3. 2024白马王朗景区门票
深秋,可以看到红叶。有红叶节。五彩缤纷的森林绵延70多公里,美不胜收。冬天,会下雪。山顶的雪很厚。山下的古村落,还有很多事情可做。 ,喝砸酒、酿蜜、做毡帽等,绝对是独一无二的,这些游戏你一定有过。
从平武县城到王朗自然保护区门口,沿S205线(九环东线) ),沿着霍溪河上游,河两岸层层叠叠的森林都染上了颜色,道路两旁的红叶如火。这是一条长达80多公里的红叶、彩林长廊。有雪山、湖泊、古村落、白马风情。远离喧嚣,空气清新,连呼吸都是一种享受。
白马藏族是中国最古老、最神秘、最神秘的民族之一。来到这里,一定要体验一下白马民俗风情。 ,探索白马的神秘起源,感受白马人最真挚的热情。
有“富勒故里”、“西部硅谷”之称的绵阳重要的国防科研和电子工业生产基地。先后获得联合国最佳人居示范奖,拥有全国建设文明城市先进城市、全国卫生城市等多项荣誉,是中国唯一经国务院批准的科技型城市。 1、福乐山——福乐山位于绵阳市以东2公里处,规划面积2.1平方公里。福乐山,原名东山,因山体向东延伸,又称岐山。三国蜀汉时期,刘备以助刘璋抗中原为名入蜀。刘璋来到这座山上迎接他。刘备二人在山上饮酒宴乐时,刘备见山脚下肥沃良田一望无际,场面富饶繁华,不由感叹道:“有钱!今天的2、福乐堂——福乐堂建于福乐山公园内。福乐堂的主体建筑福城会馆是一座四合院建筑群,建筑面积为2230平方米,进门是一个面向正殿的仿古大戏台,是一间高大宽敞的五开间,殿内是一大群再现刘备和刘备盛况的泥塑。大殿两侧有两层大殿,与廊道相连,形成院落式建筑。皇宫。门票5元,半小时左右。3.道之二日游北川西羌猿王洞内的乌玉山——D1。早上,从绵阳出发,乘坐大巴途经“李白故里”江油市,前往北川羌族自治县猿王洞景区。关川西北部罕见的高山溶洞群。千百万年的大自然精心雕琢的溶洞,形成了千姿百态、匠心独运的溶洞奇观。走进猿王洞,就像走进了梦幻的世外桃源。可以观看空中表演、过情人桥等,自费参加歌舞表演。住宿:江油D2。早餐后前往景区斗团山。有“木人与修士,进出画屏”——以李白闻名的斗鱼山:享受大自然的清新,领略攀岩的魅力,滑翔的刺激,少数民族歌舞。可以参观千年古刹云岩寺,在斗团山顶观看高空表演,自费参加高空滑翔伞等娱乐活动。下午乘车返回绵阳,结束愉快的旅程。服务标准:空调大巴、斗鱼山景区首道门票、猿王洞景区首道门票(千山索道)、优秀的导游服务、旅游意外保险。费用不包括:个人消费,斗鱼山索道费每人单程20元。 4.古羌文化生态游-松坪沟2日游-行程:绵阳-56km-安县-31km-北川-76km-茂县-61km-叠溪-11km-松坪沟D1,早上7:30,绵阳集合出发下车,途经安县北川坝底。翻过大熊猫生命长廊的推岭岭,到达全国羌族聚集地茂县。午餐后驱车前往叠溪松坪沟,这里是中国地震遗迹最完整、最清晰、最典型的地区。晚上可自费品尝美味的烤羊肉,畅饮醇香的美酒。用羌语和羌笛声进入羌人的梦想。住宿:羌族式酒店D2,徒步早餐,沿上白拉海穿越原始丛林。深呼吸,让负氧粒子焕然一新。在古树、溪流和大海中洗肺。它就像一首诗、一个梦和一首歌。到达白石海后,可自费乘船游览高山海子,或自费骑马前往墨海、水磨场海。看看1933年8月25日7.5级地震形成的独特风貌。午餐后,您可以自费沿着糯江上游参加九寨沟的第一次漂流。感受感动、刺激和舒适,在山川峡谷中重回中原路,结束愉快的旅程,旅游责任保险,导游服务。服务不包括:漂流、骑马、乘船、烧烤等自费项目。费用参考:骑马(松坪沟)60-120元,船20-60元,漂流150元,烤羊肉1000元/个 备注:儿童只包车餐和保险。其他费用自理。 Tips:自备生活用品(晕车药、墨镜、护肤品、雨伞等);景区温度偏低,请带足衣物,避免受凉;请尊重当地少数民族的风俗习惯,听从导游的安排。 5、北川大禹故里——大禹故里风景区是绵阳市人民政府于1989年3月23日批准的市级风景名胜区,位于距绵阳市100米的北川羌族自治县榆里乡。公里,景区总面积30平方公里。是古代防洪英雄、夏朝开国元勋禹的出生地,自古被称为“众神之乡”。 1992年,国家主席杨尚昆为这里题写了“大禹故里”的横幅。这里山水秀美,人杰地灵,空气清新,气候宜人。民风淳朴,资源丰富。典型丰富的人文景观与优美独特的自然景观和谐地融为一体,终日别具风情,优雅高雅,是休闲度假的好去处。大禹故里风景区由“禹洞”、“历史文化名镇”和“石牛山”组成。清代石泉县令于秉虎曾用《石新止云》、《双江分离》、《索桥小都》、《西山松翠》、《葵角连云》、玉雪听泉、《悬崖滴水》水”、“断崖滴水”、“断崖滴水”、“断崖滴水”、“断崖滴水”、“断崖滴云”《血石流光》等八首诗”表达了对泰力故里文物古迹和奇景的钦佩之情。 6.猿王洞景区——西羌九皇山猿王洞景区位于四川省北川羌族自治县境内,九寨旅游东环线穿过景区。与58公里外的“李白故里”、“大禹故里”、“深山故宫报恩寺”、绵阳科技城、“都江堰第二-五银水库”形成“金三角”旅游区距中国科技城绵阳、江油市28公里,成都170公里,九寨沟230公里。是九寨沟旅游环线另一个理想的旅游目的地。特色景观:中国最大的喀斯特天然溶洞,洞内行程5.8KM,再现千年“猿王与仙女”爱情传说的情人桥;凤凰阁崖道长138米,宽0.88米,垂直高度118米。天梯是中国最大的天然狩猎场;占地110.43万平方米,最高的高山滑雪(雪)牧场,海拔2000米的祭坛,神秘而悠远;爬上日出梯,上号。出门看西羌云海;游千佛长廊,朝拜观音乐园,为您带来永恒的祝福。原始森林,丛林探险。箭竹海、古腾生态园、猕猴桃园、红叶林、一线天、龟石、月亮湾瀑布……主要特色游乐设施:羌族滑索,长380米,高138米垂直管滑道:1500米观光索道:九黄山索道:长1960米,高380米抓猎场索道:2180米“羌族风情”艺术晚会;羌锅庄、牛腩、烤全羊、烤全鸡、烤乳猪 食物:羌族主要特色食品——藏根粉、雪魔芋、玉米炒、巧麦粉丝、猪油(腊肉) 7. 一-李白故里一日游——钟灵玉修《李白故里》的诗人江油,是中国诗城国家AAAA级风景名胜区。 – 斗鱼山旅游区与奇峰比肩,风光旖旎。以“奇、幽、美”着称于世;青莲是李白故居所在地,陇西大院和太白碑林充满诗情画意;李白纪念园是为纪念唐代伟大诗人——李白所建,仿古园林格局,亭台楼阁,绿树掩映,长明河源源不断,李白的诗声断断续续。园内,馆内收藏了党和国家领导人的题字、手书,以及历代名家、书法家、名人诵读李白的名著,是人们瞻仰的地方李白,世界文化名人,感受诗仙情怀。早餐后,从绵阳乘车前往“诗仙”李白的故乡江油。在青莲镇参观李白诗艺园-太白碑林、李白故居-陇西大院,然后去江油市参观长明河公园李白纪念馆,午餐后乘车前往斗鱼山,“蜀中名山”,观赏灵灵四大奇观——白皮松、云岩寺、飞天藏、飞渡等,领略天下无双、天下第一峰的独特魅力。江漳平原美景如水墨,随后乘车返回绵阳,结束愉快的旅程。 8、王朗自然保护区——王朗自然保护区是森林和野生动物型自然保护区,主要保护大熊猫、四川金丝猴、角马等珍稀野生动物及其栖息地。保护区位于四川省绵阳市平武县境内,总面积322.97平方公里。王朗自然保护区大熊猫资源丰富,分布广泛。据四川大熊猫资源调查队1985年调查,该区大窝荡、诸根岔、长白沟、七坪沟、硕素一湾、普快一湾等沟系均有大熊猫。分布大熊猫约19只,大熊猫栖息地面积129.2平方公里,约占保护区面积的40.0%。 9、绵阳千佛山森林公园——千佛山,位于安县、北川、茂县三县交界处,面积约122平方公里,距安县县城仅50公里。地处岷山山脉南段,海拔3033米。她古老而神秘,形成于古侏罗纪。从第四纪冰川活动开始,山脉在冰川入侵下形成了古代生物群落的避难所,成为各种动植物的保存和繁衍之地。鸽子树、银杏、楠木、樟脑、红豆等珍贵植物在这里诞生。大熊猫、金丝猴、云豹、角马、猕猴等珍稀动物穿境而过。常见的珍贵中药材有天麻、杜仲、黄柏、厚朴、贝母等。 ,传说中的神树“杜鹃花王”和“鼎木大仙”源远流长。千佛山文化底蕴深厚。千佛寺始建于唐代。 “圣明贤应唐宋而建,佛威清石室历经千年”,记载了千佛寺的悠久历史。善男善女烧香诵经,礼敬千佛。千佛顶上放满了香烟。仙女峰、马桑树、眉山、黑龙潭的传说比比皆是,山歌民歌口耳相传,开山节等独特的民俗活动代代相传。 .走进千佛山,你会觉得自己翻开了一本厚厚的文化民俗传记。千佛山,风景秀丽,野性迷人。春天,满山青翠,初夏杜鹃红,深秋枫叶如火,冬天冰雪如玉。四时风光不同,七步草木难同。一眼望去,境内群山重叠,沟壑纵横,苍茫苍翠,绿树成荫。新枝古藤相依,青山碧水相伴。相石沟内可见奇石,白龙潭水洗轻纱。千佛树古朴而奇特。当你走进前山,你会觉得你进入了一个天然的森林公园。藤蔓相依,花海如潮。金惠玉,听山水流水,空谷声。你会感到千佛山的水净化了你的心肺,不禁感到神清气爽。千佛山是刚柔并济。山峰有的凸出,有的圆润修长,有的高大俊朗,有的温婉妩媚。千佛石花纹独特,造型各异。在龙纹石和龟纹石中随处可见鱼形石和兽形石。万千佛云,汹涌澎湃,千变万化。登上千佛之巅,看红日升起,云卷云舒,彩云漫天,山光万丈。岷山的雪山时而出现又消失,仿佛出现在中间。远山近景也真实而梦幻。走出其中,环顾四周,峰峦叠嶂,气势磅礴。东望西蜀,平畴良田,广袤无垠。置身其中,犹如漂浮在万亩波涛之上,流连于仙山亭台之间。
新疆维吾尔自治区地区 北部为阿尔泰山脉以南,天山山脉以北,准噶尔山脉西部以西,北塔山麓以东。南北宽450公里,东西长700公里,面积约30万平方公里,占沙漠面积的30%。
1 塔里木盆地
塔里木盆地属暖温带气候,年太阳总辐射量为575-627 kJ/cm 2 。年日照时数北方约3000小时,南方不足3000小时,多风沙尘。年平均气温9-11℃,南方略高于北方。大陆自西向东加强。冬天,东方比西方冷。 1月份平均气温比和田低3.2℃,比喀什低2.4℃。冬季平均气温低于-20℃时,只有1~2天的结冰天数。七月的平均气温为 25-27°C。 10℃以上活动积温超过4000℃,南部高于北部;南部200天,北部190多天;积温年际变化大。无霜期200多天,北方200~210天,南方220天。
自然灾害主要是沙尘暴和干热风:①沙尘暴危害。 8级以上大风(风速大于17米/秒),仅若羌、喀什、库尔勒一年有20多天。但盆地边缘的植被覆盖率只有10%,沙漠中心基本没有植被,风速为每秒5米。盛行东北风和西北风,盆地边缘沙丘南移。 ② 干热的空气。重灾区为盆地东部,一年10~20天;盆地的其他地区出现的频率较低。
较大的河流是南部(和末地)的叶尔羌河、克孜勒河、盖兹河、和田河、克里雅河和切尔臣河等河流,北部有阿克苏、泰兰、渭干、库车、开都(下游称孔雀)等河流。在自然条件下,上述河流可汇入塔里木河;在大量调水灌溉的情况下,只有阿克苏、和田、叶尔江3条大河有水流入塔里木河。周边山区到流域的年径流量约370亿立方米,东经84°以东地区占45%,产生年径流量的18%。此外,塔里木河向东输送的水量为32亿立方米,占总量的26%。 %;西部地区占55%,产生年径流的82%,减去向东输送的部分,实际占74%。
塔里木盆地油气储量丰富,约占全国油气储量的1/6和1/4 , 分别。
准噶尔盆地位于阿尔泰山与天山之间,西侧为准噶尔山脉西部,东侧为北塔山麓。南北宽450公里,东西长700公里,面积30万多平方公里,占沙漠面积的30%。地势向西倾斜,北略高于南,北部乌伦古湖(布伦托海)海拔479.1米,中部玛纳斯湖湖面270米,艾比湖湖面西南189米。是盆地的最低点。 There are several gaps on the west side of the basin, such as the Irtysh Valley, the Emin River Valley and the Alashankou. The westerly airflow enters through the gap, bringing precipitation to the basin and surrounding mountains.
Junggar Basin is an ancient platform in geological structure. The landform in the basin, the plain can be divided into two areas. Starting from the southern foot of the Altai Mountains in the north and reaching the northern plain at the northern edge of the desert in the south, wind erosion is obvious and there are large areas of wind erosion depressions.
The southern plain starts from the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains in the south and ends at the northern edge of the desert in the north. It can be divided into two zones, the northern zone is desert, and the southern zone is Tianshan The piedmont plain of the northern foothills is the main agricultural area. The Gurbantunggut Desert is the second largest desert in China, with fixed and semi-fixed dunes predominating, and mobile dunes accounting for only 3%. The annual precipitation in the desert area is about 100 mm, and there is stable snow in winter. The vegetation coverage is about 40% to 50% on the fixed dunes, and about 20% on the semi-fixed dunes. Forage grass grows in the depressions between the hills and lacks water in summer. It was once used as winter pasture. Now wells are dug, and grazing can be done in summer.
The basin has a mid-temperate climate. The annual total solar radiation is about 565 kJ/cm2: the annual sunshine hours are about 3,000 hours in the north and 2,850 hours in the south. The average annual temperature in the north and west of the basin is 3-5℃, and in the south is 5-7.5℃. The eastern part of the basin is a cold wave channel, and in winter it is the coldest place at the same latitude in China. The average temperature in Fuyun in January is -28.7℃. The active accumulated temperature above 10 ℃ is 3 000-3500 ℃, which lasts for 150-170 days, and the frost-free period is as long as 150-170 days, except for 100-135 days in the northeast. The annual average temperature ranges from 12 to 14 degrees Celsius.
The main natural disasters in the basin are frost damage and strong wind. There is a large-scale freezing injury of winter wheat once in about 4 to 5 years, and a heavier freezing injury of fruit trees once every 10 years. Frost damage to livestock mainly occurs in winter pastures in the center of the basin. There are 33 to 77 days of strong winds of magnitude 8 or above in the northern part of the basin, 70 days in the west, and 165 days in Alashankou. Due to the large vegetation coverage in the basin, although there are more windy days, the dune movement is less than that in the Tarim Basin.
But in some areas, such as from Shaquanzi to Toto in the southeast of Lake Aibi, there are 27 crescent-shaped dunes. traffic, endangering farmland. There are also many sand dunes in the Irtysh Valley. The winter wind is strong, and stable snow cannot be formed, making it difficult for spring crops to survive.
The water vapor in the basin mainly comes from the westerly airflow. There is more precipitation in the west than in the east, more at the edge than in the center, and more on the windward side than on the leeward side. The basin has stable snow cover in winter, and the precipitation in winter and spring accounts for 30% to 45% of the annual total.
Except the Irtysh River, which is an outflow river, all other rivers in the basin are inland rivers, and their destination is the low-lying part of the basin. The river supply mainly comes from the mountains, and the snowmelt water from the plain in spring is also supplied. Calculated according to the flow of the river exiting the mountain pass, the total annual runoff is 21 billion cubic meters (excluding the Ili River and the rivers in the Tacheng Basin), of which the Irtysh River has a water volume of 10 billion cubic meters out of the country.
The Irtysh River is the second largest river in Xinjiang, and its tributaries originate from the southern slope of the Altai Mountains. The inland river of the basin has 4 drainage areas: ① Ulungu Lake. It is the tail end of the Ulungu River. ② Lake Abby. Huina Bortala, Kuitun and Jinghe rivers. ③ Manas Lake. The rivers such as Manas, Jingou, Bayin, and Taxi originate from more than 10 small rivers in the mountains in the west of Junggar, and the Manas River used to be the tail. ④ Independent water system on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains. All rivers including Hutubi to Mulei disappeared into the irrigation area. Due to the diversion of water from the irrigation area, the amount of water entering the lake decreased sharply.
The recharge source of groundwater in the basin mainly comes from the riverbed, channel and field seepage below the mountain pass. From the perspective of agricultural water supply and demand, there is basically no shortage of water. Yu.
The main soil in the northern part of the basin is brown calcium soil, and in some areas there are chestnut soil, cracked soil, swamp soil, meadow S and saline. The northern zone in the southern part of the basin is dominated by desert lime zem soil, the southern zone is dominated by brown zem soil, the alluvial fan edge has meadow swamp soil and meadow saline soil, and below the fan edge is the salinized desert lime zem soil. Due to limited water sources, it is still difficult to irrigate all the land.
Proved by exploration, the basin has shown promising prospects for oil development. In the wind-eroded depression at an altitude of 540 meters in the eastern part of the basin, more than a thousand silicified wood trees, which are rare in the world, have been found.
3 Sichuan Basin
Sichuan Basin is The famous red bed basin in China is the basin with the most typical shape, the southernmost latitude and the lowest elevation among the major basins in China. Located in the eastern part of Sichuan Province, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, it covers an area of more than 260,000 square kilometers, accounting for 46% of the area of Sichuan Province. The Sichuan Basin is bordered by the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Hengduan Mountains in the west, the Qinling Mountains in the north facing the Loess Plateau, the western Hunan and Hubei Mountains in the east, and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in the south.
Sichuan Basin belongs to the Sichuan Platform Au of the Yangtze quasi-Platform. The pattern of the basin is mainly controlled by the northeast-southwest and northwest structural lines, forming a typical diamond-shaped basin. km, the north and south sides are slightly shorter, ranging from 310 to 330 km. The line connecting the four vertices of the rhombus above is roughly equivalent to the contour line of 650-750 meters in the basin, and the bottom of the basin and the edge mountains are also demarcated by this.
The Sichuan Basin was still an inland lake basin 140 million years ago. Up to 66,000,000 years ago, the mountains on the edge of the basin rose rapidly, and the water system in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River began to communicate. The lake water in the basin poured eastward and established the present landform.
Sichuan Basin can be clearly divided into two parts: marginal mountains and the bottom of the basin, with an area of 100,000 and 160,000 square kilometers respectively.
The edge of the basin has many low and medium mountains, and the mountains are steep. The height difference is more than 500 to 1000 meters, and the surface is rugged, so there is a saying in history that “the road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to ascend to the blue sky”.
Most ridges are 2 000-3,000 meters above sea level, and can exceed 3,000-4,000 meters in the northwest and west, such as Longmen Mountain 4984 meters, Mount Emei is 3099 meters, and Xiaoxiangling is 4791 meters. The limestone of the Paleozoic and its predecessors is widely exposed on the surface, followed by slate, schist, crystalline limestone, quartzite, sand mudstone and conglomerate, and partially granite and basalt. In the limestone distribution area, karst landforms such as stone forests, karst caves, dark rivers, and troughs can be seen. Xingwen County on the southern edge of the basin is known as “Stone Forest Cave Township”.
Famous mountains such as the Twelve Peaks of Wushan and Jinfo Mountain are also mainly developed from limestone. Mount Emei, composed of limestone, basalt, granite, etc., and Mount Qingcheng, composed of sand, mudstone and conglomerate, are known as “Emei in the world” and “Qingcheng in the world”, and are famous tourist attractions in China.
The bottom of the basin is mostly 250-700 meters above sea level, and the terrain dips to the southeast. The rivers in the basin converge from the edge mountains to the main stream of the Yangtze River at the bottom of the basin. , forming a centripetal water system. The surface is covered by a large area of Mesozoic purple-red sandstone and mudstone, so it is called “red bed basin”, which is the most concentrated area of Mesozoic continental red bed in China. The Sichuan Basin is a hilly basin, the bottom is dominated by hills, followed by low mountains and plains.
Sichuan Basin is occluded and the temperature is higher than other areas at the same latitude. The average temperature of the coldest month is 5-8°C, which is 2-4°C higher than Shanghai and Wuhan at the same latitude and Guiyang at the southerly latitude. Extreme minimum temperature -6 ~ -2 ℃. Frost and snow are rare, and the annual frost-free period is 280 to 350 days. Summer in all parts of the basin starts at the end of May and lasts for more than 4 to 5 months. The temperature in the hottest month is as high as 26 to 29 °C, and in the Yangtze River Valley it is nearly 30 °C. The extreme high temperature in the southeastern part of the basin often exceeds 40 °C. Therefore, Chongqing is also one of the three “stoves” in the Yangtze River Basin.
Severe summer drought in the southeast of the basin was caused by the continuous clear and high temperature in midsummer. The average annual temperature is 16-18℃. The active accumulated temperature above 10 ℃ is 4 500-6000 ℃, and the duration is 8-9 months. It belongs to the middle subtropical zone. The Yangtze River Valley in the southeast exceeds 6000 ℃, which is equivalent to the south subtropical climate south of the Nanling Mountains in China. The temperature of the basin is higher in the east and lower in the west, higher in the south and lower in the north. The mountain temperature at the edge of the basin has the characteristics of vertical distribution. For example, when the altitude of Mount Emei and Jinfo Mountain is increased by 100 meters, the temperature decreases by 0.55°C and 0.61°C. The annual average temperature of Mount Emei is only 3°C, and the accumulated active temperature above 10°C is 586°C. The climate is equivalent to the cold temperate zone and the sub-cold zone.
The annual precipitation in the Sichuan Basin is 1 000 to 1300 mm, and the mountains along the edge of the basin are very abundant. With a precipitation of 1500-1800 mm, it is a prominent rainy area in China and is known as the “West China Rain Screen”.
但冬干、春旱、夏涝、秋绵雨,年内分配不均,70%~75%的雨量集中于6~10月。最大日降水量可达300~500毫米。 “巴山夜雨”自古闻名,夜雨占总雨量的60%~70%以上。盆地区雾大湿重,云低阴天多。峨眉山、金佛山是中国雾日最多地区,年相对湿度之高也为中国之冠。盆地年日照仅900~1 300小时,年太阳辐射量为370~420千焦耳/平方厘米,均为中国最低值,故有“蜀犬吠日”之说。
四川盆地的地带性植被是亚热带常绿阔叶林,其代表树种有栲树、峨眉栲、刺果米槠、青冈、曼青冈、包石栎、华木荷、大包木荷、四川大头茶、桢楠、润楠等,海拔一般在1 600~l800米以下。其次有马尾松、杉木、柏木组成的亚热带针叶林及竹林。边缘山地从下而上是常绿阔叶林、常绿阔叶与落叶阔叶混交林,寒温带山地针叶林,局部有亚高山灌丛草甸。
柴达木盆地是中国三大内陆盆地之一,属封闭性的巨大山间断陷盆地。位于青海省西北部。四周被昆仑山脉、祁连山脉与阿尔金山脉所环抱,面积约25万平方千米。 “柴达木”为蒙古语,意为“盐泽”。