


荷塘【清】朱可寿宴荷塘,沐浴水中有两只鸳鸯.低飞不远,只靠莲花。风荷戏鱼图【清代】云寿平平风散绿,香化露。美人采红莲,曾路过南塘路。荷花【清代】曹寅 一片秋云微霞,甚荷叶五花。睡在湖边不用关门,每晚凉风吹满屋子。白莲【清】生金玉净栽野池,冰卖青袖回生凉。半江残月欲无影,何岸寒云香。真情还留在开石社,红衣洗美颜。水仙停了船,上了船,水仙和凌波给裴君松了口气。白莲【清】秋瑾不是仙人坠落在玉佩上,夜里出水云乡;朦胧的池边堆着雪,冷漠的风中飘着一股奇异的香味。国色起源素颜,佳人不浓妆;东帝君为惧红尘,亲赐寒明月衣。水龙唱白莲【清】石盘湖晨光,千点香露。最可怜伊,清净分双藕,愁种几柄。画中禅空,诗缘秋光,苍鹭无影。怕玉纤催桨,带着寒气,雪落下,鸳鸯醒。夜里,她把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的,她是来自相思和远方烟雾的蛀虫。凝铅写平淡,那些苦心的人,觉得有些阴暗。对凌波有恨,对月无语,一丝风寒。被双娥打碎,碧琉璃镜在半空中被冲掉。清朝卢金寺后,王世珍、翠玉明玉依旧如故,呼云寺内树木青烟。月初,行人系缆坠落,狂风吹开了门外的白莲花。荷花仿天池路 清·朱达 荷花若无香,若莲柄不堪。一百年不喝会是什么情况,新槽中呈琥珀黄色。芙蓉清正板桥 最可怜的红粉条纹,水外桥边的小竹门。昭影又惊又悔,西施原本就住在洛村。从兴化曲折到高邮七句清征板桥百六十里荷田,千万鱼鸭。船夫撑不住杆子,粉粉嫩嫩的。烟,鱼,水,云居,鞋如船,蜗牛。卖绿钱卖酒,荷叶散落在鲜鱼身上。湖上买鱼是最美的,煮鱼是湖里的水。经过十年的划桨,白鹭认出我是渔夫。我买了四片鲈鱼,一份马蹄汤。最近,张汉并没有出去的打算,但也没有等到秋风开始归来。柳屋瓜乡满目苍翠,红的却是秋荷。一天结束时,冷风吹起细浪。一池蒲团过一池荷花,稻田长满蓍草叶。最多的是江南的秋八月,鸡头饭在蚌珠园的时候。船窗易食秋虫,易老寒。被绣的被子狠狠地单薄,让他的霜把柿园打得通红。浪淘沙,荷花清,万寿齐,蝉鸣小廊,十里花香。一个天然的面包坐在海浪上。路是洛飞乘雾而来,烟水微弱。斜阳下江乡,岁月静好。蔡灵歌抱怨沙堂。西风吹几下,霜打池。富川李宇富川是个可爱的人,但是关于它的东西很多,请写下来。群花在时令时,只在花开的时候持续几天。府中则不然:从莲钱出水之日起,便以碧波点缀;当它的茎和叶出生时,太阳升起,太阳升起。有风的时候,它是摇曳的状态,没有风的时候,它也是一种曼妙的姿态。这是我第一次享受花开前的无限。从一开始的韩立成花,娇艳迷人,一朵又一朵,从夏天到秋天,这是花的一部分,也是值得拥有的人。花儿凋谢时,也能替主人无罪;芽下长出芽,棚子坚固。亭台楼阁独立,犹如未开之花。据说这一切都是可见的。闻到鼻子,荷叶的清香和荷花特有的清香,就会从夏日的炎热中退去,享受清凉的空气,就会生来凉爽。就其悦口而言,莲藕和莲藕都与对方的牙齿和脸颊并排食用。只有霜中的落叶,散落狼狈,仿佛被丢弃;它们被挑选并隐藏起来,多年来一直用于包装。是一个男人,也是河豚,没有一刻,没有一刻,眼睛和耳朵不舒服,没有什么不准备家用的。有五谷无名,白花只要各有不足。种植有没有更大的好处?水龙唱白莲花,清朝,宋陆田田舞银池,鱼床抱梨云。新妆淡,风修长。青羽穿低,水翎斜,几枝明。万香妃独立,灯影轻,装饰亮,灯火通明。三十六个方格很壮观。渐渐黄昏,冰姿静谧。打开易玉经,合起应素的双手,扫除一切烦恼。露寒香,月明无影,花同老。对贺州千朵来说,值得一雪的礼物,对邹梅说道。水龙歌白莲青竹昂月动太夜波明,秋风吹玉池露。莹莹与水,在雪中翩翩起舞,相会,释言。半夜,有烟,玉簪先落,苏留着,想起独木舟可以靠,屋子绿得一尘不染,一尘不染,花深。十里平湖清朝,照新妆,粉痕重绘。银幕隔帘,冰面覆镜。她错脱了红衣,羞愧地跟在黄蝶身后,站在栏杆旁。怕香云易散,荒湾落叶,寒水落。白莲青徐灼水寒凉,一缕清香未醒。忽然想起花房里的人拜月,她倚着水晶屏风化妆。百字诏,残荷,清朝,晏廷忠潘飞踏出后,留下谁,心碎之色?昨夜轻雷,今夜雨,不归旧月。粉红色的脸红了,新衣服褪了绿,不可能是憔悴。灵魂在哪里?回归应该感受过去。徜徉在池塘边,我爱花儿,花儿应该知道。闫太娇红命苦,谁怜红颜?这样的青春也能结出果实,辛酸累积!梨香人去,一缕轻烟凝绿。齐天乐,白莲,清朝,叶世雄,灵波玉立是谁?云远未如承诺的那样冒烟。堤外微风,池中浪静,是鸳鸯嬉戏的地方。脱下红袍,多穿白衣,习惯海鸥和苍鹭。颜色都是空的,不怕来晚了美女羡慕。初似芙蓉雨,三十六皮堂轻舞。几分香,三月有明月,别有一番情调。满身寒露,听歌遥传,声音如诉苦。采摘后,仔细数莲花瓣。金洛宋残荷青·孙曦 一阵珠雨,凉凉的,摇曳的平绿,还有无数的鲜红。滚地翻盖,舞动至鬓香如雾。剩菜,几条评论。顾沅不争群宠,讨厌游客,完全忘记了操心。榨翠袖,相护。寻花迟到,无主。缠绵的浪和丝的风太微弱了,花儿开不了。在米六树禅的渔船外,我打算租下自己的家,为华平复旧怨。千里之美,江水墨,王岚皋,谁愿意跨服?空竹,恒培源。何新良残荷清谢琼在千里的田野里,回忆着花开歌唱的时光,飘到了南浦。西风在斗地中吹来,留下了无数的残渣。不耐烦,晚上冷。当粉消香散,绿盖缺,茎枯留听秋雨。浑见,月夕姑娘。风水培南塘路,忆往昔,张浪老脸,潘飞走。明月舟寻旧港,载香归。唯有赢,如莲荚所许。你心里剥落了多少种子,请尝尝,味道还在吗?秋水上,我怜你。一丛花吟,提炼青纳兰星德兰山玉佩,身披霓裳,对面红。莲丝风送凌波去,然后低头轻声说话。一种深深的爱,很苦,脉搏逆阳。色香空空,清香重生,明月小银塘。桃根和桃叶永远在一起,伴随着勤劳双睡的鸳鸯。野稻飘散,乌云变黑,同梦送潇湘。祝英台在白莲青姚天剑身边,雪衣轻薄,袜子干净,像是洗纱布的女人,水里满是水。芬芳的洛川浦,一颗可怜的心。绿袖不多,那是禁地,秋夜风露。焦如玉生怕有桨的人来,暗暗吃醋。倒在微波炉里,不方便起诉清远。最销魂的是黄昏,为谁解下挂坠,更多疑的,是月光深处。水龙吟白莲卿王楚彤谁脱了红袍,绿屋迎萧霜?幻沙人去,凌波人在,水晶宫。几座亭台楼阁,十里银潭,寒香扑面。海鸥鹭鸶中,花明夜暗,视线昏暗。更何况,苏云清修炼着,轻舞着,半低扇。妆淡,月明,仙美,粉淡。船归来,浮萍张开,镜中窥视。怕死,卷入凉风,与千叶和西风搏斗。水龙吟,白莲,清·李悌,羞于苍白的粉厚的肥肉,羞于天国的丝绸衣裳。水如镜,百里红妆,易生眼红。时不我待,我喜欢没有人放弃,翠云深深地保护着我。羡如冰玉,根清净。再多一点,苦涩的心。水晶杯里装满了露水。皎洁的月光下,无处可望。叹人生世间,谁知。孔听得懂语言,顾影叫青。无敌的仇恨,聪明但错误。唯一如此深情的是,嫦娥每晚都跟着灵波走。何新良,莲花青,曹慎义,横塘路。热爱自然,风格衣服和水装。灵波仙步。看春莹无数美丽。争相夺取绝色佳人。花底,星辰凉露。绿色和红色的爱是无止境的。所有的流浪,悲伤和怨恨与谁起诉。我想了想,犯了一些错误。没有人皱着眉头。整桓,镜中芙蓉。湿云适合。万股惆怅还在继续。谁知道独自受苦。又蓝桨,摇至烟。三十六个广场还没有开放。适合它,手数薄。定明月,过千浦。摸鱼,新禾清·老芳,听莺声,送春回。休闲花园变成了幽静的景象。微风吹过绉纱。融化的杨碧雯很难确定。一个人的兰娜。看青花数,弱茎引丝。充满残香。被紫妍接住。青草圆圆,片片红冷。凉爽而珍珠。小璐在盘子上微微一凝,她晃了晃盘子,让它变得完整。几天来,蝉已经热得发烫了。出水美妆。幽香幽香,红衣披上翠绿,雍容华贵。夕阳昏暗。明月在天,水明净,影高低起舞。解玉华,雨后莲花,清朝,吴敬子,清平突然断了。绿叶变低。远离天空。芳心撩拨。有剩菜,珠子溢出,想流。毕管可以处理。刚栽的方向,药柱花亭。热情的爱,水穿风格的衣服。有一些空闲时间。因为想起了今夏的金帆特卖。露光半张脸。星眼频率。大厅里的娃娃也很短缺。谁提,玉树后院八卦。江舒泪流满面。曾记念珠卸。至此,荷花穿衣而行。傅玉结婚了。耀华唱首莲花,清·黄泉,太阳分影。风和花香。记住两栖无能为力。林波微步。最让人羡慕的是,她总体上是风度翩翩。玉容亲戚。任意两两,煞费苦心地认识。试试丁宁和水培风上。离开教育,争夺颜色。依旧是古月深宫。笑着泡温泉。陆薇很抱歉。寒香飞扬。不料铜雀二桥出差。西风来了。怕吹破云。谁有耐心,花底鸳鸯。还要学习并前往溪流的一侧。芙蓉青少英曾从楚来献兰,喜见风转红玉楼。如果你想收集名花,留下你的好朋友,你将坠入秋河,梦想遥远。雨露一文不值,枝干鸳鸯自成。今天谁来掌管仙城?盯着红色的窗户。荷花明珠清·朱宜勋 小雨林池景碧落,天天有夜光。江疏的口水在天边飘落,仙人掌清亮,天亮了。还好我没有给我一个悲伤的坠子,但如果它被摘了,我会错误地错过它。当洲夜的女儿修吃醋,乐府开一曲。莲花和莲花的特写镜头。清朝郑希冀。新的梅雨季节来了,小船飘着烟水。嘉安挂杨颖,朱熹胜说唱。千朵芙蓉花,凌波至。天亮了,花儿醉了。泥不染,荷叶绿。殷桃猛地卷起,万石斛琼珠被砸得粉碎。优雅和芬芳应该是安静的。忘睡,清风明月,天上明月。荷叶杯,盆莲,清·叶沉香,婉儿红绿相间,带蒂,小盆。双心千瓣斗鲜,水不沾泥。鲜花之间的比较是什么?绅士风度,胜过张朗。蓝屏窗下夜风清凉,花叶飘香。疏影残荷,清代,郑艳渊。方塘一角,只见青云憔悴,暑气消散。想起了在水面上频频摇曳的洛依,妩媚的鬓角一时嫉妒。今烟波寒,只剩鸥鹭二只。知道悲伤的时候,月姑娘回来了,孔乙想起了采莲前的时光。眼中通红的都是嫁人,但枯干的芦苇却是一片混乱,可以抒发自己的悲哀。滚向薰风,狄向西风,忍受无数落日。笑来的清露很浓,她很无奈也很没心没肺。只是看着他,铅泪难掩,洒落成一滩雾雨。望着荷花,清朝,胡天佑清池满是人心,低头望着荷叶的背影。南塘还不错,没有这种绿钱盖。古镜很干净,妆容也对。凉风似留人,独享独处。天道主也解决了问题,一场雨不破阻拦。小虎吴阳云,桓本是国之国。高盘托着跳珠,散落各处。怀疑遇到了二妃,他笑着议论解决。低巧巧折腾,明月依旧碎。封逸格格不入,他还期待什么?生活总是虚幻的,站着叹息。聊了一会,让我看看花债。连翁不留我,这份爱谁来分享?常笑回来的时候,玉芳身上已经满是腰带了。采莲曲,清朝,王洪旭 西夜不愁,明月解你。荷花题画 清·朱达 父亲记得郝二郎,但记不清到底发生了什么。绘画与西池观天翻地覆,为之在人旁努力。题名莲花翠鸟清·朱大我从侧面听到双翠鸟,它的翅膀已经长出来了。日复一日,云无心,那将在莲花上。题画荷花清代,朱大,一叶数瑶,长耳一程。办法就是踩着灯,回到九莲小队。题为清朝荷塘百鸟戏图,朱大双井旧中河,明月迟延。黄家双鲤,龙在哪里。三万六千公顷,毕竟有鱼。此时,脸颊发黄,海绵冷上盛。去天池赤雾时,见到了白云星。云鹤画黄花,云中金城。 ] 望临平路荷花,与朱冰河、陈玉仪、清、王有增一道,船窗六窗银纱笼罩,夕阳正风前。按照约定,前滩凉月晴,但闻花香却不见花香。五法,鹤庆,纳兰兴德。白切肥玉花瓣,红简彩霞纸。走出沐浴亭,妩媚动人,凌波每一步都走着。美人可怜,常绣枕边。秋鹤清正邪当秋鹤一个人的时候,她晃晃悠悠地看到她优雅的容貌。无法争先发,不是因为意外。太长吟芙蓉清露慈云轻烟袅袅寒香,碧水映清标。醉得满江高。望日夜,花更娇。当树枝被采摘时,你在想什么?我想把它送到汉江。似乎很远,银河是蔚蓝的天空。采莲花的歌和戒。青石奎采摘道里湖,在堤上种莲花。和郎来闻香,比外湖还香。采莲歌,清朝,徐焯,莹莹,溪水少女追纱,单衫玉腕荡舟。有情有怨,折荷花,折荷花,怀念。卜栓子永炼青·吴晓谁种了白莲花?秋天到了鲜花盛开的地方。陶凌腾腾喝醉了,想回家。香庐山路。墨从绿泥中笑出声来。一如承诺的纯洁之心。一个玻璃照相馆是空的。永远留在海浪中。翼白莲(下)] 唐·皮日修 嗅着看着黑暗伤心欲绝,从此再无爱红芳的打算。说到折叠,也不过是琼客,种子应该是玉池。阳光洒满水,风惊雪香。武王开场多少次?就像西施化着素颜一样。 【荷花】唐·唐艳倩 新荷映多浦,交于青池东。静影摇波荡月,寒香映水风。金尘落心,玉露洗去赤红。看着余方少,没有人问。 【独莲】唐·王镇白方堂清宵镜,独在玉容秋。甲虫和虫子都不好看,担心平空。夕阳斜背看瑛,风吹得很大,低着头。方逸什么都羡慕,两人一起游来游去。 【菩萨人】荷花陈玉仪南轩面向芙蓉铺,风月雨顺。少红多绿的时候,帘子前的景象令人叹为观止。绳床上的乌木桌,整天飘香。用新的故事醒来,做鲜花的主人。 【卜栓】荷花辛弃疾 粉嫩粉红装扮靓丽,绿罩遮风挡雨。六月霸天下凉,月阳浦。莲藕根长,花中莲苦。正因为浪漫有很多伤感,才更适合美女。 【南翔子】李玄乘彩舟过荷塘,赵歌惊睡鸳鸯。旅女带着鲜花搂着笑,争着苗条,还折起团荷花遮住了晚会的照片。 【高禾】唐元真种了100多根莲藕,高禾只有四片叶子。闪蓝云扇,团圆宝叠。婷婷挺起身子,难掩难掩。如果我不学水拳,我就害羞了。 【荷花】唐·李商隐 无色可合,情不自禁。瑶宴设下乘凉,金牢已来不及。回到被子里,灯火通明,袜子浸湿了。预计在前一个秋天告别,离开梦钊的家。 【醉桃园】芙蓉松吴文英姐姐清花花不在同一时间。荒诞为迟。华丽的妆容和水是最合适的。风吹起刺绣。他惊讶地问常美。月冥仙梦回来了。秋天,靠栏杆的人会发胖。花愁人不知。 【五律荷花】清朝纳兰行德鱼戏叶天天,凫唱采莲。白切肥玉花瓣,红简彩霞纸。离开浴亭,凌波美得不可方物。美人可怜,常绣枕边。 【秋莲】元·柳隐 薄影惆怅,淡香甜美。受不了崔红减销的时间,就连江青寒月都这样。本来打算要举办整个清坊晚会,但白露已经是秋风了。盛老眼还在,别让船空了。 【卜栓子永莲】清朝,吴晓谁种白莲?秋天到了鲜花盛开的地方。陶凌腾腾喝醉了,想回家。香庐山路。墨从绿泥中笑出声来。一如承诺的纯洁之心。一个玻璃照相馆是空的。永远留在海浪中。 【翼同心莲】昭明太子江南采莲处,照原足观。条件和其他均匀分枝的树木,都闪闪发光的紫色茎。同为草根,二者不同。用它来代表萱草,一定会让伤心的人高兴。 【凤和羌七弟曹长盆池栽】唐寒雨我纵观江河,今生来。野叶长,根移。鹿晗既清新又青翠,风和风相互摩擦。不过师父知道,谁能这么说呢? 【白莲题】唐·白居易 素室露露,玉冠鲜,青叶摇风扇圆。原来是梧州养的莲花,现在是沂水的寄生莲花。我在此扎根三千里,如今六七岁了。不仅有池塘里的老花,还有老采花船。 【小院水志引尔入诗】千味鸿然有一壶水,与池相接。青蕈八九枝,圆莲四五叶。摇香飘香,期盼雄心壮志。可采芙蓉,长江乌云密布。 【南轩盆栽莲藕池】宋梅瑶臣 绿屋长在红云红雾中,朝霞变朱粉色光。白玉未满泥,羽覆显明目。浑浊的水里散落着青蛙和乌龟,池塘凿成五尺,像一个正方形。平根科放心,赫连明年水阳就出来了。 【家莲】宋司马光 莲家前后煮,供品不用一起点。肉质细嫩,山蜂棱深,有马蹄。尚连诗蕊来了。深映绿莲低。像刚收割的一样清脆美丽,根部附近有泥土。 【采莲曲】宋陆游 两头叠得欲赠,重叶盖羞见。女伴们互相邀约去接翠玉,如飞一般的回了家。斜鬓衣袖避人,指石帆山上雨。 【芙蓉颂】元·萨杜拉秋江淼淼鞭打容芳,秋江女儿心碎。春红袍护云,晚绿袖凉。鲤鱼吹浪江水白,霜落洞庭叶。舟中采莲者何在,惜芙蓉佳色。 【采莲曲】南朝·梁·萧罡 夕阳照天,晚采莲。风起湖难,荷盛不稀。芙蓉落,船动,白鹭飞。莲花缠在手腕上,菱角拉着远处的衣服。 【采荷】南朝梁武隽杂花锡织锦,罗衣挂绿江。我问儿子今天要去哪里,他就出去采摘江南荷花。辽西三千里,无缘无故要送。愿你早日归来,这荷花是新鲜的。 【采荷歌】南朝梁刘晓薇金桨木兰船,戏曲江南采荷。荷花清香过江,荷叶满清水。方垂容易上手,把手从盘子上弯下来。花露时,荆棘湿漉,随风摇曳。 【福德射江采芙蓉】南朝·梁·祖孙登浮灯满江,芙蓉已落。人来见花影,衣香。贵州不定,灵阁引更长。彩彩告别,来不及打扮。 【迎同心芙蓉】隋都公展荷花烧,亭台出水。 A single stem attracts green, and two shadows share dividends. The color grabs the face of the song, and the fragrance dances in the style. The name lotus can be recited, but the two hearts are the same. 【Lotus Picking Song】Yin Yingtong of the Sui Sui There are countless companions in the boat, and they untie the mooring to remind each other. There is no need to wipe the sweat powder, and the wind skirt can be opened at will. The boat moved and floated in chaos, and the boat came in leaning on the lotus. The lotus root is pulled into strands, and the lotus leaves are held in a cup. [Folding the lotus as a gift] Tang·Li Bai Playing in the autumn waters in Shejiang, I love the fresh red mushrooms. Pan the lotus to make its beads, rippling and not round. In the beautiful clouds, the beautiful woman wants to give it to the distant sky. Acacia has no reason to see, looking at the front of the cool breeze. 【Vietnamese Girl】Tang·Wang Changling The Yue girl made Guizhou, and she also made Guizhou as a bridle. The water on the lake is sloppy, and the Qingjiang River cannot be touched. Pick hibiscus flowers, not hibiscus leaves. I will ask my husband-in-law how the color is like a concubine. [Ancient meaning] Tang Hanyu Yujing lotus on the peak of Taihua, blooming like a boat, is colder than snow and frost, and a piece of entrance is healed. What I want is not afraid to go far, the green wall has no way and it is difficult to find a relationship. Andrew picked the fruit on the long ladder, and planted Qi Zegen. Gu Cailian Yuan·Wuqiuyan Wet wind blows the cold fragrance of peanuts, Feng Yi dances ice silk clothes, Fei Fei powder gold floats in the evening pond. Floating orchid boats, drumming laurels, singing and picking lotus flowers, and sending messages for the king: Come back late to make the bright moon. [Liantang Jiwang] Tang·Liu Jian In the new autumn, Hanli is red and bright, and the evening wind is full of sweetness in the county. A thousand folds of water patterns are exhibited, and an embroidery of roe and scorpion is just completed. The lotus-picking girl went to Wu Gehe, and the green-picking woman returned to Chu Yuqing. The shepherd boy on the far shore plays the piccolo, and in the depths of the Polygonum flower, he believes in the ox. [New Lotus Out of Water] Song Yueke When the purple jade group was first turned over by the water, it suddenly stood up by the Langgan. On the seventh day, the blue bird came to the Jade Lake, and the jade mirror danced with a green luan. Xiaolu walked on a plate with bright beads, and the evening wind covered the snow and the clothes were cold. From now on, the ten zhang flowers will bloom, and the top of Taihua Peak will be more fragrant. 【Sanyitang Hibiscus】Yuan·Sadula Twelve volumes of spotted curtains are light and blue, and the autumn water hibiscus is separated by a painting column. The colorful fan shakes the wind and the clouds, and the brocade robe makes the moon and wine cold. The wandering soul Cuixiu stayed in Jiangpu, and the cactus red cloud was wet and dewed. I’m only afraid that Huainan’s frost letter will be early, and the red sarong will be watched late at night. 【Biandi Lotus】Ming Shen Zhou The new green dew in Yexi is charming and charming, leaning on a branch with red makeup on both sides. The soul of the moon and the water make a wish, and the love and love of the wind and flowers are in harmony with each other. The younger sister of the Zhao family wakes up in spring, while the aunts of the Yang family take a bath in the evening. Today, Rokuro was exhausted, and he wrote a heartbroken poem for him. 【Lianshi】Jin·Zhangfei The Concubine Shui took out the cyanotic bead bag, and the jade bamboo shoot carving plate was delighted to taste it. The white skin has been mixed with new lotus root and tender, and the heart is clear, especially with the fragrance of small lotus. The remaining kingfishers have zero rare feathers, and they fly to the honeycomb of the wasps. It’s ridiculous to have a tiring stomach, and this body wants to be old in Jiangxiang. [Penchi] Tang·Han Yu Mo said that the basin could not be made, and the first seedlings of lotus root have already grown. From now on, there is a note from Yujun, come and listen to Xiaoxiao’s sound of slapping leaves. Chiguang, Tianying, and Qingqing, only added a few bottles of water after hitting the shore. Let’s wait for the bright moon at night to see how many stars Han Yong has. 【Lotus】 In the Ming Dynasty and Shen Shixing, the blue marsh stops the cold jade, and the red mushroom reflects the green wave. The morning sun is shining brightly, and the fragrance is more windy at night. The golden scales of the game came out, and the green feathers flew past. Enjoy the coolness by the waterside pavilion, and continue picking lotus songs. 【Lotus picking song】 Tang·Li Kangcheng In the center of the green and red sleeves, the green lotus and lotus seeds are fragrant. The clouds are rising and the road is long. The way back is long, and it will be a long time, each returning to the boat, waving both hands. [Lotus Pearl] Qing·Zhu Yixun The small rainforest pond is clean and green, and the fields share more luminous light. Jiang Shu’s saliva is falling day by day, and the cactus is sunny and the moon is passing. Fortunately, I didn’t give me a pendant of sadness, but if I picked it up, I missed it by mistake. Dangzhou Ye’s daughter Xiu was jealous of each other, and Yuefu prescribed a song. [Hibiscus] Qing Dynasty Shao Yu once gave orchids from Chu, and was delighted to see the wind turning red jade buildings. If you want to collect famous flowers and leave your good friends, you will fall into the Autumn River with a distant dream. Pancheng rain and dewdrops are not counted, and the stems and mandarin ducks are self-contained. Who is in charge of Xiancheng today? Staring at the red window. 【Pond Lotus】Yuan·Ni Zan Returning to the wind between waves, the leaves of the calendar are exposed. The clear pond is full of color, and the Huayue reflects micro-steps. Clouds and shades of the flower house converge, and the rain rests with grace. Wanting to pick up the Ming Dynasty, I hesitated and cherished the late twilight. [Nanchi Jialian] Tang Yaohe Ye Tiantian in the Furong Pond, a book with two branches that illuminate the Biquan. The rich and beautiful fragrances are scattered separately, and the east and the west are connected by bright leaves. Knowing that politics is no different, even Zhenxiang is accidental. The four savages were all delighted when they heard it, and rushed to enter Guo to see Jialian. [Chongtai lotus] Tang·Li Shen The green lotus is soothing and the breeze is dawning, and the red calyx opens and lingers, and the purple scorpion is heavy. The twin girls, Han Gao, compete for a smile, while the second concubine, Xiangpu, has a sad face. Self contained in autumn dew, chaste and clean, but not flirtatious in spring. In the end, I was afraid that the fairy in Yujing would know, but she held it back in the green pond. 【The Hibiscus under the Fall】 Tang·Bao He One person manages the country and leads to peace, all things are auspicious and help prosperity. The Tianshang River passes under the Que, and Jiangnan Huaxiang was born before the palace. Qingyun is under the shade, and it is difficult to fall, and Zhanlu is full of pearls. More to Lexuan Zhang Er, the singer wanted to play the sound of picking lotus. 【Fu de Shejiang to pick hibiscus】 Sui Kong Deshao The lotus boat floats across the brocade moraine, and the eyes can see the river. It is easy to cross along the river, but difficult to get flowers against the waves. When there is fog, the river is wide, and the water is wide when there is no wind. Chaolai was tired of picking and lingered for a long time. [Wandering in the Lotus Flower Dangling] Ming·Zhu Fangzhong The autumn colors of Pinghu Lake are very beautiful, and the boat is drunk and floating. The lotus incense in the water country floats and records, and the sunset sails chasing gold. The jade beside the embankment is amazing, and the sky is full of crests. After the song is over, the lotus picking is on the way back late, and the Taxi cloud tree is in the distance. [Zhongtaian Zhaoyou Lake Lotus Dangling] Zhu Yuefan of the Ming Dynasty Wears the moon on the lake, with a bright mirror-like heart. The light radius turns with the heron, and the villa goes deep into the flowers. Cui Gai is a treasure in water, and Danxia wine is singing. If you can go boating, you can only open your chest. [White Lotus Cottage] Ming Zhu Yuefan The ponds on the water island are quiet, and the hibiscus pavilion is full of blue clouds and autumn. Tagonong also understands the Wu language, and with a smile, it can break the worries of customers. Under the dew, the scent of picking fragrance is soaked in the wet clothes, and the shadows in the middle of the moon flow into the cup. You look at how Yin Zhu is like this, and Fusi Prefecture has to travel together. 【White Lotus】Qing·Qiu Jin It’s not that Xian’e falls on a jade pendant, and at night comes out of Shuiyun Township; There is snow piled up beside the hazy pool, and there is a strange fragrance in front of the indifferent wind. The origin of the country’s color is plain face, and the beautiful woman did not use heavy makeup; Donghuang, in order to fear the red dust, personally gave Hanhuang Mingyue clothes. [White lotus] Qing Sheng Jin Yujing was planted in the wild pond, and the ice was sold and the green sleeves returned to life and cool. The waning moon on the half river wants to be without a shadow, and the cold clouds on the bank are fragrant. The truth still remains in the Kaishi Club, and the red clothes have been washed out of beauty clothes. Narcissus stopped the boat and went to the boat, who and Ling Bo relieved Peijuan. [Huanxisha] Song Su Shi There are ten miles of lotus hanging on all sides, where the most flowers are in the clouds, and the sunset is peaceful on the south side of the painting building. The weather is cool and people are lonely, time must be spent with wine, and come to the flowers to listen to Sheng songs. [Lotus Picking Song] Tang·Li Bai Ruoye River picks lotus girls, laughs and picks lotus flowers to share the human language. The sun shines on the new makeup and the water is bright, and the wind is blowing and the fragrance is lifted in the air. Whose family is You Yelang on the shore, three, three, five, five are reflected. Zi Liu hissed, and the flowers were gone, and the wind was blowing the air. 【Qian’s Chishang Hibiscus】 Ming·Wen Zhengming In September, the flowers in the south of the Yangtze River are closed, and the hibiscus revolves in Central Continent. The beauty smiles across the water, and the sunset is still full of sorrow. The dew washes the jade plate and the golden hall is cold, and the wind blows the Jincheng autumn. It looks like there is no use for injuries, and there is no seclusion like a pond. 【Little Crimson Lips and Fragrant Lotus】Song Wang Shipeng Shili West Lake, with light makeup and heavy wiping like Xizi. Lotus flower hairpin water. Incredibly clean and fragrant. I remember Zeng You, a short time in the red cloud. Talking about it is similar, a basin of pond water is like a ten-mile West Lake. [Yu Meiren] Song·Chen Yuyi On the three-day autumn pond road, Pingdu went to the lotus. The sick man came to swim because of his illness, which is even more worth the light rain and the clean autumn. Last year, the long regret took the boat late, and the empty remnants were full. How to repay Jun’s kindness this year? Along the way, the flowers are sent to each other, and the green pier is passed. [Reproaching the King and Sun] Song Li Qingzhao The wind on the lake is vast, the autumn is twilight, and the fragrance of red is scarce. The scenery of water, light and mountains is close to people, it is endless, infinitely good. The lotus seeds have become old lotus leaves, wash with clear dew, and prickly pear grass. Sleeping sand gulls and herons don’t look back, they seem to hate it, and people return early.

2. The latest closing time of Qiantan Park

From August 23rd, another shopping and eating place in Pudong – Jingyao Qiantan Shopping Center begins Trial operation. The shopping mall is positioned as an “Urban Micro Vacation”, the first 7-11 sports-themed convenience store in Shanghai, the first natural maker to move the English-style grass garden into the shopping mall, the first CGV theater with a Dolby Cinema, the first “Tiger Punch” Offline stores… A number of first stores have appeared here. There is also a whole independent parent-child building. During the opening period, the mall will also be transformed into a large playground, from sandbags to hammock chairs, to slides, cave castles… Free play for adults and children!

3. Qiantan Park opening hours

A map of the distribution of 17 ferry lines in Shanghai

17, Ximin Line

Minhang Ferry

Puxi Ferry Address: No. 351 Pujiang Road First and last sailing time: 05:00—21:00

Pudong Ferry Address: No. 2 Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway First and last sailing time: 05: 15—21:10

Landmarks or attractions near the ferry: Hanxiang Water Expo Park and Fifth People’s Hospital in Puxi

16, Du-Wu Line

Puxi Ferry Address: No. 1 Jianchuan Road (Gongshan Road) First and last sailing time: 06:00—19:00

Pudong Ferry Address: The first port of Duxing Ferry at the west end of Shendu Highway Last sailing time: 06:15—19:08

Landmarks or attractions near the ferry: Wujing Park in Puxi; Old Shaojialou in Pudong Street, Pudong Country Park

15, Chenche Line

Puxi Ferry Address: No. 11 Chengjiang Road First and last sailing time: 05:50—19:00

Pudong Ferry Address: First and last sailing time of Tangkou Ferry at the west end of Chenhang Highway: 06:00—19:05

Landmarks or attractions near the ferry: Pudong Youren Ji Hospital South Branch, Eye and ENT Hospital Pujiang Branch

14, Sangang Line< /p>

Puxi Ferry Address: No. 1900 Longwu Road (Longteng Avenue) First and last sailing time: 06:00—21:00

Pudong Ferry Address: Yanjiang Road Sanlin Road Ferry Time: 06:10—21:10

Landmarks or attractions near the ferry: Puxi has Internet celebrity check-in point “Spaceship Base” (the overall bu ilding of the ferry), West Bund Art Museum, Shanghai Botanical Garden; Pudong has Qiantan Friendship City Park p>

13. Nanlu Line

Address of Puxi Ferry Port : First and last flight time of No. 1279 Waima Road: 04:50—23:10

Lujiabang Road Ferry

Pudong Ferry Address: No. 1 South Pier Road First and last sailing time: 04:40—23:20

Landmarks or attractions near the ferry: Puxi has Sanshan Guild Hall, World Expo Museum, Nanpu Bridge Tourism Distribution Center; Pudong has Bailianjing Park, World Expo Park, Qian (back) Beach Park

12, Tangdong Line

Puxi Ferry Address: No. 737, Waima Road首末航时间:08:00—16:00

浦东渡口地址: 塘桥路1号首末航时间:08: 08—16:10


< p style=”color: rgb(7, 15, 9);”>11、杨复线


浦东渡口地址:张扬路1号首末航时间:06 :10-2 1:30



浦西渡口地址:复兴东路1号 首末航时间: 07:00-21:00


浦东渡口地址:东昌路1号 首末航时间:07:15-21:00



浦西渡口地址: 中山东一路127号 首末航时间:07:15-18:30

浦东渡口地址:东昌路1号 首末航时间:07:00—18:15



浦西渡口地址:公平路60号 首末航时间:07:00—19:00

浦东渡口地址:浦东南路1号 首末航时间:07:10—19:10



浦西渡口地址:秦皇岛路1号 首末航时间:05:00—23:00


浦东渡口地址:东方路1号 首末航时间:05:10—23:10



浦西渡口地址:丹东路65号 首末航时间:06:50-18:30

浦东渡口地址:民生路1号 首末航时间:07:00-18:40



浦西渡口地址:宁国南路1号 首末航时间:06:00—20:00


浦东渡口地址:歇浦路1号 首末航时间:06:10—20:10



浦西渡口地址: 共青路4号 首末航时间:05:00—23:30


浦东渡口地址:金桥路1号 首末航时间:05:10-23:40



浦西渡口地址:嫩江路1号 首末航时间:05:30—21:20

浦东渡口地址:东塘路604号 首末航时间:05:45—21:30



浦西渡口地址:临江路1号 首末航时间:06:00—20:20

浦东渡口地址:江心沙路2号草镇渡口 首末航时间:05:50—20:35



浦西渡口地址:淞浦路114号 首末航时间: 06:00—21:00

浦东渡口地址:江东路一弄38号三岔港渡口 首末航时间:06:10—20:00











国际友好城市公园 地址:前滩大道108号 地铁11号线;地铁6号线;地铁8号线到东方体育中心站下车西北方向。



