积石山县大墩峡门票 积石县大墩峡景区门票?

积石山县大墩峡门票 积石县大墩峡景区门票?



大墩峡位于甘肃省临夏回族自治州积石山县大河家镇以西6公里处,具有区位优势、自然资源和人力资源三大优势。区位优势是甘肃、青海五县交汇。生于黄河之滨,东临黄河三峡,与宝安三寨之一的大墩村接壤,具有浓郁的宝安民族风情,西接AAAA级风景名胜区蒙大天池。 .由八口沟、万家山、竹瓦沟三部分组成。峡谷内群山翠绿,灌木丛生,山谷里种满了奇花异草,谷底淙淙淙淙,山间飞瀑流泉,还有更多奇特古老的变质岩。景观;大禹文化和宝安民俗文化是其人文优势。 2024年3月,正式获批为国家3A级旅游景区。

兰州,甘肃省省会,西北重要工业基地和综合交通枢纽,中国重要的中心城市之一西部 公路经济带重要节点城市。兰州还是中国七大军区之一的兰州军区和中国十八个铁路局之一的兰州铁路局的总部。

兰州是唯一一个黄河穿过市中心的省会城市。 2012年8月28日,国务院批准设立中国西北首个、全国第五个国家级新区兰州新区。文件中明确提出,要把建设兰州新区作为深入实施西部大开发战略的重要举措,到2024年将兰州建设成为西北现代化大都市。





1) 沿着民主沿东路行驶130米,经过左侧联通大厦约310米,直进军民街

2) 沿路行驶军民街1.2公里右转

3) 行驶1.2公里左转

4) 行驶 560 米,右转

5) 行驶 200 米,右转< /p>< p style=”color: rgb(15, 29, 28);”>6) 行驶80米到尽头(在马路右侧)











序号 景区名称 城市评价年份

1崇信县龙泉寺景区, 平凉市崇新县, 2008

2 凉州区武威沙漠公园2007

3 武威神州沙漠野生动物园 凉州区 2007

4 永靖县黄河三峡风景区, 2007

5 景泰县景泰黄河石林风景区,2007年

6 卓尼县大峪沟风景区,2007年


8 康县羊坝自然风景区 康县 2007

9 陇南万象洞风景区 武都 2007

10 城县《西游记》风景区城县 2007

11 敦煌雅丹民族敦煌地质公园,2006年



13麦积山风景区天水市2001 4A, 2011 5A

14 象山石窟,天水市,2001

15 孔顿g 平凉山风景区 2001 4A, 2007 5A

16 敦煌鸣沙山-月牙泉风景区敦煌市2001 4A, 2024年7月13日5A

17 兴隆山国家级自然保护区,榆中县,2002

18 西汉酒泉遗址,苏州区,2002

19 拉卜楞寺,夏河县,2005

20 野里关风景区临潭县2005

21 嵩明岩风景区和政县地区 2005

22 肃南马蹄寺风景区 肃南县 2005

23 赣州区张掖大佛寺, 2005

24 武威市雷台公园凉州区2005


26 漳县桂青山/阳山旅游风景区漳县 2005

27 兰州吐鲁沟民族兰州森林公园2005


29 嘉峪关文物景区 嘉峪关市 2001 4A, 2007 5A

30 承县吉峰山国家森林公园承县2007


临夏市临夏八巷十三巷32 2024



35 夕阳湖西河县





1. 炳灵寺世界文化遗产旅游区5A




2. 八方十三巷景区4A


八方十三巷景区< /p>

3. 松鸣岩景区4A




4. 法台山风景区4A



p >

5. 万兽谷景区4A

和政国家地质公园“万兽谷”景区于2009年被国土资源部列为国家地质公园,国土资源部命名为“国土资源科普基地”和首批国家地质公园国家重点化石产地。 2024年12月,被省文化和旅游厅评为国家4A级旅游景区。

万兽谷景区< /p> p>




p >

7. 大墩峡景区4A


大墩峡景区< /p> p>

8. 和政古动物化石博物馆4A


和政古动物化石博物馆< /p>

9. 草场沟景区4A







p >



















推荐理由:离兰州比较近,但不想远行,想吃好吃的,想爬山。可以考虑这个地方,山口的石门镇餐厅,比较高档,还有马家寺的半肉。 , 玉泉山庄一路相伴





兴隆山位于兰州市渝中县城西南5公里处,距兰州市60公里,海拔2400米。古时因“常有白云茫茫”而得名“齐云山”,素有“龙上景区”之称,素有“龙游第一名山”之称。土地。唐宋时,兴隆山寺院多,香火旺盛,称“洞天府地”。清代,这里的庙宇亭阁,或依山临墙,或隐于密林之中。后来大部分都被毁了,除了飞过兴隆峡的清代云龙桥(卧桥)。清康熙年间,更名为“兴隆山”,有复兴之意。 1950年代,全山有亭阁寺院70余座,风景名胜24处,成为佛教、道教胜地。

兴隆山是离兰州市最近的国家级天然林保护区。主峰由东、西两峰组成。东峰“兴隆”海拔2400米,西峰“齐云”海拔2500米。两峰之间是兴隆峡,云龙桥飞越峡谷。齐云峰现有混元阁、朝云殿、雷祖殿等殿堂;兴隆峰有二仙台、太白泉、大佛殿、西松亭、泪亭等景点。据史料记载,公元1227年,成吉思汗在攻打西夏时,病逝于兴隆山,他的衣服和兵器都放在这里。 1939年,成吉思汗灵柩运至兴隆山,藏于大佛殿; 1949年8月迁至青海塔尔寺; 1954年,内蒙古自治区人民政府欢迎归来,安置在伊克昭盟伊金霍洛旗新建的成吉思汗陵。兴隆山因这段历史而更为出名。




位于甘肃省榆中县最北端,黄河南岸,是兰州市唯一的国家历史文化名镇,民族民间艺术之乡。也是甘肃省比较完整和罕见的古镇。是国家4A级旅游景区。景区以古建筑和古民居为主,对研究西北民居和西北风俗具有一定的历史价值。 《老柿子树》、《黄河浪》等电视剧先后在此取景。








猪坨山,原名玄卯山,位于兰州市永登县苦水镇苦水街以西1公里处。旅游景点。是康熙皇帝封印的“金佛”圣地。始建于清康熙年间,历经300多年不断修葺,已初具规模。竹沱峰俯瞰西山丹霞地貌,万山十分壮观。 2001年,由“兰州竹陀山旅游开发有限公司”承包经营,总投资600万元以上,完善景区旅游基础设施。并铸一尊高21.95米的铜佛,为西北铜佛加冕。这座山的温度极高,峰峦耸立;山脚下的玫瑰如海,游人如潮。清代为平樊(今永登县)八景之一,与苦水“庄浪秋水”、“大柳烟”等名胜相伴,为文人所吟诵。和作家很长一段时间。如今,朱沱山与被誉为兰州十大景观之一的“玫瑰香”交相辉映,已成为省城居民旅游、避暑、朝圣的后花园。 ,和拜佛。






因敲鼓、奔马而得名。杜明岩有三座山峰相望,分别是南天台、西峰和都岗岭。伫立于群山之间,是宫殿与亭台楼阁、亭台楼阁、小桥流水的聚集地。早在元代,就有人在这里挖洞造佛、建庙、修行,到了明代初具规模。 ,是古河州八景之一。吸引了世界各地的游客,名胜古迹络绎不绝。

松鸣岩森林公园位于太子山林区,相对高差较大,动物种类繁多,植物、乔木和灌木 高山有冷杉、铁桦等130多种;云杉、红桦、白桦和白杨在中心;低山的松树、杨树和落叶松;森林中色彩鲜艳、花形独特的杜鹃花、绣球花、报春花、柳花等近百种野花;分布广泛;祖先有大量的麻、三针、九节菖蒲、川赤芍、黄芪、紫胡、鹿寒草等。珍贵的动物有狐狸、野鸡、野兔、野猪等飞禽走兽。连片茂密的森林,五颜六色的鲜花,不同用途的药材,形形色色的珍禽异兽争相夺目,熠熠生辉。嵩鸣岩公园总经理 占地2666公顷,由嵩鸣岩风景区、药水峡水上游乐区、巴鲁沟高山植物园、淮山紫凉森林景观区、小霞休闲度假区组成。

嵩明岩 风景名胜区的“松石峰”远近闻名。早在明代就有玉皇阁、菩萨殿、圣母宫、都岗寺等宫殿,并钻有攀登石阶和连峰梯。






大墩峡位于甘肃省临夏回族自治州积石山县大河家镇以西6公里处。它具有区位、自然资源和人力资源三大优势。区位优势甘青五县交汇,生于黄河之上,东临黄河三峡,南临宝安风情浓郁的大墩村,AAAA景区蒙达西天池;由八口沟、万家山、竹瓦沟三部分组成。 The mountains in the gorge are emerald green, the shrubs are overgrown, the valleys are full of exotic flowers and plants, the valley bottom is gurgling, the mountains are full of waterfalls, and there are more strange and ancient metamorphic rocks. Landscape; Dayu culture and Baoan folk culture are its humanistic advantages. On December 29, 2024, the Dadun Gorge Scenic Spot in Jishishan County met the requirements of the national 4A-level tourist attraction standard and is to be approved as a national 4A-level tourist attraction.

10. Mengda Tianchi, Xunhua

Recommendation index:

Reason for recommendation: I have been blocked for four hours at Dadun Gorge, and I have no intention of going there. Here, I feel a little bit of a paradise, and I climb the mountain lightly. It is only 30 to 40 kilometers away from Dadun Gorge. Looking at the management and services of others, the managers of Dadun Gorge probably have to study hard.

Mengda Tianchi is located in the east of Xunhua Salar Autonomous County in eastern Qinghai Province. Mengda Tianchi Nature Reserve was established in 1980 and was approved as a national nature reserve in April 2000. Known as “Xishuangbanna on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau”, it is a summer resort, recuperation and tourism resort in Qinghai Province. Covering an area of ​​9,544 hectares, it is mainly protected forest ecosystem water conservation forest. Mengda Tianchi covers an area of ​​about 300 mu. The pond water is clear and blue and the same color as the blue sky. The peaks reflect and move with the waves. Water birds fly in the lake, and fish swim freely. Mengda Tianchi: the bright pearl of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Eleven. Zhuzigou, Kangle County

Recommendation Index:

Recommendation Theory: The mountains and rivers are beautiful, one ditch is divided into two scenes, this is lush and green In the virgin forest, there is a green prairie over there. The sky is high and the air is cool. I was also a ALICE promotion here. Now the infrastructure is constantly improving, and there is no original ecology, but it is not worth a visit.

Located in Minglu Township, Taizishan Nature Reserve, Kangle County, Gansu Province, 24 kilometers away from Kangle County and 130 kilometers away from Lanzhou, it is said that the mountains and plains were covered with bamboo a long time ago, hence the name Zhuzigou. It is a good place for camping and hiking. Here is a blanket of greenery, with unnamed flowers of various colors in full bloom, blue sky and white clouds on sunny days, and flocks of cattle and sheep. There are flowing water, 10,000 acres of pine forests, and the light and shadow here are gorgeous. Here, you can walk among the green mountains and green waters, look up at the snow-capped mountains, feel the charm of nature, feel the green trees and flowers and the alpine snow fields, step on the green grass, and go to meditate and feel the beauty of nature. Accept the baptism of nature. Please leave our footprints here, let our laughter pass through the canyons and mountains and rivers, let us savor the breath of nature here, forget the trivial matters, and look forward to a close contact with Zhuzigou!

12. Lintao Yuelu Mountain

Recommendation index:

Recommendation reason: not very famous, not small in size, suitable for moderate play, not far from Lanzhou anyway< /p>

Yuelu Mountain is located at 2 li east of Lintao County. The main peak is 2,200 meters above sea level. The locals call it “Dongshan”. With lush forests, natural landscapes and cultural landscapes complementing each other, it is one of the scenic spots in Lintao. In 2003, after review by the National Tourism Administration, Yuelu Mountain was identified as a national AA-level tourist attraction. Along the tree-lined stone steps, there are ten steps to the first floor, five steps to one pavilion, waterside pavilions, Fengya Pavilion, Fulong Pavilion, Changhuai Pavilion, Lian Pavilion and other unique buildings with flying eaves, flowing eaves, painting pavilions and corridors, which are elegant and elegant. Chic. Going up, the mountain turns around, winding paths lead to secluded, halfway up the mountain is the Chaoran Academy. Going further up, the “Monument to the Gannan Peasants’ Uprising” stands majestically, and the south is echoed by the “Rongjiang Pavilion” commemorating the children of Lintao who enthusiastically joined the army and entered the border of Xinjiang in 1949. The top of Yuelu is the place where Jiang Wei, the general of Shu Han, ordered his troops – Jiang Weidun. Many scenic buildings, temples and monuments in Yuelu Mountain were well preserved in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, but were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, and the cultural relics and monuments were almost completely lost. After 1986, under the care of the party and the government, Yuelu Mountain has been renovated and rebuilt, 20 buildings and 31 buildings have been restored, and a large number of trees and flowers have been planted, forming the “Eight Views of Yuelu Mountain”, namely Qintai Waterfall. , Huiqiao Reflecting the Moon, Wenfeng Sunset, Rongjiang Snowstorm, Wugou Fubing, Fengtai Spring Dawn, March Yellow Flower, Ancient Willow Hidden Cover. During holidays and temple fairs, there are tens of thousands of tourists and tourists, and the event is unprecedented.

Thirteen, Weiyuan and Weiheyuan

Recommendation index:

recommendation reason: I heard from friends that it is good, but I have never made it, and plan to this year May 1st or Dragon Boat Festival to find out

The source of the Weihe River is located in Hongxia Village, Wuzhu Town, Weiyuan County, Dingxi City. 50 km. The entire scenic area has lush vegetation and green grass, and the scenery changes as you walk. Sometimes the mountains are surrounded by water and the scenery is beautiful, and sometimes the terrain is steep, with flying springs and waterfalls, which has a good natural ecological base.

Fourteen, Tianzhu Small Three Gorges

Recommendation index:

Recommendation reason: It is a good place for a self-driving ride, don’t forget to go to heaven when you go to the Small Three Gorges If you have time, you can continue to Huzhu Beishan.

Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County is located at the eastern end of the Hexi Corridor. The terrain is steep, with many forests and alpine grasslands. The head of the Three Gorges is Zhucha Gorge, with vermilion rocks and peculiar shapes; Jinsha Gorge is famous for its steepness and beauty; Xianming Gorge is surrounded by mountains and mountains, and the scenery is pleasant.

Jinsha Gorge is full of strange mountains, stone monsters, clear water and secluded valleys. Attractions include Shiga Stone Daban, Xianren Bee, Xianren Cave, Xianren Spring, Chixin Stone, Sister Peak, Xianren Chessboard, Family Happy Ancient Tree and so on. There are farm villas at the foot of the mountain, and tents can also be stayed overnight. Xianming Gorge and Jinsha Gorge are separated by a mountain, with overlapping peaks and ridges. There is an inverted siphon of Xianming Gorge for the introduction of large-scale entry into Qin Dynasty. The drop is 107 meters. It is located between the two mountains, which is very spectacular. Zhucha Gorge is more than 20 kilometers long. It is the longest gorge in the Tianzhu Three Gorges. The mountain is red and it is the famous Benkang Danxia landform. The vermilion mountain is exquisite and ingenious, with different views from different angles. It is mainly composed of window-shaped palace-like and honeycomb-like Danxia landforms. The main attractions are Benkang Old Man, Skull, King Gesar’s Arrow Cave, First Line, Xiantao Stone, Bajie Snooze, Gecko Stealing Immortal Grass, Birth of Stone Monkey, Sitting Buddha, Monitor Lizard, Shuangshi Mountain, Benkang Mai Accumulation, Giant Elephant Mountain (window-like palace-style Danxia landform), Feilai Stone, Skylight Moon, Fox Spirit, etc. Other attractions: Haizang Temple, Confucian Temple, Leitai Han Tomb, Huangniangniangtai Site, Dayun Temple, Hantanpo Tomb Group, Xixia Stele, Mozuizi Tomb Group, Yanshou Temple, Lotus Temple, Tomb of Princess Honghua, Tianti Mountain Route recommendation for Grottoes, Luoshi Temple Pagoda and Baita Temple: Shimengou Resort – Ma Ya Snow Mountain – Wutai Mountain – Table Mountain – Jinsha Gorge – Head of the Canal of the Introducing Da into Qin Project – Panchen Lama Lecture Site – Heaven Temple – Zhucha Gorge

Fifteen, Yongjing Liujiaxia

Recommendation index:

Reason for recommendation: The back garden of Lan zhou, I go to Liujiaxia once a year. It is time to develop new play spots, such as the newly opened Yellow River Pearl Hotel, with high grades and low prices. You can stay for two days on weekends and have fun.

Liujiaxia is located in Yongjing County, Gansu Province. The Liujiaxia Water Control Project of the Yellow River successfully intercepted (located 100 kilometers upstream of Lanzhou City). After the dam interception, a Liujiaxia Reservoir with an area of ​​more than 130 square kilometers can be formed (now known as Bingling Lake), with a water storage of 5.7 billion cubic meters and irrigation of more than 15 million mu of farmland. Construction started in September 1958, stopped in 1961, and resumed in 1964. Liujiaxia built China’s first million-kilowatt hydropower station.

The reservoir is located in a plateau canyon, known as the “Pearl of the Plateau”, with spectacular scenery. There is a power plant at the reservoir dam and the Liujiaxia Tourism Company provides various cruise ships. Tourists can take a boat directly to the Bingling Temple Grottoes at the southwest end of the reservoir to visit. The general tour takes about two to three hours, and the speedboat takes about one and a half hours.

August and September are the best seasons for tourism in Liujiaxia, with high skies and light clouds and pleasant weather. The westward flow of the Yellow River is a peculiar landscape here. The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, and when it reaches Liujiaxia, it takes a big turn and flows westward. The so-called Jiuqu Yellow River can be seen in Liujiaxia. The dam of the power station is locked in this valley. On the first bridge deck of the single arch of the Yellow River, the main dam of the power station is unobstructed. The main dam is 147 meters high and 100 meters long. It is like the gate of heaven locked between the cliffs. The huge gantry crane stands on the dam.

August and September are the flood seasons of the power station. The power station will have to lift the gate to discharge the flood. The Yellow River is like a lion imprisoned rushing through the gate, roaring violently, and the sky is full of white mist and rushing towards Xiao Han.惊心动魄,叹为观止。从大坝乘坐仿古游艇到库区游览,驶到洮河口,携有大量泥沙,浑浊不堪的洮河水注入水库,立即与清澈的黄河水形成泾渭分明的两股水流,但浊流很快被清波吞没,这也是一个奇景。




刘家峡位于兰州的上游不远处,在黄土山的怀抱下的 一汪碧水,这是一池需要机动船跑两个多小时才到头的水。在库水的尽头,便是洮河与黄河主干流的交汇处,远远望去,有一道蓝色与金色的分界线,因为两股水流来源 不同,洮河来自甘南青山中间,而主干流已在黄土高原行 走了一段,如果你回头,将视线抬起,你会看到同样的两 道分界线:碧水与黄土山,黄土山与青天。这种感觉也许只有刘家峡才有。沿黄河干流向上不远,便进入了一个由特抗风化的石英砂岩构成的嶙峋地貌区,有点象石林,但要高大的多, 白色陡壁上长着些顽强的绿草和苔藓,有个陡壁上用红漆 写着几个莫名其妙的字,据说是几十年前有人在那里刷标语,还没写完便绳断跌落粉身碎骨,此后再没人敢试了, 看来人不一定能胜天,天人合一却是最重要的。这片石丛中隐藏着一座炳灵寺,是凿空一座山而建, 有一个几十米高的大佛,其中更珍贵的是几个唐代和北魏时期的石窟。

