




影视城共有秦王宫景区、清明河畔景区、江南水乡景区、大直七大景区寺庙景区、广州景区、香港街景区、明清宫苑、平岩洞景区,景区内容从西周一直延伸到当代,汇聚了历史的精华和中华民族的文明。现已建成秦宫、清明上河图、广州街、香港街、江南水乡、明清宫苑等13个影视拍摄基地。室内拍摄基地总面积8000多平方米,两个摄影棚面积1944平方米,高23米,1080平方米,高21米。两个演播室设计独特,外墙高达1米厚,演播室混响时间和隔音处理具有同步录音的效果,可用于两部剧集拍摄同时。棚旁有办公场地和3000多平方米的道具车间,配备专业技术人员,满足拍摄需要,提供道具制作、服装制作、场景搭建、灯光、音响、和烟花。目前是中国最大的。 ,最全面的室内拍摄基地。

横店影视城,已建成广州街/香港街、明清宫苑、秦王宫、明和清上河图、江南水乡、横店老街、平岩洞府、大智寺、明清民居博览城等,13个影视拍摄基地和两个跨越千年历史的超大型现代化影城和时间,汇集了南北特色。已成为亚洲最大的影视拍摄基地,被美国《好莱坞》杂志称为“中国好莱坞”。 2003年底,横店影视城成立,成为中国唯一的国家级影视产业实验区。


双龙景区:双龙风景区位于浙江省中部金华市以北15公里的金华北山西南麓。东接大佛寺,西接六东山,北接金华北山脊线,南接尖峰山。 79.73平方公里。是以地下悬河、喀斯特奇观、红松祖庭为特色,以观光度假、休闲休闲、海外朝圣为主要功能的山地型国家重点风景名胜区。

景区为低山丘陵地貌,海拔五六百米,主峰海拔1312米。地势自北向南倾斜,中部覆盖着25公里长的带状石灰岩层。 50多个溶洞、多条地下河和一个地下湖已被塑造成魔法般的形状。尤以双龙洞、冰壶洞、朝真洞三洞最为有名。新发现的仙浦洞落差73米,再创纪录。

景区内群峰如龙。自古被誉为“巍巍壮实,洞窟坚硬,风云相凝”。 “除了众多的池塘、溪流、水库如珍珠般点缀,湖光山色也十分迷人。




诸葛八卦村旅游区:诸葛八卦村 该村位于浙江省兰溪市。村里有诸葛亮后裔4000余人,是全国最大的诸葛亮后裔聚居地。由诸葛亮第27代传人诸葛大石根据九宫八卦设计布局。目前该村的布局,这在中国村中尚属首例。村里以明清古建筑为主,有保存完好的明清古民居、大殿200多座。几百年过去了,村子的格局没有改变。 “青砖、灰瓦、码头墙、肥梁、肥柱、小闺房”的建筑风格。


义乌国际商贸城购物旅游区:中国义乌国际商贸城(福田市场)秉承“科学规划,一流的设计”致力于开创前瞻的市场发展新空间,引领传统流通市场向现代国际市场飞跃,以现代化、信息化、国际化为特色,打造国际化经营的义乌城市 标志性建筑。中国义乌国际商贸城配套设施齐全,环境优美,服务功能强大。市场配备中央空调、货梯、升降机、内部高架桥、大型停车场等配套设施。专车可直达市场各楼层,并设有专业的涉外服务中心、买家业务区和信息管理系统。市场建成了大型全彩信息屏、单、双色信息显示屏、广播系统、数字信息网站。同时,融合多元化人性化设计元素,推出餐饮、电信服务、中庭休闲、交通、金融等服务,是集购物、旅游为一体的国际化商务平台。



仙华山有五峰,如五指而立。自东向西依次为:玉柱峰、仙坛峰、鱼池峰、玉孙峰。它们拔地而起,相互依偎成簇,四面都是悬崖峭壁,只有北坡上的一条小径盘旋而上,直达山顶。 “第一仙峰”四个大字镌刻在崖峰之上,笔触挺拔有力。仙花书洞庭湖洞窟有十余处,有的洞窟风光旖旎。 2024年3月29日,被列入第九批国家级风景名胜区。

起来。 “似旗,似莲花,似门铁马。明刘伯温有诗:“仙花最奇奇,观其如浮空云。因此,仙华山又被称为“第一仙峰”。分为四大景区:北方石峰奇石林立的“仙华峰林”景区;五香雪景区,东边是僧人修行千年宝丈的“宝丈谷”景区,西边是依山傍水的“仙湖碧水”景区。景区有24座奇峰、14座奇石洞窟120个景点。





磐安百丈潭风景名胜区:百丈潭风景区 漳潭风景区是浙江省首批“生态旅游区”和AAAA级景区。位于磐安县城南端陇西河上游,距磐安县城30公里,距诸永高速双峰立交10分钟车程。以奇石、碧水、幽洞、溪流着称。 “秀瀑生潭,峰生怪石,陇西十八渡,岩上四天”是其山水画卷的真实写照。

主要景点有百丈三叠瀑、龙皇寺、仙翁送宝、十八渡、百步峻、仙峰洞、炮石、滴水岩等,其中百丈三叠瀑为难得一见。中国冰臼瀑布。堪称“江南第一瀑”。它的位置险要,上下瀑布相连。 ,雾气弥漫,逆着太阳而立,却见天上的彩虹,仿佛置身于人间仙境。









东阳花园村: 东阳花园村位于浙江省东阳市南马镇。先后获得全国文明村、中国村干部培训基地、国家新农村建设A级学习考察点等多项荣誉。 “, “浙江第一村”。






西古路是十八漩的“迎宾大道”。这里古石长,古松雄伟,青松是古道的年轮。 ,古道是青松村。他们一起生活了数千年。抗日名将戚继光、金华府副使刘伟,也曾在此建村抗日,谱写不朽光华。景区内古道曲折,峰峦起伏,怪石嶙峋,飞瀑流泉,秀美,具有雄伟、奇、险、美、幽、古的景观特点。 、竹筏漂流、乌龟观月、天牛吐月、天马饮水等


金林林佛手文化园:金林佛手文化园位于金华市金东区赤松镇。是4A级景区。金林佛手文化园位于金华市金东区赤松镇,距金华东高速路口仅1公里。经过十余年的发展,园区已成为金华市农业龙头企业、浙江省农业科技企业、浙江省农业科技研发中心、农业十佳示范企业浙江省双创、浙江省农业机械化示范基地、国家林业特色。苗木基地。金林佛手文化园利用独特的佛手文化,融合金华地方传统文化和明清古建筑,将园区建设成为集现代农业生产、科研成果转化、农产品销售开发经营、服务农民、展览展示、科普教育。 、休闲度假、农业观光旅游等综合性多功能、多业态精品园区示范区和旅游景区。







据说是老子的坐骑青牛改造的。唐代道士叶法山常在此采药炼丹。自唐高宗起任职。 ,武则天对唐玄宗五朝皇帝的宠爱,在道教历史上是绝无仅有的。叶天士105岁的鹤龄死在牛头山后,村民们建了一座寺庙供奉。御书《四库全书》载:县东牛头山叶天师殿,供奉真人叶法山。因此,牛头山成为了一座充满魔力的道教名山,而天师古庙又增添了神秘的力量和气息。

武夷牛头山森林公园是难得一见的天然林,引人入胜的奇木,雄伟险峻的峡谷峭壁,秀美的溪流,瀑布池和一尘不染的生态环境形成了一幅充满趣味的美丽画卷,具有“大、奇、险、美、幽”的特点。森林公园规划划分为四个功能区:牛头山景区,可以攀登山脉,进行生态探索;石门峡景区,可畅游峡谷探险;九坡沟风景区和上甸服务管理区,可以观赏瀑布,吸氧保健。 .









景区将形成“一心八区”、158个景区的整体布局结构。其中,“一心”指观音湖旅游接待中心; “八区”分别是洞天瀑布平台观瀑区、仙崖坑山养生游乐区、铁甸潭水上运动游乐区、武圣太祖庙朝圣区、城骊山文化体验区、千丈岩仙境漫游区、仙人桥峡谷探险区、楼下休闲区和卫生区。同时,龙文化的内涵贯穿于落水龙、洞中飞龙、天龙、千丈飞龙、卧龙龙等五个景区的组合中。 ;它贯穿道教、佛教和儒家文化;它贯穿易经和风水文化,集八卦水景、风水门、太极湖、易经长廊等景点于一体。

五龙峡景区集瀑布观赏区、漂流区、登山区、朝圣区、水上娱乐区、水上游乐体验区、幽谷 是一个具有冒险区、挑战极限区等八大功能的综合性景区旅游度假区。她将揭开神秘面纱,热烈欢迎中外宾客的到来。


浦江县神里峡风景区:浦江县地壳在原古生代一直处于下沉状态,沉浸在茫茫大海之中。 Due to the Caledonian and Hercynian tectonic movements in the Paleozoic, the folds and uplifts emerged from the water and formed the land. In the Mesozoic Yan movement, the strong fissures, compression and volcanic activity caused large-scale fault dislocations in the county. Shenlixia is located at the northern end of the Jinhua Mountain branch of the Xianxialing Longmen Mountains. It belongs to the middle section of the South Branch Mountains in Pujiang County. It is dominated by hills and low mountains.

The Light of Jinhua

The Light of Jinhua : Jinhua Science and Technology Cultural Plaza, located in the “Multi-lake Area”, an important area of ​​the urban development axis of the core area of ​​Jinhua, will become a meeting room for Jinhua citizens, a cultural and entertainment destination, and a new landmark of the city in the future.

Jinhua Science and Technology Cultural Center is located in the core area of ​​Duohu Central Business District, the “heart” of Jinhua, the Sanjiangkou area, and is the key livelihood of Jinhua Municipal Government The project is also one of the five core centers focused on building in the business district. The project covers an area of ​​70 acres and is composed of four single buildings. Following the concept of “multiple museums in one, highly integrated”, it forms a large-scale comprehensive culture with urban exhibitions, youth activities, public activities for citizens, and science and technology museums as the main body.中央。

The design fully demonstrates the interpenetration and space sharing between architecture and city. The building complex is endowed with an “urban deck”, making it a base for connecting “multiple pavilions in one”. Through steps and ramps, the deck becomes a continuation of the plaza space, carrying various themed activities, like a huge city meeting. The living room welcomes guests from all over the world.

Pujiang Songxi Ancient Village

Pujiang Songxi Xigu Village: Songxi Village, Baima Town, Pujiang County, Jinhua, Songxi Village, which has been established for more than 800 years, has more than 900 households and a population of more than 3,000. It is a large village in Pujiang County. Songxi, once known as “Little Hangzhou”, has the long history and charm of the Jiangnan countryside, which is faintly exuded in this ancient village.

Songxi Village is surrounded by mountains and rivers. There are more than 40 ancient buildings in the village with more than 1560 Ming and Qing dynasties, which are not only large in number, but also The preservation is basically intact, antique, patchwork, and quite imposing. Songxi Village has Mingxi and Anxi passing through the village. The stream is gurgling all year round, and the dark creek appears and disappears from time to time. Many buildings span over the Songxi.

As an ancient village of “the hometown of calligraphy and painting”, the villagers here also have their own poetic and picturesque. He founded the well-known “Songxi Poetry Society” with a history of more than 200 years. In 1986, the “Songxi Society” was established, which is divided into poetry, calligraphy, painting, technology and other groups. There are also two large ancestral halls surnamed Shao and Xu in Songxi Village. There are two ancestral halls in one village, which is relatively rare in rural areas.

Pan’an Lingjiangyuan Forest Park

Pan’an Lingjiangyuan Forest Park: Lingjiangyuan Forest Park is a forest park scenic spot, located in Lingjiangyuan Village, Panfeng Township, Pan’an County, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province. , east to Libiyan Natural Village, south to the mouth of Lingjiangyuan Village, north to the north of Lingfeng Tianchi, west to Xitian Temple Site, with a core area of ​​about 5,000 mu.

The scenic area is surrounded by mountains, the forest coverage rate reaches over 90%, the air is fresh and pleasant, the scenery is beautiful, and the negative oxygen ion content in the air is constant. Above 20,000/cubic centimeters. The scenic area is rich in natural tourism resources, which has given birth to the unique landscape of “peculiar peaks, cliffs, secluded valleys, and many waterfalls” in nature.

Dashimen, Turtle Waterfall, Feilong Waterfall, Ancient Trees, Nine Lions Peak, Stone House, Hanging Glass Plank Road, High-altitude Glass Bridge , high-altitude glass corridor, volley glass viewing platform, ancient trees passing through the rock, and welcoming pine standing on the edge of the cliff.

Lanxi Fengya Lanjiang Scenic Area

Lanxi Fengya Lanjiang Scenic Spot: This scenic spot is the most core urban tourism brand in Lanxi City. The three rivers converge and pass through, and alluvial form a beautiful island with two mountains standing on the bank – this is the unique landscape of Lanxi’s “three rivers and six banks”.

Juli Range Rover, Li Weng Sending Love, Yangjiang Ningbi, Three Rivers Confluence, Nanmen Xunfang, Ancient Lane Lost, Zhongzhou Fanying, Hui The scenery of Wenyangyue and Ximen Huaigu form a beautiful picture of “Fengya Lanjiang”.

2. Ticket price of Jinhua Science and Technology Museum

Tickets: Free

(There are fixed open quotas, which need to be reserved in advance online, ?Search applet: Jinhua Cultural Light reservation, press the QR code to enter after completing the reservation)

The Science and Technology Museum has a total of four floors. You can explore by yourself

Each floor has a different theme, and there are many interesting small experiments, small games, etc. With VR immersive experience, you can experience the principles of science through participation.

3. Online reservation for Jinhua Science and Technology Museum tickets


Science and Technology Museum (referred to as Science and Technology Museum) is a non-profit popular science education institution with exhibition education as its main function. Mainly through permanent and short-term exhibitions, with participation, experience, interactive exhibits and auxiliary display methods, for the purpose of stimulating scientific interest and enlightening scientific concepts, popular science education is carried out to the public; other popular science education, science and technology communication and science education can also be held. Cultural exchange activities. On December 1, 2024, the “Specifications for English Translation and Writing in the Public Service Field” were officially implemented.

4. Where is Jinhua Science and Technology Museum

This is incomparable, it’s better to see a museum that is personally better.

Science and technology museums show the future, museums show the past, simple understanding, museums mainly focus on visiting and appreciating; In addition to learning, there are many experiments and activities that you can participate in.

From another point of view, the science and technology museums are mainly involved in the fields of science and technology; while the scope of the museum is broad, various industries, various Each area has its own museum.

5. How to buy cheap tickets for Jinhua Science and Technology Museum

The third layer is design and manufacture: the most fun is the smell wall and color-changing materials.

Smell Wall: First pick up the card to see what color it is, then put the card on a suitable substance, and take it after a while When you pick up the card and smell it, it is the smell of that substance.

Color-changing material: Press the start button, take the handle and blow hot air against the black pattern to see the change of wall color: black become colored.

6. How to buy tickets for Jinhua Science and Technology Museum

If it is near Jinhua Science and Technology Museum, in fact, the big business circle is relatively close, there is Wanda Plaza, if it is a little further away, Liguzi City is also relatively close, in Wanda Plaza There are still many restaurants to choose from, including fast food, catering, and all kinds of food. If you go to Guzicheng, there are more distinctive restaurants or a cake street.您可以根据自己的需要进行选择。

7. Do you want to make an appointment for Jinhua Science and Technology Museum?

You need to bring your ID card to the Science and Technology Museum.

1. The Science and Technology Museum implements the real-name system to make an appointment to visit (children also need to make an appointment). After the appointment is successful, you can enter the museum for free with your original ID card. Children without ID cards can enter the library with their guardians with the reservation record (one adult can bring up to two children).

2. The daily reservation quota for the Science and Technology Museum is 5,000. You can make an appointment through the official website and WeChat public account. Seniors can check in at the dedicated channel.

3. Appointments are open at 5:00 pm every day, and visitors can be reserved for the next 5 days.

8. How to buy tickets for Jinhua Science and Technology Museum

Jinhua Science and Technology Museum opening time: It will be open to the public from 9:00 am on January 1, 2024, and it will be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. The visiting time is from Wednesday to Sunday. 9:00—16:30.

Location: The intersection of Yanweizhou Road and Binhong Road, Jinhua City.

Member price: 60 yuan/piece

Non-members: 90 yuan/piece

(single ticket includes one big and one small)


