、神殿、全殿福庙、承旭道观、周庄博物馆、逸飞楼、古戏台等景点。门票(截至2024年7月):100.00元周庄夜游:80.00元小贴士:1、周庄门票包括张殿、沉殿、全福寺、古戏台、逸飞楼、南湖秋月园、汨楼、沉万三有15个景点包括故居、叶楚礼故居、沉万三水墓、文化街、承旭道观、仙江渔博物馆、天府博物馆、周庄博物馆。 2、在周庄逗留的游客,请到售票处旁边的拍照点免费拍照。门票有效期将延长3天。 3.夜游门票限取票当日16:00后入园,仅包括张厅和沉厅。周庄,江南小镇,有“中国第一水乡”的美誉,是全国首批5A级景区。周庄始建于公元1086年(北宋元佑元年)。春秋时为武王幼子振凤礼的封地。周庄位于苏州市昆山市。是江南六大古镇之一。 2003年被评为中国历史文化名镇。周庄历史悠久,是典型的江南水乡,人文景观独特。是中国水乡文化和武帝汉文化的瑰宝。周庄镇60%以上的民居仍建于明清时期。仅0.47平方公里的古镇,就有近百座古典民居,60多座砖雕城门。 .景点有:沉万三故居、福安桥、双桥、沉堂、围楼、周庄八景等。











南昆山总面积129平方公里,距广州约90公里。交通路线较为发达,珠三角地区交通十分便利。 1993年,经林业部批准设立国家森林公园。南昆山负离子含量高达每平方厘米11万个,空气清新。是名副其实的“粤南氧吧”。南昆山森林覆盖率为98.2%,植物资源丰富。其中最具药用和饮用价值的是南昆山的珍贵特产:当地人称为“百年老茶”【南昆山毛茶】(学名【南昆山可可茶】。自古南昆人山上喜喝这种茶,所以寿星多,故名“百年茶”)。在【南昆山毛茶】的众多成品中,【黄翁】制作的【南昆山毛茶】最为正统:黄翁用来泡茶的茶叶采自海拔1188米以上的山峦云雾中高于海平面,再采用黄翁先人传下来的独特的炒茶工艺,经过去涩、炒干、揉搓,制成茶品,冲泡而成,甘、凉、微甜,润喉喝后会很甜。


南昆山有2500多种亚热带、温带植物和高等植物,此外还有油桐、海带、竹子、柏树等。除植物外,还有著名的活杉、竹、柏,以及观光木、格子木、红花莲、福建柏等名贵树种。这里还栖息着各种珍贵的动物,如苏门铃、大果子狸、白熊、野猪、穿山甲等,还有大量的鸟类,如白雕、金鸡、山雕、羽鸡、红刺槐、美鸟、猫头鹰等。 2. 南昆山的传说 相传,在古代,南昆山是一片沙漠,人们深受风沙的伤害。一个叫兰的家庭,为了减轻人们的痛苦,种植了很多竹子和树木,但他们没有生存下来。全家人聚集在主屋里,叹了口气。孩子们问:“这里适合种什么?”老父亲说:“听说福建有一种毛竹,很远,耐旱,便宜,容易成林,不用担心。小儿子兰奎勇敢地说:“我去福建找竹苗。 “






为了纪念这位牺牲自己的年轻人,人们称地主兰葵山。 ,又因依昆仑图而造,故又称南昆山。 3、南昆山风景区——惠州市龙门县成立于2002年,目前有休闲漂流和武士漂流项目。川龙峡森林峡谷漂流是目前最自然的河道、景区内森林覆盖率最高、最原始刺激的漂流味道、周边原始生态保存完好的漂流活动。景区位于国家AAAA级,风景秀丽迷人。是都市人放松、缓解压力的最佳选择。




石河奇观——距南昆山旅游中心约半公里,有一条小河。河里到处都是奇石,一排七个小水池,小水池上游还有一个大水池。大水池清澈见底,小鱼成群游来游去。池边有两块红青相间的大石,边缘有花纹,形似罗裙,称罗裙石。河里还有一块像镜子一样的大石头,叫做梳妆镜石。在梳妆镜石旁边,有一个圆形的小水池,叫做卸妆池。这个大水池是南昆山的景点之一——仙女池。七个小池,称为七仙池。因这里奇石奇特,文人诗人取名为“石河奇观”。关于它,有一个神话和传说:相传在远古时代,天上的七仙子羡慕世界的美丽。不顾禁令,偷偷降临人间。这一天,仙女们来到南昆山旅游。当时正值盛夏,酷热难耐。当他们看到丛林深处有一条小溪,飞瀑飞花,银浪滚滚,便想到在水中嬉戏洗漱。当地的山神、河神见仙女要戏水,便取悦仙女,用石头筑了七个小池和一个大池,供仙女们一起洗澡玩耍。七位仙女卸了妆,各自坐在池子里,想洗多少就洗多少。他们还聚集在大水池里互相追逐嬉戏。笑声和笑声回荡在山谷中。他们高兴极了,不知不觉就过去了 7 天。太后见七仙子私下下凡,七日不敢回,派神仙捉拿。诸天之神奉命寻找石河上空。七仙子见七仙子忘了回家,大喝道:“太后有令,我抓你回宫!”仙女们还没来得及穿上衣服,就被众神带回了天宫。被送下来的礼服和化妆镜,变成了洛裙石和化妆镜石。今天,框架的轮廓仍然清晰可辨。有了这个美妙的传说,仙女湖成为了一个让人着迷的地方。农历七月初七,一群群的南昆姑娘到卸妆池里玩水,用卸妆池里的水洗脸。据说这样可以让女生看起来更白更精致。



百年雪松王——南昆山二坑村旁,有一棵20多米高的大雪松而且只能由两个人手牵手拥抱。这棵树已有一百多年的历史,被称为“百年雪松之王”。关于这棵古老的杉木,有这样一个传说:相传南昆山的竹子是从福建引进的,从此山上长满了青竹。人们用竹子做瓮来盖房子。毛竹易腐烂,久而久之,香橼会折断伤人。一天晚上,一个姓林的小伙子梦见一个鹤发脸的老人,自称南昆山神,告诉他地坑山有一棵树,叶子像锯子一样,叫杉树。而且适合做军用建筑材料,让他去捡。这棵树的种子是培养出来的。少年按照山神的吩咐,找到了尔坑山顶,找到了一棵树干笔直的大杉树。他把地里的种子捡起来,种了起来,又移植了,三年后,长成了一棵厚口的大树。从此,南昆山人便以雪松为香橼建造军宅。从前有一个贪心的人,觊觎尔坑山的大杉树,偷偷拿斧头砍倒。他举起斧头砍倒了雪松树,但不知何故,斧头又落在了自己身上。贪婪的人死在树下。南昆山人视此树为神树。规定子孙不得砍伐。为了保护这棵香柏树,林姓青年住在树旁的一间小屋里。 After more than ten years of reproduction, this place became a village, which is now Erhang Village.

Colorful Birds and Bamboo and Cypress Garden – located in Zhongpingwei Village, which is more than 900 meters above sea level in Nankun Mountain, there is a bamboo and cypress of more than 100 mu . Bamboo cypress is like bamboo but not bamboo, like cypress but not cypress. It is a unique tree species in Nankun Mountain. The trees in Bamboo and Cypress are tall and straight, with dense branches and trees. “Liangyuan” was planted by Nankun’s sacred bird, “Five-colored Bird”. Legend: In the past, Nuwa smelted colorful stones to fill the sky, and the stone chips scattered in the world, turning into beautiful “colorful birds”. The river has gone through thousands of mountains and rivers. On this day, colorful birds flew to Nankun Mountain. I felt that Nankun Mountain has a unique geographical environment and a pleasant climate. The green bamboos are all over the mountains, the green trees are overwhelming, the grass is luxuriant, the birds and animals are happy, and it is a fairyland on earth. . As a result, the colorful birds stopped in Zhongping Village, built nests, reproduced their offspring, and plucked off pieces of feathers and inserted them into the mountains. There is a unique bamboo and cypress garden in Nankun.

Ninefold View – Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a scholar in a certain place. Although he was young, he was very ambitious. He is determined to gain fame, honor his ancestors, and serve the court. Therefore, he worked hard to study, and usually did not leave the study for half a step, always taking the diligent ancients as an example. So soon, he memorized the Four Books and Five Classics by heart, but for some unknown reason, every time he took the scientific examination, he always lost his name, and even the scholars failed to pass the entrance examination, and often hid under the village tree alone in a daze. One day, when the scholar bowed his head under the tree again, an old man came from a distance. I saw that he was neatly dressed, sane, with a childish face and a fairy-like style. He came to the scholar and asked him with a smile, why is he frowning? , then he asked him in detail, and sincerely asked the old man for advice. After listening to the old man, he pondered for a while, and then said: As the saying goes, “read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles” is the reason why you embarrass yourself too much. Because you don’t have much knowledge, you can’t say anything; your vision is too narrow, so your words and writing are unremarkable; you’re too limited in your feelings, and you can’t even show your talents. You should put aside your worries, open your mind, and travel. To look at the famous mountains and rivers, absorb the essence of heaven and earth, in order to nourish one’s mighty spirit. At that time, you will definitely be able to write well, write a thousand words, and get a title on the golden list. After the scholar listened to it, he suddenly opened his mouth, and the clouds of sorrow were swept away. He was about to bow down to thank him, but the old man had disappeared. The scholar knew that he had encountered an expert, so he hurriedly followed the old man’s instructions. So he traveled and read books. One day, I came to Nankun Mountain and found one. I saw the surrounding forests and bamboos, the scenery is fresh and the scenery is gorgeous. Although the mountain is not the highest, it has a wide field of vision and magnificent objects. Looking down at the foot of the mountain, the green trees are vast, one by one; looking far into the distance, the mountains are rushing, one layer after another; Not only is it a good place for cultivating qi and spirituality, but it also contains a good sign of competing for the top and winning the crown. It is really a rare Feng Shui treasure! So he decided to cut wood as a hut and live there. ; In the evening, the qin and books are used to send happiness, and the essence of ancient and modern is widely collected. Sure enough, not long after, I consciously opened my heart, my mind was flying, and within a short period of time, I had cultivated a great spirit. When I write a text, I suddenly feel that I am full of talent, the words are strong, and the writing is strong. After some more experience, the scholar decided to fight in the field again. Coinciding with the examination, he was hit with a single arrow. In the next few rounds of autumn examinations, all of them were connected to high schools, and finally they became Jinshi and the first.

General worships Buddha – on the top of Buddha’s Au at the junction of Nankun Mountain and Zengcheng County, there is a mountain that looks like a giant Buddha from a distance, facing east sit. There is a stone standing in front of the big Buddha, from a distance it looks like a person kneeling and worshipping the Buddha. This is one of the scenic spots in Nankun Mountain: “General worshiping Buddha”. Legend has it that a long, long time ago, a severe drought occurred in Nankun Mountain. At this time, the Buddha passed through Nankun Mountain. He couldn’t bear the calamity of the people in Nankun Mountain. He specially borrowed the rain from the place to turn it into rain and dew, so that Nankun Mountain suddenly restored the beautiful scene of the green mountains in the past. The Buddha was greedy for the beautiful natural scenery of Nankun Mountain, and was unwilling to leave, sitting on a stone. Whenever natural and man-made disasters occur in Nankun Mountain, the Buddha will appear and save the people of Limin. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, a general named Zhang appeared in Nankun Mountain. This man has both wisdom and courage, and has made many military exploits. The court allowed him to return to his hometown to save his relatives. General Zhang returned home in brocade clothes. Hearing that the stone Buddha was effective, he prepared three sacrifices to worship and asked the Buddha to bless the people of Nankun Mountain from military disasters and natural disasters. In the Qing Dynasty, a group of Qing soldiers wanted to harass Nankun Mountain, but when they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they suddenly flew sand and rocks, and the grass and trees were all soldiers. The people are safe and sound. General Zhang went to pay his respects to the Buddha again. At this time, Nanming was dead, and General Zhang had no intention of being involved in the world. Not far from the “General Praying to Buddha”, there is a stone with a square meter, which looks like a saddle. It is said that it is what General Zhang rides. 4. Nankun Mountain Specialty Suihua fir – Suihua fir, known as the “Glacier Elder”, is a rare and precious plant in the world. It is on the verge of extinction on earth, but more than ten strains have been found in Nankun Mountain. The most sturdy one is more than ten meters high and more than twenty centimeters in diameter at breast height. Fir is a birch family tree. Its leaves are similar to those of tangerine, but more than twice as long. The leaf surface is smooth and shiny. There are two white stomata on the back of the leaf, and the bark is thin and reddish brown. Suihua fir is evergreen in all seasons and has fine wood texture. It is a good forest wood.

Stone frog – The stone frog lives in the streams in the dense forests of Nankun Mountain. The flesh of the stone frog is tender and sweet. Steamed stone frogs, stone frog porridge, and fried stone frogs with winter bamboo shoots are delicious and nutritious. They are all rare and special products in Nankun Mountain.

Nankun Mountain Bamboo Mat – Nankun Mountain Bamboo Mat is made of bamboo from Nankun Mountain. Nankun bamboo is thick, sparse and tough. Nankun bamboo mats are exquisitely made and are very popular in domestic and foreign markets. The manufacture of Nankun bamboo mats is very particular. One is strict relocation of materials—–use many years of sparse old bamboo; the other is to prevent moths—–soak bamboo materials in lime water, which will not be moth for a long time; the third is exquisite weaving—– The bamboo pieces are broken into extremely thin bamboo strips, and the waxed cotton rope is put on. After weaving, it should be flat, tight and smooth. Some bamboo mats are also branded with patterns, making them a work of art that can be admired.

Red-backed vegetable – there is a wild vegetable on Nankun Mountain, which likes to grow in a dark and humid place. The undersides of the leaves are green and the undersides are purplish red, called “red-backed vegetables”. It helps lower blood lipids, aids digestion, and resolves intestinal gas. It is a wild vegetable that can be eaten all year round.

Hundred-year-old tea – Baisui tea is produced in many cloudy mountains in Nankun Mountain, commonly known as “Mao Tea”. In the Qingming season, the hundred-year-old tea is picked, and after removing the astringency, it is dried and rubbed to make tea strips. Brewing taste, sweet and cool, slightly sweet. Baisui tea has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, and drinking it regularly is good for health. Nankunshan people traditionally like to drink this tea, and there are many birthdays. The name “Hundred Years Old Tea” is due to this. According to legend, in ancient times, in a mountain village in Nankun, Longmen, there was a smart little girl. One day, when she was picking firewood on the mountain for a short break, she stumbled upon a small shrub with white hairs growing on the back of its leaves, and the edges of the leaves were serrated. She played with it, and subconsciously put a young leaf into her mouth to chew, and suddenly, a sweet smell was refreshing. So, she picked up the knife and was about to cut down this small tree and take it home to find someone to identify what tree it was. Suddenly, the situation changed suddenly, the mountain shook, and a faint voice came from the mountain peak: “Little girl, don’t be afraid, I am the mountain god, please don’t chop down this little tree. It is a goddess in the sky, from The seeds brought by ‘Sun Mingshan’ were sown here and grown here. The mountain must be green. It is hot in summer, so you might as well pick some leaves and go home for backup.” Following the instructions of the mountain god, the little girl picked forty-nine leaves and brought them with them.家。 The next day, the little girl suddenly suffered from heat stroke, and her whole body was hot. She remembered the words of the mountain god, and while making tea with the picked leaves, she boiled the leaves and washed them with water, and the little girl’s illness was quickly cured. Duck plague occurred in the village. The little girl tried to use the collected leaves to boil water for the ducks to drink, and the ducks were also rescued. The story of the little girl’s skillful treatment of duck plague spread all over the villages, and people came to her for advice one after another. The little girl took them up the mountain without reservation to find this small shrub, which was later named “Maocha”. During the Qingming Festival, people would go up the mountain to pick some Mao tea and dry it for later use.夏日炎热,人们就用毛茶叶煮水,盛进竹筒,带去出勤。劳动小歇时,坐在田头饮上几口,就能令人止渴生津,暑气顿消,浑身舒服。


观音菜——游南昆山水,食南昆观音菜。观音菜属石蒜的一个种类,生长在山溪边,石堆中,是南昆独有的土产素菜,其叶形似韭菜,味道微辣、淡香,或为佐料、或为主菜,别具一番风味,观音菜不但好吃,而且还有一个神奇的传说。传说有一年,南昆遭遇了数百年一遇的大旱,田地被晒成龟裂,溪水干涸,禾苗晒死,农民颗粒无收,其景惨不忍睹,人们在族长的组织下,抬着猪、鸡等祭品祭天拜地,正当人们走投无路时,此事惊动了天庭,便派观音大士察看。观音大士驾祥云来到南昆,看到南昆一片荒凉,人们哭声震天,恻隐之心便起,于是,观音大士便拿甘露瓶,用拂尘沾上甘露洒向凡间,南昆霎时下起了大雨,解除了南昆的危难,溪水涨了,田地滋润了,同时,在石堆旁、山溪边长出了一片片的石蒜,人们便食石蒜度过了危机,后来人们为了纪念观音大士,便把石蒜称为“观音菜”。  五、住宿    南昆山温泉大观园——位于广东省惠州市龙门县永汉镇,是一家按国家4A级景区标准建造的综合性旅游度假区,并拥有一家按国际五星级标准建造的旅游度假酒店。南昆山温泉大观园四面环山,空气清新,与“北回归线上的绿洲”南昆山相连成一条“日游南昆,夜沐温泉”的生态旅游黄金线路。这里地处南昆山山脚,增龙公路旁,交通十分便利;距增城38公里、东莞70公里、广州90公里、深圳120公里、惠州110公里。南昆山温泉大观园,这个温泉度假区或大气或精致,有田园风情,又具有现代气息;有小桥流水、乡村情调;又有昔日皇家尊贵奢华;从单一的温泉产品到多元化的休闲度假产品;从旅游商务会议到现在的自驾自由行,百般风情,一并囊括。


南昆山花竹山庄——  万竿翠竹扫去滚滚红尘,


南昆花竹山庄正好坐落在南昆山的南山上,海拔900米,是南昆山上所有居住地的最高点。南昆花竹山庄,是块罕见的风水宝地,龙脉汇聚,四水归池,群山环抱,紫气凝聚,山外有山,茫茫竹海,一片花潮。当你住进南昆花竹山庄,满眼的翠竹会向你点头致敬!满耳的鸟语蝉鸣都在向您说:“欢迎观临!”,大小各异的林泉飞瀑碰撞岩石的声调,如琴弦上跳动着的一串串音符,大山的神秘,大山的深邃,都通过鸟语花香和叮咚泉水纯净的天籁之声流进您的心灵。当您在这“天然的大氧吧”深深呼吸负离子时,那一刻,您会感到一种从未有过的轻松和宁静,当你在南昆花竹山庄内睡一晚,您会感到自己的肺被洗得干干净净,心灵的烦恼也无踪无影。南昆花竹山庄是得天独厚的避暑圣地,由于山庄坐落在海拔800多米的深山中,即使是盛夏,在室内不必开空调也觉得清凉,夏天的夜晚也要盖被子,从山上流下来的清泉格外冰凉透心。山上的夜空,明月当空, 繁星璀灿,洁净的星空向您诉说绵绵细语。南昆花竹山庄上旅游设施齐备,有别墅式宾馆、酒家、会议室、卡拉ok(具备一万 首经典名曲和流行歌曲)、舞厅、篮球场、羽毛球、乒乓球、桌球、天然山泉泳池、月亮湖钓鱼场、情人湾烧烤场、溯溪攀岩、森林探险。山庄内景色迷人,有飞龙泉、腾龙崖、湖光山色(天湖和月亮湖)、南山栈道、石床、竹海听涛等十大风光。住在花竹山庄,还可以游览山庄附近的川龙瀑布、川龙峡漂流、三坑瀑布、蓬莱仙岛,仙女泉,观音潭、九重远眺、石河奇观、蟠龙古松、天堂顶、杜鹃花海,七 仙湖,石门一线天等36处奇特壮丽的景点。 260元/间起订。  六、南昆山门票价格:30元/人 交通:惠州汽车站乘车到龙门县城汽车站,再转车至南昆山








