



1.北京英文介绍旅游景点作文 介绍北京的旅游景点英语



北京英文介绍旅游景点作文 介绍北京的旅游景点英语



       A Visit to the National Palace Museum.

       Recently I spent over three hours looking, reading and enjoying the exhibits at the National Palace Museum located in the suburbs. Many local and foreign visitors go there daily to take pictures outside and spend endless hours inside. No cameras are allowed inside, but you can buy you can buy colored slides of the exhibits in the gift shop downstairs.

       There is a very large collection of beautiful jades. Also, there is an ancient bronze vessel exhibit. Some of the exhibits are changed regularly for special collections such as porcelain and silk paintings.

       My attention was mainly in the room with the wall-size slide show describing some archeological discoveries from pre-history tine. Also, the oracle bones’ exhibit was very good; there seemed to be an endless amount of rare, beautiful, interesting, and fascinating things.







       北京的旅游景点较多,可以尽情游玩,将去几个地方,紫禁城、王府井大街、颐和园、长城、Ming Tombs、鸟潮、水立方、其他好的清华大学、北京大学、天坛、北海公园、颐和园、雍和宫、大观园等。恭王府,如果你喜欢古玩的话,那潘家园古玩市场是要去看看的,那里有无数名人的房子,各种博物馆,还有老北京的胡同也挺有特色的,而且还有很多地方因为时间有限没有列出来,晚上也有很多好玩的地方,如三里屯酒吧街、后海酒吧街,还有著名的美食街——鬼街,让您充满人间美味


       A Trip To Beijing

        On summer holiday my parents took me to Beijing.We stayed at Huabei Hotel.On the first day,we went to the Great Wall.The Great Wall is very long and old.It has millions of bricks.Each brick is very big and heavy.Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall.We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.

        We also went to the Palace Museum.The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces.It has a very long history.I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum.What nice palaces these are!I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited.If you want to know more about the Palace Museum,you can go to Beijing and have a look.

        The following days,we went to the Summer Palace,Tian Tan,North Lake and Xiang Hill.I now know more about the history of China.I also like modern Beijing.The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.

        Later,I went back with my parents by train.I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.

        I like this trip!

        You can make summer into winter .



       The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. It is the imperial palace of the Qing and Ming Dynasties. It is the best preserved and largest imperial palace in the world.


       We got to the square first. It’s huge! There are five exquisite white marble arch bridges in the square.


       Standing on the square, looking up, a magnificent palace stands in front of us. This is Taihe hall. The hall of Supreme Harmony has a glittering throne and majestic pillars, which makes people feel shocked.


       Then we passed the Qianqing palace, which was the emperor’s bedroom, and went into the Royal Garden, where there was a pavilion.


       There are rockeries and green trees beside the pavilion. It’s very beautiful


       The Palace Museum not only embodies the wisdom and talents of the ancient people, but also shows us the history of the ancient imperial dynasty.





       —— Beijing National Stadium (Bird’s Nest/Olympic Stadium)



       The Beijing National Stadium, also known as the bird’s nest will be the main track and field stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics and will be host to the Opening and Closing ceremonies. In 2002 Government officials engaged architects worldwide in a design competition. Pritzker Prize-winning architects Herzog de Meuron collaborated with ArupSport and China Architecture Design Research Group to win the competition. The stadium will seat as many as 100,000 spectators during the Olympics, but this will be reduced to 80,000 after the games. It has replaced the original intended venue of the Guangdong Olympic Stadium. The stadium is 330 metres long by 220 metres wide, and is 69.2 metres tall. The 250,000 square metre (gross floor area) stadium is to be built with 36 km of unwrapped steel, with a combined weight of 45,000 tonnes. The stadium will cost up to 3.5 billion yuan (422,873,850 USD/ 325,395,593 EUR). The ground was broken in December 2003, and construction started in March 2004, but was halted by the high construction cost in August 2004.

       In the new design, the roof of the stadium had been omitted from the design. Experts say that this will make the stadium safer, whilst reducing construction costs. The construction of the Olympic buildings will continue once again in the beginning of 2005.

       In depth

       The stadium’s appearance is one of synergy, with no distinction made between the facade and the superstructure. The structural elements mutually support each other and converge into a grid-like formation – almost like a bird’s nest with its interwoven twigs. The spatial effect of the stadium is novel and radical, yet simple and of an almost archaic immediacy, thus creating a unique historical landmark for the Olympics of 2008.

       The stadium was conceived as a large collective vessel, which makes a distinctive and unmistakable impression both from a distance and when seen from up close. It meets all the functional and technical requirements of an Olympic National Stadium, but without communicating the insistent sameness of technocratic architecture dominated by large spans and digital screens.

       Visitors walk through this formation and enter the spacious ambulatory that runs full circle around the stands. From there, one can survey the circulation of the entire area including the stairs that access the three tiers of the stands. Functioning like an arcade or a concourse, the lobby is a covered urban space with restaurants and stores that invite visitors to stroll around. Just as birds stuff the spaces between the woven twigs of their nests with a soft filler, the spaces in the structure of the stadium will be filled with inflated ETFE cushions. Originally, on the roof, the cushions were to be mounted on the outside of the structure to make the roof completely weatherproof, but the roof has been omitted from the design in 2004.


       Beijing National Stadium also known as the National Stadium, or colloquially as the Bird’s Nest, is a stadium in Beijing, China. The stadium was designed for use throughout the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics. Located in the Olympic Green, the $423 million stadium is the world’s largest steel structure. The design was awarded to a submission from the Swiss architecture firm Herzog de Meuron in April 2003, after a bidding process that included 13 final submissions.


       国家体育场鸟巢(National Stadium),位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区南部,为2008年北京奥运会的主体育场。工程总占地面积21公顷,场内观众坐席约为91000个。














       National Library of China

       National Library of China located in Beijing’s Haidian District, White River Dan Qiaonan long, Purple Bamboo Park next. Located in the Zhongguancun South Street No. 33.National Library completed in 1987, the total area of ?7.24 hectares Museum, construction area of ?140,000 square meters, the National Library’s main building is shaped high-rise towers, blue tone whole body, whichever is the meaning of fire, water carefully. Double-storeyed main building form, peacock blue glazed tile roof, tile wall light gray breast, granite base of the stone steps, together with white marble railings, stacks 19 on the ground floor, 3 floors underground stacks, stacks building area 60,000 m2 design capacity of 20 million books.

       Established by the State responsible for the collection and preservation of national publications, assume the functions of the country’s total library stacks. National Library collection in addition to its general publication, but also collects a large number of foreign publications (including the country’s foreign language books), and is responsible for the preparation of national bibliographies and union catalogs. National Library National Library is the cause of a promoter, is for the country’s central library, is the country of collection, interlibrary loan centers, international book exchange center, is the national bibliography and library science research center .

       National Library of China (National Library of China) is China’s National Library, National Library of China formerly known as the Beijing Library, generally referred to as “map.”

       Podium located in the main building on both sides, and the formation of two very large patio area, patio for the garden, forming a unique building in a garden view, group F, 5 floors beneath a layer, the distribution of the Library of each functional unit, set There are 46 different characteristics of the reading room, including 23 open-shelf reading room, day readers may be received six to seven passengers. The building has been named the “80 Beijing’s top ten construction” list.

       China’s national library service primarily for readers over 18 years of age Chinese citizens and holders of valid documents of citizens of other countries, according to the reader’s level of education, professional and executive level titles for readers at different levels in different levels of library card or Library Card:

       If at least 18 years of age can apply for Chinese citizens the second lowest grade of Chinese library card lending library; in reading Chinese graduate can apply for second loan library library card; PhD students can apply for foreign language books library card; with senior professional titles personnel with units that can read license for rare books library. National Library of China to implement the annual registration system. Library card readers for the long-term sub-license and temporary permit two.

       Second phase of the National Library and National Digital Library Project in 2003 to 2007 construction. Located in the Zhongguancun South Street Haidian District, No. 33, located north of the National Library, National Library of China Phase II total construction area of ?79,899 square meters, the project is divided into three layers and the ground five underground, inside there is no reading room, all open reading space, more than 2,700 reader seats, daily reception capacity of 6,000-8,000 people readers. After expansion of the premises of the National Library of China area of ?250,000 square meters. Currently, the National Library of China has become the world’s largest Chinese digital resources base and China’s most advanced network services base.

       Admission Information

       * National Library reception at least 16 years of age readers (Children’s Library reception children six to fifteen years of age); weekends and national holidays can accommodate students and parents accompanied the children to visit; annual receptionschools organized group visits.

       * ID card, residence booklet, military officer, soldier card, passport, passport or Hong Kong and Macao compatriots Home Visit Permit, for the first time the National Library free of charge card readers, card readers have the basic functions and meet other conditions according to the corresponding procedures for extension; children with a valid identity document (ID card, residence booklet, passport, exit permit, Taiwanese HVPs), student status cards, student ID card reader for children’s library (see the relevant provisions of accreditation);

       * Into the reading room, the National Library service points required to hold the reader card; at least 16 Chinese citizens over the age of the second generation ID cards can enter with open-shelf reading room reading; children with the State Library Children’s Library card into the reader Children’s Library.

       * National Library cardholders to borrow subject to rules and regulations. Serious violation of the provisions, their card reader / second-generation ID cards will be set to stop lending function, to be resumed after receiving treatment and correct use;

       * Discount card holders priority borrow older readers; holding disability card machine on the Internet free of disabled readers visit fee;

       * Carry bag, drinking water, and other items unrelated to please and borrow with a valid identity card or the reader to keep parked free package at;

       * Due to limited seating, access to information in order to ensure the needs of readers, do not bring personal books (including books lent from the museum) study hall in the museum;

       * Note Instrument dress, do not wear a vest, Ta slippers into the hall;

Do not smoke in the Pavilion area and use of fire, do not bring flammable and explosive materials into the hall;

       * Please specify the site dining, drinking water, do not bring food, liquids, admission;

Do not engage in transactions in the museum and other entertainment and information and access to books and related activities;

       * Please keep quiet museum area, please burglary Mute mobile communication device; unless specific permission, is prohibited photography reading, photography (no flash);

       * Please consciously abide by the management of public order and the provisions of the National Library, subject to staff management.

       Address: Haidian District, Beijing Zhongguancun South Street No. 33, National Library

       Bus routes: Metro Line 4, especially 4, 6 special way, Metro Line 9 (not operating), 86 Road, 105-line Express, Express 106 lines, 205 lines Express, 319 Road, 320 Road,320 range, 332 Road, 634 Road, 645 Road, 653 Road, 689 Road, 695 Road, 697 Road, 717 Road, 732 Road, 808 Road, 814 Road


       What strikes one first in a bird’s -eye view of Beijing proper is a vast tract of golden roofs flashing brilliantly in the sun with purple walls occasionally emerging amid them and a stretch of luxuriant tree leaves flanking on each side. That is the former Imperial Palace, popularly known as the Forbidden City, from which twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for some 500 years——from1420 to 1911. The Ming Emperor Yong Le, who usurped the throne from his nephew and made Beijing the capital, ordered its construction, on which approximately 10,000 artists and a million workmen toiled for 14 years from 1406 to 1420. At present, the Palace is an elaborate museum that presents the largest and most complete ensemble of traditional architecture complex and more than 900,000 pieces of court treasures in all dynasties in China. Located in the center of Beijing, the entire palace area, rectangular in shape and 72 hectares in size, is surrounded by walls ten meters high and a moat 52 meters wide. At each corner of the wall stands a watchtower with a double-eave roof covered with yellow glazed tiles. The main buildings, the six great halls, one following the other, are set facing south along the central north-south axis from the Meridian Gate, the south entrance, to Shenwumen, the great gate piercing in the north wall. On either side of the palace are many comparatively small buildings. Symmetrically in the northeastern section lie the six Eastern Palaces and in the northwestern section the six Western Palaces. The Palace area is divided into two parts: the Outer Court and the Inner Palace. The former consists of the first three main halls, where the emperor received his courtiers and conducted grand ceremonies, while the latter was the living quarters for the imperial residence. At the rear of the Inner Palace is the Imperial Garden where the emperor and his family sought recreation. The main entrance to the Palace is the Meridian Gate(1), which was so named because the emperor considered himself the “Son of the Heaven” and the Palace the center of the universe, hence the north-south axis as the Meridian line going right through the Palace. The gate is crowned with five towers, commonly known as the Five-Phoenix Towers(2), which were installed with drums and bells. When the emperor went to the Temple of Heaven, bells were struck to mark this important occasion. When he went to the Ancestral Temple, it was the drums that were beaten to publicize the event.

       Beyond the Meridian Gate unfolds a vast courtyard across which the Inner Golden Water River runs from east to west. The river is spanned by five bridges, which were supposed to be symbols of the five virtues preached by Confucius——benevolence, righteousness, rites, intelligence, and fidelity(3).

       At the north end of the courtyard is a three-tiered white marble terrace, seven meters above the ground, on which, one after another, stand three majestic halls; the Hall of Supreme Harmony(4), the Hall of Complete Harmony(5), and the Hall of Preserving Harmony


       1. the Meridian Gate 午门

       2. the Five-Phoenix Towers 五凤楼

       3. benevolence, righteousness, rites, intelligence, and fidelity 仁、义、礼、智、信

       4. the Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿

       5. the Hall of Complete Harmony 中和殿

       6. the Hall of Preserving Harmony 保和殿

       7. the Palace of Heavenly Purity 乾清宫

       8. the Hall of Union 交泰殿

       9. the Palace of Earthly Tranquility 坤宁宫

