


Can I have an aisle seat / a window seat?我可以选靠走道 / 靠窗的位子吗?Excuse me, where is the information desk?请问询问处在哪里?What gate does the flight board at?这班飞机要到哪一个登机门登机?Excuse me, where is Gate __?请问__号登机门在哪里?When does the flight begin boarding?这班飞机几点登机?Excuse me, where is the transfer desk / lounge?请问转机柜台 / 转机服务台在哪里?补充词汇签证 visa护照 passport航站楼 terminal旅行社 travel agency手续费 service charge单程机票 one-way ticket往返机票 round trip ticket头等舱 first-class section商务舱 business-class section经济舱 economy-class section

Is there an airport bus to the city center?这裡有从机场去市中心的巴士吗?Where is the bus stop / taxi stand?公车站 / 出租车招呼站在哪里 ?How long does it take to go to ____?到__需要多长时间?How much does it cost to the city center by taxi?乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱?Take me to ___ / this address, please.请载我去(景点) / 地址。Please stop / turn left / right here.请在这里停车 / 左转 / 右转。Please stop at the next intersection.请在下个路口停车。Can I pay the fare by credit card?我可以用信用卡付车费吗?Keep the change, please.不用找钱了。

What are the room rates?请问房价是多少?Is breakfast included in the room price?请问房价有包含早餐吗?I’d like to reserve a room of one / a single room.我想要预订一间单人房。Which credit cards do you accept? 
你们有收哪些信用卡?When is check-in time / check-out time?进房 / 退房的时间是什么时候呢?Does the room have Internet access?房间里有网路吗?I would like to have a morning call / wake-up call at 7:00 in the morning. 
我想要早上7点的起床叫醒电话。Could you call a taxi for me?可以帮我叫出租车吗?I’d like to check out and finalize my bill.我要退房和结帐。补充词汇双人房 double room (一张床) / twin room (二张单人床)三人房 triple room四人房 family room

May I have a menu, please?请给我菜单。What kind of dish is most popular here? 
这里最受欢迎的餐点是什么呢﹖Excuse me, we’re ready to order. 
不好意思,我们可以点餐了。May I have another spoon, please? 
可以再给我一根汤匙吗?Could you give me a fork, please?可以给我一个叉子吗?Excuse me. My order hasn’t arrived yet.不好意思,我点的餐还没送到。Could I have some more water / napkins, please?可以再给我一些水 / 纸巾吗?Excuse me. Would you please show me where the restroom is?不好意思,可以告诉我厕所在哪里吗?May I have the check, please?请问可以给我帐单吗?We are ready for the bill now.我们要买单。I would like to pay in cash.我想用现金付钱。Is the gratuity included in the bill?小费有包括在帐单里吗﹖What type of credit cards do you accept?你们收那种信用卡呢?

Still too expensive. Give me a better discount.还是太贵了,再便宜一点吧!Can you cut me a deal?可以算便宜一点吗?Is this your final price?不能再便宜了吗?Is there an ATM nearby?这附近有提款机吗?Where can I change money?我要哪里换钱?Thank you but I’m just looking around.谢谢,可是我只是看看。I’ll try it first. If I like it, I’ll come back.我先试用,喜欢的话我会再回来买。Can I have a look at that one, please?我可以看看那个吗?Excuse me. Which aisle is ____ on?不好意思,请问__(物品)在哪个走道?Do you have this in another color? / Does this come in any other colors?这个有别的颜色吗?Do you have this in black?这件有黑色吗?Can I try this on? 
我可以试穿这个吗?Can I get this in large? / Can you bring me a large size? 
这件可以给我大号的吗?Can I exchange it for another size?我可以换别的尺寸吗?This is defective.这件有瑕疵。I don’t think this one fit me very well. / It’s not my size. / It won’t fit me.这件衣服不太合身Is this tax-free? 
这免税吗?Can I pay by credit card?可不可以用信用卡付帐?Where is the checkout counter?结帐柜台在哪里?Does this come with a warranty?买这个有保修单吗?I would like to take this one.我要买这个。Please wrap this for me.请帮我把这个包装起来。What time do you open/close?你们几点营业/打烊?