




刘夏徽(公元前720-前621),詹氏,明霍,字子覃,一字春秋时节,鲁国六下义(今山东省平阴市小直镇展瓦村),鲁小公之子公子站后裔。 “回”是他的谥号,后人称他为“流下回”。有时也称为“流夏季节”。他在鲁国当过医生,后躲藏起来,成了“义民”。刘霞惠被认为是中国传统道德的典范,他的“坐不乱”故事广受赞誉。 《孟子》中说“六夏惠为和圣者”,故称“和圣”。刘夏惠也是中国刘姓的始祖。故居山东省平阴市占瓦村。展瓦至今仍留存于明代隆庆年间的“和盛六下会故里”。当地人也称它为刘战雄。



张景仁 北齐书生,孤贫穷,潜心书法,后成曹李。齐皇后深爱他,称他为大夫。升迁频频,后来他们结交了权贵狂妄,过着奢侈的生活,最终因病去世。


张万工(-1207),字良福,东阿镇人。金正隆二年(1157年)为进士,任新政书、飞仙书。大定四年(1164年)迁常山岭,补上尚书省史,升西北路调司都云司。张宗年(1190)即位,被选为南京路狱使,因政绩移任御史中城。 1191年,他了解到泰兴府的事,并参观了府。 6月,改名合众府,迁济南。因妈妈的担心而辞职。重拜平章政事,紫山大夫,封寿国公。太和元年(1201年),他在一系列的章节中辞职,这是不允许的。陆荣医生动了。服务。 1206年,南弼动用兵力,由济南郡山东路刺史万公出任记者。宋人请和,复乞,卒于1207年,赐同三师,谥“文真”。


侯志(-1232),字殷老师,字新青,东阿镇人。金明昌三年(1192)进士,任山东路盐使司司祭。太和八年(1208年)七月,封长武知县。贞禹佑初初年(1213年),大军围攻京城时,请求征兵守城,升任佑部缺。 1214年正月,李相修和少府太守李相修到西山求慰。玄宗南下劝副使,劝农民起诉紫荆关等地,后迁六大臣。玄宗三年(1215年)与他签订枢密院,兼任太昌大臣。贞玉佑四年(1216年)正月入尚书佑城。当时,数以万计的红衣大军进入临沂、费县两县边境。诏诏在东平,掌管全本路军马都,以引诱他。兴定元年(1217年)四月,济南、泰安、滕州、兖州等州一起叛乱。氐州守使完颜亭率军对付他。前后斩首1000多人,招募投降壮士2万,老少5万。当年冬,晋升为德医、三秘书。他端庄威严,护卫士兵,无人敢得罪。在朝堂里,遇到问题敢说出来,喜欢推荐学者,比如张文举、雷渊、马九仇。在南方屠宰之后,最重要的是要抓住人。


李志绍(1253~1326),字伯宗,郭斋号,平阴县人。英武自幼聪慧,师从东平儒家李谦。家境贫寒,教授在村,书生云集。元至元三十一年(1294年),经马绍、李谦推荐,召儒会修《师祖志》,任翰林国史馆主编、编纂。可以说名不虚传!”元大德六年(1302年),升为翰林文,元大德七年,被选为太常博士。元年四年(1311年)升为承之郎,待翰林院,皇庆元年(1312年)调国资,三年延佑(1316),升为政医,国子,延佑四年十二月,升为朝廷为医,兼通启礼院官。太昌。延佑六年,改翰林直学士,至至二年(1322年),升为太学讲师,兼学国史。至至三年年老归家。太定三年(1326年)十二月病逝,享年73岁。 《国斋集》。






赵云祥,号寿峰。明隆庆武辰年(1568年),授文安县令,号明民。 Entered as the head of the Ministry of Households, changed the Ministry of Armed Forces, and was elected as the Secretary of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.雷雷是一个坚定而豁达的人,他有一个计划。吩咐四处看看。官员将被制服。兵备榆林,常体验安定,内外安宁,边境安宁,功德尤重。



于慎言(1536-1564),不择言,无记号。明朝中臣刘禹之孙,禹晋三子,总参谋博士,礼部右仆,翰林院士,禹慎行三弟。 .从小,他就新奇古怪。十四岁,考入省试。御史虽盛赞其文,但他参与了万玉璋的行政工作。看他年纪小,不让进去。十七岁考入嘉靖人子科举。青春早逝,有“重白斋”存在。

喻慎行(1545-1607)明代文学家、诗人,词义深远无懈可击。平阴县东阿镇人。明隆庆二年(1568年),为进士,改为书济士,授勋编。万历元年(1573年)(穆宗记)完成学业,任日课讲师。后升为礼部左右仆役,改为人事部,掌管詹师府,升任礼部。万历三十三年,詹师未上任。后来,七位内阁部长被介绍。万历三十五年(1607年),返家时病重无力,遂立遗嘱,请皇上“封臣、陆依依、辅臣”。几天后病逝,享年62岁,谥太保为太子。于慎行的学问有其渊源,贯穿百家。在神宗史词馆,沉行、临朐冯契的文学作品是当下的王冠。着有《孤山笔商》(18卷)、《孤城山亭文集》(42卷)、《孤城山亭诗》(20卷)、《读史》(10卷)。 《兖州府志》编。


乔学士(1557—1630),字延庆,号灏矽。东阿镇人。明万历丁丑二年(1577)进士。永平经理,执法不回避权贵,平反平反,安抚民心,治理业绩京畿最好。后来,装修部搬迁,整修了九座城门。晋升一级薪,任泸州。守鲁一年,备饥荒,鲁人有德。在他三年任期结束时,他被提升为副Chan Dong Nang。百日间,他到了诸侯的右边,辛丑握住了金藏的手掌。很快就从病中回来了。家臣,治理不如河东。不久,他在广东晋升为右大臣,再到左派。上任后,他拒绝接受高才担任广东税务主管。很快,中暑湿了。回北方找借口。历届治理成就是冰冰,其中最大的一场,犹如一场重大的内部灾难。晋国大旱,百姓四处逃亡。学诗,为百姓解脱。秦盗贼横扫江东,毅然请兵灭之。归来后,开荒为西园,种花种竹,不问外事。逝世,享年73岁。葬于山西先祖。


赵观太的字是紫苑,编号是墨庄。明崇祯丙子二年(1636)京考雅园。 In the early Qing Dynasty, in the year of Yiwei (1655), he was elected as the manager of Zhangde House.正是云贵进取之时,日夜监粮,政短刑轻。迁至临洮同治,捐资修桥,连接甘宁、庄浪等镇,行人称其方便。又辅佐公昌同治,监督嘉琪廉洁。做官时,他发布诗酒,家中收藏有诗文集。着有传世的《化县志》、《漳德与家志》、《李业渊元书》、《平阴县志》。卒于88岁。

孙广思(1614-1698),字素玉,小号左阁。平阴镇孙官庄。 In the Yiwei year (1655) of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, he was selected as a sage, and was changed to the etiquette department. In the three divisions of calendar, household and ritual, he served for more than 20 years before and after serving for more than 20 years, punishing corruption and cheating. Dare to speak. When Sun Guangsi was serving as the official young Sima, Wu Sangui in Yunnan rebelled against the Qing Dynasty. At that time, Wu Yingxiong, the son of Wu Sangui, was still in the capital, and Sun Guangsi sent a letter to the emperor, requesting that Wu Yingxiong be executed. After being ordered to kill Wu Yingxiong, police officer Wu Sangui died of pain, and the foreign aggression was pacified. When Sun Guangsi presided over the imperial examinations in Hunan, most of the candidates were local talents. Among the 106 people who took the middle test, after several examinations, 64 people were admitted to the jinshi. When he was the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple, Sun Guangsi was the only one who was a transliteration student in the higher-level examinations. He also donated salaries and silver to repair the hall office, which was very supported by the hall students. In the first year of Yiwei, Sun Guangsi returned to his hometown and was catching up with the famine. Every household was given Sheng Yu for more than 4 months, saving more than 1,000 hungry people. Later, in times of famine, he donated grain twice to help the poor. During the more than 30 years Sun Guangsi was in the countryside, he distributed more than 30 shi of food to poor relatives and clansmen every year to keep them alive. Sunguanzhuang in the south of Pingyin City is located in the mountainous area, and the local people have difficulty in drafting. Sun Guangsi invested in drilling a well, which was more than 10 zhang deep to produce water. There is a ravine in the village, and the traffic is inconvenient. He also invested in the construction of a stone bridge connecting the north and the south to facilitate the communication of the people. So far, the wells and stone bridges built by Sun Guangsi are still in use. Author of “Zhan Yuxuan Ji” 8 volumes, income “Siku Quanshu”.

Zhu Dingyan (1603~1669) character Yuanfu. In the early Qing Dynasty, Yanzhou Pingyin people. Descendant of Zhu Liangzu, Marquis of Yongjia in Ming Dynasty. In the sixteenth year of Chongzhen in Ming Dynasty (1643), he was admitted to the jinshi examination. In the early years of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, he was recommended by the governor Fang Dayou as the head of the Ministry of Rites. Later, he served as Taipu Temple Shaoqing, Zuotongzheng, Taichang Temple Minister, Tongzhengshi, and left and right servants of the Ministry of Industry. Begging for his mother’s illness, he supported him for more than ten years, devoted himself to the study of Cheng Zhu’s philosophy, and did not manage family property. Many times – the imperial court, he talked about the major policies of governing the country, and advocated the coexistence of law and propriety in governing the country, the coexistence of five punishments and eight deliberation, and the use of both civil and military. He is the author of “Synopsis”, “The Collection of Knowing the Early Years”, “The Collection of Qu Wei’an”, etc.

Sun Guangsi (1614~1698) The character was Suyu, and the name was Zuo Ting. A native of Sunguanzhuang Village, Pingyin County. Shunzhi Yi was not a scholar, so he chose Shuji, and was changed to the etiquette department. In the three divisions of officials, households, and rituals, he served as Shaoqing of Taichang Temple, Siyou Tongzheng, Taichang Shiqing, Tongzheng Shi, and You Shilang of the Ministry of War. In the 18th year of Kangxi, he returned to his hometown and encountered a severe famine. He donated 500 shi of grain to relieve over 1,000 hungry people in Licheng, Changqing, Pingyin and Feicheng. Later, he donated grain to the poor twice. He invested in drilling wells and building bridges in Sunguan Village in the south of the city, which was highly praised by the people in his hometown.

Xiong Weizheng with the word Ruixi. First learn literature, then martial arts. Qing Kangxi Guiyou Year (1693) Wu Ju, Ding Chou Year (1695) Scholars, awarded Yangzhou Yingcheng garrison, because of the government and county affairs Shen, assist the people. During his tenure, he eliminated private donations, reduced errands, reduced penalties, reduced complexity and simplified, and distributed stipends to help the poor. In the 15th year of the calendar, the people thanked the construction of 5 birthday monuments and built temples for worship.

Qin Weihan (1794–1865), courtesy name Jingjun, was a native of Dong’e Town, and was born in the Yimao year of Xianfeng in Qing Dynasty (1855). Fu Xing is just introduced, and the quality is quintessential. He is especially good at calligraphy, and his brush is based on Ou Liu. Small case is the head of the seven departments of Tai’an. The four characters of “Qilu General System” on the stone square in front of the hospital in Shandong Province, and the two characters of “Longchi” inlaid in front of the stone fence of Hongfanchi are their ink marks. He died in Dong’e Town in the fourth year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1865). died at the age of 71.

Kong Xianhai (1854-1926), No. Jingqing, was born in Xiguan, Pingyin. He studied less poetry and books, and after completing his studies, he taught in Tai’an and other places for more than 30 years. Later, because of his old age, he had to travel all the way and lived a hard life, so he returned to his hometown to teach. He saw that the village was closed to feudalism, and women were even more bound by feudal ethics, so in the third year of the Republic of China (1914), he established a private girls’ primary school in the county seat. He broke through the legacy of women staying home and the belief that women’s lack of talent is virtue. He promoted ideas such as equality between men and women, and education and democracy. Under his propaganda and persuasion, more than a dozen women entered the school successively. In addition to teaching, he promoted the idea of ​​women seeking liberation and equality between men and women, persuading students to put their feet up, cutting their hair, and leading students to take to the streets to publicize the change of customs. In 1918, the girls’ primary school was changed to a county-run school, with Kong Xianhai serving as the principal of the county girls’ primary school and still insisting on teaching in person. Paying equal attention to academic ethics in teaching, cultivated a group of female cadres for Pingyin. Died in the spring of 1926.

Zhai Huapeng (1857—1926), courtesy name Mingnan, was a native of Pingyin city. Born in the year of Dingsi (1857) in Xianfeng, Qing Dynasty, he was admitted to Juren at the age of 29 and passed the examination of Jinshi at the age of 36. He was conferred a squire of the Imperial Academy, and later served in the Ministry of Justice. At the age of 40 (22nd year of Guangxu), he was named Prime Minister Zhang Jing, transferred to Zhang Jing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and head of the Accounting Department, and was promoted to a foreigner. At the age of 50, the Qing emperor abdicated and scattered in Beijing. There are “Liuquan Singing Harmony Collection”, “Qiaoyu”, “Luqiao Poems” and other works. During the Guangxu period, the “Pingyin County Chronicle” was compiled.

Chang Yujun (1859—1920), courtesy name Shubo, numbered Hezhouling. Zhili state judge, well-known calligrapher and painter. He is from Sunguan Village, Pingyin Town. Since childhood, he was eager to learn, especially fond of calligraphy and painting. At the age of 27 (Yiyou year of Guangxu), he was admitted to the tribute, Ren Yinzheng was added to the deputy list, and the five-rank title was supplemented by Zhili Prefecture. Later, he was sent to Yanzhou as an official. During his tenure, he still studied painting and calligraphy diligently. He has a arrogant temperament, is free and easy in the world, and has an ancient style. Han and Wei calligraphy, painting Zong Ni (Ni Zan) Huang (Huang Tingjian), there are 2000 kinds of stickers. Political corruption at the end of the Qing Dynasty, he was dissatisfied with the political system of the government at that time, resigned and returned to the country, living in seclusion and idleness. After returning to his hometown, he continued to work hard and studied calligraphy and painting, so his brushwork became more profound. Once, he asked someone to push a car to visit friends in Tai’an, but the travel expenses were not enough. Seeing that the painting has both form and spirit, it is lifelike, and they are full of praise. He was a guest at a friend’s house in Dongping. During the Spring Festival, the friend asked him to write Spring Festival couplets. After he agreed, he only focused on drinking and talking, but did not start writing for a long time. It was not until evening that he had the paper pasted on the door and the pen was swiped. The next day, the villagers saw that his strokes were vigorous and deep, comfortable and smooth, and greatly praised him. In his later years, he was especially fond of cursive calligraphy, and was good at painting landscapes. The county museum has his huge Zhongtang “Winter Chrysanthemum” and couplets. He was diligent in calligraphy and painting all his life, and he was highly accomplished.

Wang Chengxun’s word is Shaoyi, also known as Shaoyi. A native of Dongmen Village, Dong’e Town. He was admitted to the Qing Xuantong Jiyou year (1909) by the excellent students. In the Gengxu year (1910), he was second-class in the examination. Alternate Henan magistrate. The Republic of China was elected as a member of the Shandong Provincial Assembly. His articles are rich and knowledgeable, and he was the crown of the party at that time. Endowed with uprightness, dare to speak out in case of trouble, justice and solemnity, and awe-inspiring. The book imitates Liu Gongquan, the painting imitates the mustard seed circle, and the calligraphy and painting are excellent. Those who are fortunate enough to have his book with only words, all cherish it and hide it, and keep it secret. Unfortunately, he died before 60.

Zhu Mingshao (1863-1949), with the word Qianzhai, was a native of the south gate of Pingyin County. In 1898 (the twenty-fourth year of Guangxu’s reign), he was a jinshi and was elected as a Shuji Shi of the Hanlin Academy. After the Revolution of 1911, he served successively as the governor of Xiangcheng County, Chenliu County, Henan Province, Jining County, Shandong Province, secretary of the Shandong Governor’s Office, and a senior advisor to the Henan Governor’s Office. When he was appointed governor of Xiangcheng County, Henan Province in 1912, Yuan Shikai’s uncle Yuan Liu privately cultivated 40 acres of opium seedlings. Zhu Diaoji and the husband forcibly removed the seedlings and transported them back to the county government for storage. At the same time, Yuan Liu was arrested and brought to justice. After resignation, he returned to his hometown to live idle, and often gave lectures to elementary schools in the county. In 1935, the “Pingyin County Chronicle” was edited, and the finished manuscript was not printed. After the liberation of Jinan, he lived in Jinan. Died in 1949 at the age of 86.

He Zonglian (1871-1939), courtesy name Chunjiang, was a native of Nanmen Village, Pingyin Town, Pingyin County. After graduating from Beiyang Military Academy, he joined the Dingwu Army as a military academy. When the Sino-Japanese War broke out, he was ordered to garrison Haicheng and led hundreds of soldiers to fight with the Japanese army in Motianling, winning many times. He has successively served as the general office of Baoding General School, the commander of the 12th Army Association, the commander of the Second Association, the first town commander, and the commander-in-chief of Hezhou Town in Gansu. In 1912, he was promoted to Chahar Dutong, and soon he was promoted to General of the Army and General of Bi Wei. When Yuan Shikai stole the ROC regime and organized the Preparatory Security Council, He Zonglian withdrew from officialdom and returned to Jinan. In 1915, Huaxing Paper Mill and Fengnian Flour Mill were established in Jinan. In 1921, a severe drought occurred in Shandong, covering more than 50 counties. He invited Zhang Zhenqing, Lv Jingyu, Mao Zhiyun and others to prepare for the establishment of the Shandong Province Disaster Relief Association, the Jinan Branch of the Red Cross Society, and the Victims Relief Association. He was elected as the president of the Provincial Disaster Relief Association. It has raised millions of yuan in relief funds, helping hundreds of thousands of people. Died in 1939 at the age of 68.

He Fengyu (1873—1923), character Yuanzhang, was a native of the south gate of Pingyin County. In the 29th year of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1903), he graduated from the Japanese Non-commissioned Officer School. He used to be the commander and commander of the Second Battalion of the Left Wing of the New Army, stationed in Longchuan, Min County. At that time, the Wu Jian army asked for a mutiny. The subordinates under He Fengyu’s command remained motionless, and the mutiny quelled. The Xinhai Revolution broke out, and He Fengyu responded. After the establishment of the Republic of China, he was promoted to the head of the twenty-fifth regiment and the head of the civil affairs of Haizhou. In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), the National Army’s expedition to Mongolia failed, and He Fengyu relied on a partial division to help in the battle, and recovered the two important places of Kuisu and Zhaoduosu. In the sixth year of the Republic of China (1917), Shandong Province reorganized the civilian army. Because the generals were arrogant and unable to start, they sent He Fengyu to appease them, and the reorganization was successfully completed. Soon, He Fengyu was promoted to the new army training commander. In 1920, he served as the garrison of Yanzhou, and he was also the brigade commander of the sixth brigade of the army. In August, he accepted the defense of Yanzhou and began to attack the bandits in Teng and Yi. It took two years to annihilate several bandits successively. In the autumn of 1922, after Sun Meizhu, the backbone of the bandit leader, was killed, the bandits’ arrogance gradually declined. After the war between Zhifeng and Fengyu was tense, He Fengyu, who belonged to the Zhili, was transferred to the front line of bandit suppression and stationed along the railway. Bandit suppression by Pan Zihe brigade. At the beginning of 1923, Pan Lv was not able to suppress the bandits, so he transferred He Fengyu to suppress the bandits. The bandit leader, Sun Meiyao, hated He Lv deeply, and took more than a thousand people to raid the 12th train on May 5 in the area between Lincheng and Shagou, which was defended by He Lv. More than 200 passengers were robbed, including more than 20 from the United States, Britain, France, Italy and other countries, and a British was killed. The carjacking incident attracted international attention. On June 26, He Fengyu was removed from the post of guarding envoy in Yanzhou. Soon, he served as the guard of Caozhou. In 1923, the Southeast Uprising fought against Cao Kun for bribery. He Fengyu went south to Shanghai to help his brother He Fenglin, who was the military envoy of Songhu at the time, with military affairs, and soon died of illness at the age of 50. After his death, Duan Qirui’s government posthumously recognized him as an army general.

2. Hongfan Academy Spring

New Year’s celebration of Yuqing; Jiajie No. Changchun. ——This is a peach couplet of Meng Chang, the king of the Shu Kingdom of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and it is also the first couplet of Spring Festival recorded in our country. Literally, “Na” means “enjoyment”; “Yuqing”, old refers to “” The legacy of the previous generation”, “Book of Changes? Kun? Classical Language”: “The family of good deeds must have Yuqing.” The general idea of ​​the first couplet is: the New Year enjoys the legacy of the ancestors. . Quanlian contains the meaning of welcoming the new year and praying for happiness. The head and tail of the couplet are also embedded with the word “New Year”, and the word “Jiajie” is embedded in the middle, which is very clever when combined together “New Year Jiajie”. One yuan resumes; Vientiane is renewed. ——This is a traditional Spring Festival couplet, which is deeply loved by the world, so it is widely used and has a great influence. The joint meaning is: a new year has begun again, and everything in the world will be reborn and developed. “One yuan to start again” means that the new year is about to start again. “Vientiane” refers to all things or sights in the universe. “Update”, remove the old and make the new one. The couplet is closely related to the mentality of the world to say goodbye to the old and welcome the n ew during the Spring Festival. Therefore, in addition to making Spring Festival couplets alone, people often use them as the basic phrases of Spring Festival couplets to form longer New Year couplets, such as “One yuan renews spring is good; Vientiane is renewed and more festive.” “Auspiciousness fills the door, and one yuan returns to the beginning; The spring breeze is blowing, and Vientiane is renewed.”等等。 People ascend to the field of longevity; the world ascends to Chuntai. ——This is also a traditional Spring Festival couplet. Spring is the first of the year.中国民俗,不论出生在哪个月份,大多以“过一年,长一岁”推算,而健康长寿又几乎是所有人的愿望。此联就是表达的这个祝福。 “寿域”,指人人得尽天年的太平盛。 “春台”,春日登眺览胜之处。常作太平盛世的象征。联语既切春节,又含祝福,言简而意深。  爆竹一声除旧;桃符万户更新。  ——这是一副传统春联。此联出典于王安石《元日》诗:“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户幢幢日,总把新桃换旧符。”爆竹、桃符都是古代人们在春节时用来驱除邪鬼的道具。现在春节燃放鞭炮,过去没有发明火药之时没有鞭炮,就用火烧竹子,使其毕剥发声,来驱除山鬼瘟神,称之为“爆竹”。 “桃符”也是古时民俗,用桃木板画神像挂在门旁,以驱鬼避邪,每年春节都要更换。大约从唐、五代开始在红纸上写表示吉祥、祝福的文字(即春联),但春联称“桃符”一直延续到清代。写春联以迎新春佳节,已是几乎所有华人的习俗,长盛不衰,只是随着时代的变迁,内容常有更新罢了。该联选取春节期间传统民俗中最富有代表性的两种典型物品——爆竹和桃符,遣词组句,有声(爆竹之响),有色(桃符之红),形象鲜明,描绘生动,十分准确地表达了“除旧迎新”的主旨。联句语言精练,声、色俱备,对仗工整,历来受到人们的喜爱,广泛流传而不衰。  一元二气三阳泰;四序五福六合春。  ——这是一副使用了数字入联和词语典故的传统春联。上联“一元”,指事物的开始,这里指一年之始。 “二气”,指阴气和阳气。 “三阳泰”,即三阳开泰。 《易》中,农历十月为坤卦,纯阴之象;十一月冬至为复卦,一阳生于下;十二月为临卦,二阳生于下;正月为泰卦,三阳生于下。冬去春来,阴消阳长,有吉亨之象。所以旧时以“三阳开泰”或“三阳交泰”为岁首称颂之语。下联“四序”,指春、夏、秋、冬四季。 “五福”,五种幸福。 《尚书·洪范》:“五福,一曰寿,二曰富,三曰康宁,四曰攸好德,五曰考终命。”桓潭《新论》:“五福:寿、富、贵、安乐、子孙多。”“六合”,指上下前后左右四方,凡指天地之间、整个天下。联语巧用数字,用典恰切,既合节日,又表达了对天下所有人的良好祝福。  梅呈五福;竹报三多。  ——五福,即寿、富、康宁、好德、老终命。见《尚书·洪范》。三多,即多福、多寿、多男子。见《庄子·天地》。联写冬物,意在以之迎春祈福。既能援引典故,使其意绪丰富,又用词简练,对仗工稳,此春联遂广为应用。  两袖清风,造福大众;一身正气,振兴中华。  ——元代诗人魏初《送杨季海诗》有句“交亲零落鬓如丝,两袖清风一束诗”,以“两袖清风”喻杨季海为官廉正,囊空如洗。后世沿袭,成惯用语。此种春联,并非随处可用,一如衣饰,须量体而服。此联只宜于政府机关。  迈步迎春,春风扑面;   抬头见喜,喜气盈门。  ——词人李清照十分赞赏欧阳修《蝶恋花》一词“庭院深深深几许”之句,盖以为三“深”字连用,其用不同,殊为奇妙。此联“春”“喜”二字亦各连用,前后词性不同,颇与其相类。兼之一“迎”一“见”,前者有意,后者无意;前者“有我”,后者“无我”,对举工整且意绪丰美,此针顶联实为佳对。  惠风远拂,神州溢彩;丽日高悬,大地生辉。  ——《太平御览》引《梁元帝纂要》曰:“春亦曰发生、芳春、青春、阳春、三春、九春;风曰阳风、暄风、柔风、惠风;景曰媚景、和景、韶景;时曰良时、嘉时;辰曰良辰、嘉辰、芳辰;节曰芳节、嘉节、韶节、淑节;草曰弱草、芳草;木曰华木、华树、芳林、芳树;林曰茂林;鸟曰阳鸟、时鸟、阳禽、候鸟、时禽、好禽。”人们对春日怀有好感,嘉辞美语贯于其前,遂有上列种种称呼。简而言之,阳风也罢,惠风也罢,其实都是指春风而已。此联亦是赞美春日之意。  松竹梅岁寒三友;桃李杏春风一家。  ——这是幅广为流传的春联。上联举冬季代表性的三种植物,下联则列春日繁盛的三种果树,以表辞旧迎新之意。 “松”、“梅”、“桃”、“李”与“杏”五者皆为形声字,皆从“木”,“竹”字乃象形字,大体言之,颇类似。至于“岁寒”与“春风”之对,“三友”与“一家”之对,也十分工整,无怪乎广为流行。  天增岁月人增寿;春满乾坤福满门。  ——多数春联并不止于刻画景观之变换,往往承载有祈福的功能,此联就属于此类。论起流传之广泛,此联恐怕丝毫不减于“一元复始”与“万象更新”之对。  细雨无声,滋润满园锦绣;   春风有意,妆成一树玲珑。  ——上联化杜甫《春夜喜雨》“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”句,下联化贺知章《咏柳》“不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀”句。虽意绪有些简单,专写春日绿色,好在能化古人佳句,对仗也还算工稳,不妨赏之。  泽沾雨润,杨柳依依亲万户;   民富物丰,财源滚滚涌三江。  ——《诗经·小雅·采薇》有曰:“昔我往矣,杨柳依依;既我来思,雨雪霏霏”。依依,写不舍之状。 “财源滚滚涌三江”或“财源滚滚达四海”之类,为意欲发财致富者常用。一雅一俗,不妨略加留意,赏其得失。  桃李迎春,无边景色来天地;   江山入画,万缕诗情上笔端。  ——上联化杜甫七律《登楼》“锦江春色来天地”句,“来”字自然神奇。下联以“上笔端”对,虽然显得勉强,气势也大为衰减,然而添了不少柔媚之气,正所谓一张一弛,颇为奇妙。兼之下联用“江山”,上联用“桃李”,前者气势壮于后者,故而此联显得错落有致,意蕴相融,且对举也工稳,亦属佳对。  革故鼎新,十亿神州歌盛世;   倡廉反腐,千秋禹甸庆兴邦。  ——“革”“鼎”本为《周易》二卦,革为变革之意,鼎为鼎立之意。 “禹甸”本出自《尚书·禹贡》,甸服是五服之一,此处代指中华大地。两者同为六经典故,相对十分妥帖。以“倡廉”对“革故”,以“反腐”对“鼎新”,相反相成,虽仅八字,天道流行隐然居乎其间,此其可赏之处。  报晓鸡声,拂晓钟声,声声悦耳;赏心国事,舒心家事,事事关情。  ——此联仿照顾宪成东林书院名联“风声,雨声,读书声,声声在耳;家事,国事,天下事,事事关心”而成。相较而言,顾联适用的对象是读书人,此联则普遍可用;顾联满心境沉郁,此联则心绪欢快。明季之风雨如晦,今日之国泰民安,于此可见。






























新近评出的“七十二名泉”既包括趵突泉、珍珠泉、黑虎泉等历史上已有的名泉,又有琵琶泉、玛瑙泉、九女泉等新增的名泉。 “十大泉群”分别是趵突泉泉群、珍珠泉泉群、黑虎泉泉群、五龙潭泉群、白泉泉群、涌泉泉群、玉河泉泉群、百脉泉泉群、袈裟泉泉群和洪范池泉群。 “七十二名泉”好似珍珠般洒落在这“十大泉群”之中。趵突泉群中的名泉 趵突泉 金线泉 柳絮泉 皇华泉 卧牛泉 漱玉泉 马跑泉 无忧泉 石湾泉 湛露泉 满井泉 登州泉 杜康泉 望水泉 珍珠泉群中的名泉 珍珠泉 散水泉 溪亭泉 濋泉 濯缨泉 玉环泉 芙蓉泉 舜泉 腾蛟泉 双忠泉 黑虎泉群中的名泉 黑虎泉 琵琶泉 玛瑙泉 白石泉 九女泉 五龙潭泉群中的名泉 五龙潭 古温泉 贤清泉 天镜泉 月牙泉 西蜜脂泉 官家池 回马泉 虬溪泉 玉泉 濂泉 白泉泉群中的名泉 白泉 涌泉泉群中的名泉 涌 泉 苦苣泉 避暑泉 突泉 泥淤泉 大泉 圣水泉 缎华泉 玉河泉泉群中的名泉 玉河泉 百脉泉群中中的名泉 百脉泉 东麻湾 西麻湾 墨 泉 梅花泉 净明泉 袈裟泉泉群中的名泉 袈裟泉 卓锡泉 清冷泉 檀抱泉 晓露泉 洪范池泉群中的名泉 洪范池 书院泉 扈 泉 日月泉 十大泉群以外的名泉 华泉 浆水泉 砚池 甘露泉 林汲泉 斗母泉 无影潭 其中百脉泉、东麻湾、墨泉、梅花泉、墨泉、西麻湾、净明泉在章丘,洪范池、书院泉(曾名东流泉)、扈泉、日月泉 在平阴县,其他均在市区内。





济阳县辖6个街道、4个镇:济阳街道、济北街道、回河街道、孙耿街道、崔寨街道、太平街道 、垛石镇、曲堤镇、仁风镇、新市镇。







章丘区辖15个街道,3个镇:明水街道、双山街道、圣井街道、埠村街道、枣园街道、龙山街道、普集街道、官庄街道、相公庄街道、绣惠街道、文祖街道、曹范街道、白云湖街道、高官寨街道、宁家埠街道、 刁镇、垛庄镇、黄河镇。