

2010 年 7 月 20日网聊记录
目前情况下, 非移民签证申请人可以不受领区,户籍常住地限制,可在任何驻华美国使领馆预约签证面谈时间。如有变动使馆会另有通知。 
I’m currently a medical student in China (Peking University) and plan to do clinical rotation as a visiting student in Universtiy of Lousiville School of Medicine for no more than 6 months. However, they require that every visiting student should hold J1 visa to be eligible. My question is: Shall I be subject to the twoyear home country physcial presence requirement? Or in other words, do I have to return back to China and stay for more than two years after I have finished my rotation at Universtiy of Lousiville school of medicine? Is there any way to waive the 2 year rule? Because I will probably go to USA for postgraduate training right after graduation. Note: visiting medical student functions as a fourth year student in American medical school (participate in patient care under the supervision of senior physicians and also attend teaching sessions of that medical school). The website of visting student program of Universtiy of Lousiville School of Medicine: http://louisville.edu/medschool/med-peds/medica

Section 212(e), otherwise known as the “two year requirement,” states that a J-1 recipient subject to this rule must return to their country for 2 years prior to applying for any type of immigration benefit in the United States. This generally means that a J-1 applicant will not be eligible to enter the US as an H-1B, L1, or Legal Permanent Resident (Green Card) until they have returned home for the set period of time. This does not prevent an applicant from continuing study in the US as a non-immigrant. If
necessary, it is possible to apply for a waiver for the two year requirement.  
请具体参考:http://chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_renewal.html ,同时,请询问当地中信代传递服务更详细的递交程序。
签证官先生,您好!我想问一下我是否需要再交 SEVIS费用的问题:2006年8 月我去了美国,在美国上了三年高中,2009年考上大学,去年(2009 年)高中毕业时的那个暑假我没有回中国,
之后在美国上了大学一年级。今年5 月我回到中国过暑假,9月将回美国上大学二年级了。我的高中与大学的学校代码不一样,但大学给我的I-20 中的 SEVIS号码还是和当年高中给我的 I-20中
的 SEVIS号码一样。我的问题是:1)我需要再交一次 SEVIS 费用吗?2)现在 SEVIS费用是 200 美元,我四年前交的时候是100美元,我现在还需要补交差额部分吗?3)如不需要再交或不需要补
交,我带上四年前去美国上高中时办签证时交的那份 SEVIS 费用的收据复印件(我的原件丢失了)是不是就可以了?谢谢您!
如果您的 SEVIS 号码没有变化,并且在美国继续学习(没有中断超过 5个月的时间),  您不必再交付/补差费用。

我申请 B2 签证,请问 U.S.Point of contact information 栏内的信息如何填写?我赴美旅游,在美并没有什么认识的联系人。是否填写一个宾馆的信息就可以了?
你好,我接到了美国一所学院的录取通知书,但是我的护照还没有办出来,领取的时间大概是 8月 11日,请问我可以申请预约签证吗?是不是现在到任何一个城市的驻美大使馆就可以申请了吗?
不可以, 预约申请必须提供预约号码。目前情况下, 非移民签证申请人可以不受领区,户籍常住地限制,在任何驻华美国使领馆预约签证面谈时间。
请问 F1 签证的有效期是不是一年啊?一年后我学业没有完成还没有回来需要签证吗?如果需要签证那怎么办签证呢?一定要回来办签证吗
通常 F1入境有效期为一年。 美国入境管理部门会在您入境美国时按照您学制长短决定您在美的停留时间。

尊敬的签证官先生:您好!我想咨询一下关于返签地点的问题。我去年8月份持 F1 签证到美国读两年Master,打算今年12月份寒假回国探亲。我是福建人,去年5月份进行 F1 签证时因为是在
在符合返签的条件下,请具体参考:http://chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_renewal.html ,同时,获取更详细的代传递信息请向当地中信银行查询。
Hello Officers at the U.S. Consulate, I am currently an undergraduate at an very high profile university in the U.S. Unfortunately, I was involved in a criminal case earlier this year and I plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges(Receiving stolen property of value less than $200/Using computer to commit a crime). The case will be dismissed soon. According to my immigration lawyer, the charges on me will not trigger the deportation, nor it will trigger the inadmissability. I understand there will be some troubles when I come back and renew my visa in China. My questions are: 1. What should I bring to my interview other than the sentencing documents from the court? 2. If my visa is denied, does that mean I am excluded from the U.S. permenentally?What can I do to make up for that if the visa gets denied at the first time? 3. Can I still use the ZhongXin Bank Visa transfer service?(I am now qualified to this service). I appreciate your response. Have a nice day.

According to your description of your case, it does not appear that you will be subject to any type of permanent ineligibility to return to the US. A true determination of this will be made by the Consular officer adjudicating your case. Be prepared to present all official documentation related to your case, as well as a personal explanation of the circumstances and final disposition of this incident. You are still eligible to apply for your visa through CITIC (ZhongXin) Bank, however there is a greater chance
that you will be called in for an interview if the materials you provide are not sufficient to make a de termination of your eligibility. 
你好!请问 F1签证需要多少天才能拿到签证?我签证被CHECK20 天后,大使馆来邮件要导师提供一封邮件,导师的邮件发给大使馆后还有多少天才能拿到签证?我已经买了飞机票,10 天拿到
通常审批签证需要 3到 5个工作日。 使馆如需要额外材料会另行通知, 请您耐心等待。 同时,请在获取签证前不要安排您个人的旅游行程, 如:机票/酒店预定。
尊敬的使馆官员你好,我还想问下,我现在已经拿到了赴美学习的签证,但是我想转到美国的另一所学校去培训,请问 我现在的这个签证还能用吗?还是要重新办一个签证呢?谢谢您的回答
尊敬的使馆官员你好,我在办签证的时候计划6月份赴美培训,现在我签证办下来了,但是我的计划改变,将在 9月份或10月份出去培训,请问:如果这样的话,我的签证会不会过期,需不需
If our NIV online application has been confirmed ,can we change it,in case we find some errors on the entries……In case I already paid the application fee of $140 and I decided not to continue my application this year,can I get a refund of it?
If there are significant errors in your form, it may be necessary to start over on your form. The application fee is non-refundable. 
I’ve already made my appointment and the NIV personnel gave me the appointment date for my interview…Can we make another appointment for interview in case we are not available on the date given?……
Visa applicants should only make a single appointment and plan to be available on that date for their interview.  I also wants my parents to visit me. Is the O1 approval too short to sponsor them for a B1 visa?
Your parent’s application for B1/B2 visa for temporary travel to the US will be considered separately from your O1 status.

On your website, it states resumes and invitation letters. My O1 apporoval is based on extraordinary ability in business. my approval will expire October 9th, 2010. I have a visa just expired October 9th last year. I ahve participated this webchat before and was informed that I can use the drop off service.My attorney has providedme all documents used for the O1 application. do I need to drop off the entire copy of that? Do you need I-129 form?
Please include all relevant documents that establish your continuing eligibility for the O1 visa.  5

hi Question:  I am in USA as J-1 visa . I talk part in the internship program for one year? Can I stand my program 6 more months?
In some instances it is possible to extend the length of your J-1 exchange. Your program coordinator will be able to give you the most accurate information regarding your eligibility. 

我是 J2 签证,妈妈是 J1。我已经和妈妈在美国住了 11 个月了,暑假回家看看爸爸。签证已过期,想通过中信银行递签,已准备了护照、DS-2091、DS-160、签证费、J1 的护照和 DS2024 的复印件、
查询此问题答案,请登陆使馆网站 http://chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_dependents.html 
尊敬的使馆官员你好,我还想问下,我现在已经拿到了赴美学习的签证,但是我想转到美国的另一所学校去培训,请问 我现在的这个签证还能用吗?还是要重新办一个签证呢?谢谢您的回答
我今年5 月份研究生毕业从美国回中国,我读研究生时的签证类型为 J-1(DS2024表格上的到期日期为今年年底,但护照签证页上的到期日期为6 月,已经过期了),现在我已在单位工作。我
们单位在美国也设有工作岗位,如我想申请美国的工作岗位,应该办里哪种签证?原先的 J-1 签证对我再次去美国是否会有一定的影响? 6
根据您再次赴美的目的申请相应种类的签证。如果您计划申请 H, L及移民类签证,您需要在上一个 J-1项目结束后两年才可申请上述签证。
请登陆使馆网站 http://chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_visatypes.html 选择您申请的类型。
尊敬的签证官:上午好!有二个问题请问:1、第一次预约(今年四月份)签证时,资料不全,拒签。第二次预约(5月份)带全资料,签过。请问:再次预约去签证时,填写 DS-160表,在填写
是否拒签时,是填写拒签还是没有?因为第一次拒签了,第二次签过了,不知应该如何填。2、今年5 月份签证赴美,7 月回国,是不是在明年5月份之前再去美国就不需要签证了(一年内有
第二个问题:我老婆持 J-1 签证做博士后刚回国,她能不能再申请 J-2签证去和我伴读。
您好,我是一名大学教师,获得了国家基金委的公派项目赴美做博士后,之前联系到了一个大学,对方给我是 H-1b签证申请表 I-129,但基金委告诉我只能以J-1签证赴美(我已告诉原来那所大学
的导师情况,他担心影响他的研究进度决定取消我加入他们研究组的计划)。所以我不得不重新联系学校申请 J-1 签证 DS-2024 表。(1)我可不可以重新联系新的大学申请 J-1 签证的 DS-2024 表?
(2)原学校的 H-1b签证申请会不会对新的 J-1 签证申请有影响,怎样消除影响顺利拿到 J-1 签证的 DS-2024 表?(3)这样我会不会在移民局有不良记录影响,从而面签被拒?
您需要先取消原来的 H-1b签证再重新申请 J-1签证。
请问未满 14 岁的孩子和大人一起提交面签材料,大人要行政审查,孩子可否比大人提前得到通知?
It appeared that I have 2 given names…My name in the Baptismal Certificate is not the same name reflected in my Birth Certificate submitted in the NSO(National Statistics Office)….This was an error 7
made my the local authorities by the time I was born…..Since childhood until I worked in the government I used my Baptismal given name, but when I got my passport,the given name reflected in the Birth Certificate in the NSO must be the legal one to use because this is the one reflected in the NSO..So, from that time till now that Im working here in China, I’m using the given name reflected in my passport….Do I provide supporting documents for these 2 given names? Because in the NIV
application,we’re asked if we had used other names before..Shall I say “yes” then provide them my supporting docs during the interview? Thanks
If as you say you have been using two names please do check “Yes” and providing any available documentation related to the use of these two different names. 
I am a F-1 visa applicant and was required to provide a letter from my US professor three weeks later after the visa interview. How long will it take to get the visa after I successfully send the letter to US Embassy?
Without further details of your case it is impossible to give an exact answer. Each case is different, however I can assure you we will make our best effort to process your case in as timely a manner as possible.
亲爱的签证官,我是一名在美暑期打工实习的学生,我持有的是 J1 签证,我近期想要去加拿大短期旅游,我从美国这边办好签证以后,从加拿大回来还要不要办签证?

您好!我申请 F-1签证,签证官告诉我 2-3 周会收到通知去领护照。可是3周过了还没有接到任何通知,所以我不知道我的签证状态处于何阶段。致电 Travel State Government 会查到签证
Pending 的状态。由于我的飞机是近期起飞,我担心我的签证处理延期,就会迫使我改签飞机,且耽误入学时间。请问我现在可以做什么呢?以使贵使馆能加速办理我的签证吗?非常感谢!
目前行政审理需要 3-4周时间。但每个申请人的情况不同,有些申请的行政审理时间会长一些。

亲爱的签证官,我是一名在美打工旅游的学生,持有 J1 签证,我近期想要去加拿大短期旅游,我现在在辛辛那提的梅森,我不想跑到大城市去面签,你能告诉我下我要怎么邮寄到哪边的大使馆
有关申请加拿大签证的问题,请您咨询加拿大驻美国的使领馆。 8
Hello,officer! My question is: I’ve already got F1 visa for my 2010fall enrollment, but unfortunately I need a surgery immediately now and it might be impossible for me to go over the USA on time. The University postpone my enrollment to 2024spring and issue a new I-20. So I wonder under this situation, do I need to re-apply a new visa?(PS: the same university and major. the only difference is that the enrollment is half year later) Your student visa is annotated with the SEVIS number of your I20. If you have been issued a new I20 with a new SEVIS number, it may be necessary to apply for a new student visa. Based on your situation you should be eligible to renew your visa through the CITIC bank process without appearing at the Embassy or Consulate for an interview. 
您好。我想请问一下,我已于7月9 日在北京签证,当时签证官表示我通过了。但我到现在也没收到材料、护照和签证,查询 EMS显示邮政还没有收到我的材料。请问我应该怎么做?继续等待
请将您的问题,姓名及护照号发传真至 8531 3333。
尊敬的签证官,你好, 我是一名返签的 F1 学生。今年 5月底在美国驻北京使馆签的证。当时签证官给我的答复是我需要“a couple of days”就能得到签证。但是现在已经快 60天了,中途大使
馆也没有通知我补充任何材料,也没有收到任何形式的通知。 而使馆的网页上说审理平均只要 3-4周。 我08年去美国的时候已经被 check 过,这次不知道为什么要等这么长时间。眼看马上就
要开学了,但我看到网上有的例子上有的等了100多天才拿到签证。 我这几天已经等的非常的心虑和急躁,请问能有什么办法催促一下吗? 我可以发传真到北京使馆吗? 真的很感谢你的回答!!
请将您的问题,姓名及护照号发传真至 8531 3333。
寻找此问题答案,请您登陆使馆网站 http://chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_business.html 
没有一定的时间,取决于申请人在哪个中信银行网点递交申请。 9
In the NIV application form,we are asked to write our surname ,then given name, then there’s a question full name in native language…we use English, do I need to write this way? “MICHELLE HERNANDEZ?”..Hernandez is my surname and Michelle is the given name…Or just check don’t apply?………
Please fill in your name as it would be written in your home country. 
If I work and live in U.S. and apply for H1B visa. Do I need to write down the home address and company’s name and address in Chinese? What shoudl I wirite down if they are not available in Chinese? Thanks!
Use of Chinese Pinyin is acceptable. 
您好:6 月9日我携孩子的资料曾经去大使馆签证,我因为短期是短期去所以申请 B2,孩子J2(我爱人是J1),但由于我暂时无法提供房产而拒签,我想问一下我可以为孩子单独提交北京大使馆的
免面签窗口进行签证吗?(孩子 12 岁,很想见妈妈!),160表中是否被拒签一栏是否应该填写被拒签过?没有房产证是否还会影响他单独签证?谢谢,孩子户口是北京的
14周岁以下的孩子申请非移民签证时不必亲自到使馆来递交申请。如果父母中至少有一人持有效的美国非移民签证,此年龄段的孩子可以通过免面谈代传递服务申请签证;如果 14周岁以下孩
馆网站 http://chinese.usembassy-china.org.cn/dropoff_for_minor__aged.html  填写 160表格时,必须按照实际情况如实填写。是否获得签证要看申请人的具体情况是否符合要求。
签证官您好!我在成都申请赴美签证,如果在填写 DS160 表的时候照片已经上传成功并通过测试,请问在签证的时候是否需要再次携带一张照片呢?谢谢
就此问题,请咨询成都领馆。 10
我妈妈在2004 到2006 年来美国住了 17 个月。她有有效签证一年, 在申请延长停留期限没有批准后, 她又多住了五个月, 于2006 年四月回国。她在 2008, 2009 和2010 三次申请签证,都被
去中信银行购买预约用的电话卡,拨打电话卡上面的电话进行预约。电话里的语言是中文和英文。 H-1B 签证官用什么语言?
I will be visiting relatives, former co-teachers and friends in the US living in different cities/states and go
sightseeing,too..Since,I’m planning to just stay there for a month,so, I won’t stay in one location….Which
address do I write?…Do I need to write all their addresses or I just choose one of them?…. I read from
site to bring our resume during the interview..do we need to have a detailed resume from the year  we
started working up to the present? do we need to write specific job description of each job?
If you plan to visit multiple locations in the US, please simply select one primary address for your form.
If you plan to bring your resume to your interview, more detail is better than less.
Which part of DS-160 need Chinese Hand-writing? I cannot fidn the requirement on Embassy’s website.
But I saw a previous post mentioning the confirmation page need hand write tele codes of names. Is
there any other places need hand-writing. Can you provide the link to the requirements on this? Thanks!
There is a section in which you are asked to write your name as it appears in your native language. It
is appropriate in this section to use Chinese characters. 
我是6月 22日在北京面签的,怎么到现在还没有结果啊,一般行政审查不是3 个星期左右吗,马上要开学了,能否告诉结果啊?
每个申请人的具体情况不同,因此有些申请的行政审理时间会长一些。 11
我们一家现在生活在中国湖南省,孩子10岁,持美国护照,母持 H2 签证于1998年到美国,2004年初放弃庇护回国。父持 H2 签证于 1993年到美国,2003 年底驱除回国,。父母一方是否
可以送孩子读书作陪读,——-证签 可以申请签证,但是否签发签证要看申请人的整体情况是否符合签发签证的要求。
In the NIV application form,we’re asked to write our Home address..is this our Home country’s address
or China’s Home address?… I have 2 passports (expired and new)…the expired one was issued in my
home country but I renewed it and got a new one in Beijing, so do I need to write both passport
numbers or only the number in the new passport?
Whichever location you consider to be your permanent home is appropriate. Please only fill in the
passport number for the current unexpired document that you will be using to travel. 
DS-160 照片是否可以事先上载,检查合格与否?
尊敬的签证官:您好。我的儿子 6月25 日在美国签证处进行了学生签证(面签获准)。并于当天在使馆区的北京邮政600支局办理了“邮寄护照特快专递”手续。6月26日,一位女签证官来电
话说查不到《??SEVIS  I—901 Fee》信息,当天上午我就发出了该件的传真。因无法联系到您们,只有发传真一个方式,所以在7月1 日之后又从不同的传真机发了很多次。虽然传真发了多机多
您提供的信息有限, 我们无法对此给你更具体的回答, 请您发送详细的询问至8531-3333。
Have the period adn entry of H1B visa change to one-year-multiple-Entry? How long does it take to process the visa if I use drop-off service?
Yes, H1B visa validity period has changed to one year multiple entries. The timeline is different.
Normally applications are approved; majority applicants can receive their visas 3-5 working days after the interview.
Hello Sir, I’m a non CHinese citizen, but currently residing and working here in CHina for almost 5 years  now and applying for a US visitor’s visa in Beijing..One of  the questions in the NIV application is National 12
Identification Number….We don’t have a National ID…DO I write the passport number or just click does not apply
You need to click “does not apply”.
您好!我是持有 J1 签证的美国互惠生,我的互惠项目将于 10 月结束。在美期间我已申请到学校。请问,我10 月回国后,可以马上申请 F1 签证吗?还是需要 2年以后才能申请?有没有豁免的可能?另外,我可不可以在美国当地申请转换签证?谢谢!
可以马上申请 F1签证,不需要等 2年。您可以在美国当地移民局转换身份,但是学生签证不能在美国当地申请转换。
签证官你好!我的问题是:我已经取得 F1 并且准备 2010FALL 入学,但因为意外不得不做一个手术,并且无法按时入学。学校同意把入学时间推迟到 2024SPRING,并且发了新的I-20。请问我需
不需要重新签证? (PS:学校不变,专业不变,就是入学时间晚了半年)