


Name: 李欣
Timestamp: 05-16-2008 23:12:10
网友提问:  尊敬的签证官阁下:
Dear officer:
Nice to meet you here. I am from Zunhua City, Hebei Province. I have a question.
I applied for a visa to visit my relatives in the US on May 7. The officer asked me two questions:
1) Have you been to other countries? I answered: No.
2) How much is your salary? I answered: 4000 RMB.
I was rejected and I want to know the reason. (At the time of application, I did not know whether or now I should ask the reason for refusal)
And, if I want to reapply, when is the good time? Thank you for your support.

Name: Gloria2
Timestamp: 05-17-2008 03:15:42
网友提问: 以何种途径可以查询到签证预约状态
How can we check the status of our applications?

Name: 孜孜哥哥
Timestamp: 05-17-2008 04:53:32
网友提问:  签证时可以用中文吗?
Can we speak Chinese during interview?

Name: polerr
Timestamp: 05-18-2008 07:21:48
网友提问: 我是和我的夫人均是70多岁,我的弟弟是加拿大籍华人,现在因脑梗塞和心脏病滞留在洛杉矶友人家中,并在洛杉矶医治。因他此前已进行过4次心脏手术,身体状况不佳,我们非常担心他的健康和安全,他也特别希望我们能去美国看望他。不知道能否获得贵国的探亲访友的签证,如果可以,需要我们提供哪些相关证明材料。如蒙协助,不胜感激。我的E-mail & MSN:polerr@hotmail.com/Tel:022-23358293,022-85870622/Mobile:13752311010 谢谢。
I wife and I are in our 70s. My brother is Chinese-Canadian. Recently he had to stay at a friend’s home in Los Angeles because of sudden brain obstruct and heart attack. He previous had heart surgeries for four times and now he is in bad health condition. We worry a lot and he is so looking forward to seeing us in the US. We do not know whether or not we can get US visas to visit our relatives in the US. What documents should we provide for our applications? Thank you so much.

Name: Meng Yang
Timestamp: 05-18-2008 10:47:17
网友提问: 领事官员:你好!近几年我和家人都是单独去美国旅游的。我不原意随国内的旅行社以团组的方式前往美国旅游。中美旅游谅解备忘录的签订会否影响我的单独签证申请?谢谢!期待你的回复!
Hello officer: My family members and I traveled to the US by ourselves in recent years and we do not want to join any groups organized by travel agencies.  Will the U.S.-China Group Leisure Travel Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) put any negative impact on our individual application?不会有影响。新的中美旅游谅解备忘录只是使团组申请签证更便利。此备忘录不会对单独的申请人有任何改变。我们欢迎所有的旅行者来美国旅游。

Name: jasminelm
Timestamp: 05-18-2008 22:11:57
网友提问: 我4月29日一签被拒,我将于5月21日前往再次申请F2签证。我去过塞班旅游3次,由于塞班实施自治,去塞班不需要持美国签证入境。请问我这种情况,在填写DS156表格第29项时,算去过美国吗?
My first application was rejected on April 29. I will reapply for my F-2 on May 21. I’ve traveled to Saipan for sightseeing for 3 times. I did not have to get a visa to enter Saipan. When I fill out the item No. 29 on DS-156 “Have you ever been to the US?”. Should I put “Yes” or “No”?
When I applied on April 29, I put “yes”. If the visit to Saipan does not count, I will put “No” in the application form. However, it will be different from my previous application, Will the difference put any negative impacts on my next application?
签证官解答:  Most people assume question 29 refers to a trip to one of the 50 states of the United States of America.  You can check box number 29 “No”, but you can write in box 9 on the DS-157 that you went to Saipan.  It is O.K. that this application and last application are not the same.  Just be sure to write that you went to Saipan and be ready to explain why the applications are different.  The most important thing is to be truthful at the interview, if you did not know how to answer a certain question, you can tell the Consular Officer who interviews you.

Name: angel820729
Timestamp: 05-18-2008 23:10:45
网友提问: 您好,罗森先生。我打算今年八月去美国读计算机专业的研究生,我已毕业并参加工作近两年时间。学校已经申请下来,打算七月底去签证,但是今年二月的时候我有过两次拒签的经历,是交流访问学者的签证互惠生的项目,最后没有去成很遗憾。我想了解一下我的两次拒签经历是否会对我这次的留学签证有影响?还有我听说去读计算机专业签证难度较大,不知是不是有这种说法?谢谢!
I plan to pursue my master degree in computer science in the US.  I graduated from my university and have been working for two years. I will apply for student visa at the end of July. Unfortunately, I was rejected a J-1 visa twice this February. I want to know whether or not these two refusals will have some negative impacts on my F visa application. I heard that it is rather difficult for students majored in computer science to get a visa, is that true? Thanks.
签证官解答: No, it is nor true that it is difficult for students majoring in computer science to get a visa.  We issue lots of visas for this purpose.  What an applicant is studying is not related to whether or not they are qualified for a visa.  Sometimes, prior refusals make it more difficult for the applicant to convince the officer that she really just wants to go to the U.S. for the stated purpose – in your case, to study.  Sometimes, when an applicant has many prior refusals in a short period of time, it looks like she is mostly interested in getting to the U.S. not in doing whatever she says she plans to do.  You should be ready to explain why you chose this F program and how it will benefit you in the future.
不, 这种关于读计算机专业的学生签证难度大的说法是不正确的。我们签发了很多以此为目的的申请。申请人学什么专业和他们是否符合签证要求没有关系。有时,以前拒签会使申请人比较难说服签证官她去美国只是为了她所陈述的目的—您的个案而言, 去美国学习。有时候,当申请人在短时间内有很多拒签记录时,这就看起来她只是对去美国非常感兴趣而不是去做她所说的计划要去做的事情。您应该准备好解释为什么您选择了这个学习项目,还有此次学习会如何利益您的未来。

Name: Charles_Zhang
Timestamp: 05-18-2008 23:23:48
网友提问: 我持公务护照,并且有有效B1签证.如果应邀去美国参加学术会议,要办理J1签证,那么我的B1签证还会有效吗?
I am a service passport holder and have a valid B1 visa.  If I am invited to attend an academic conference in the US and apply for a J1 visa, will my B1visa still be valid?
签证官解答:  Thank you for your question.  Yes, your b1 visa will still be valid.  A person can have visas of a different category at the same time.  But, you cannot have to visas of the same category at the same time (for example, we could not issue you another B1 visa in your private passport).  You do need to be very carefully when you enter the U.S., though, and make sure that you enter on your J visa when you start your program.
感谢您的提问。是的, 您的B1签证将会仍然有效。一个人可以同时拥有不同种类的签证。但是您不能同时拥有两个同种类型的签证(比如:我们不能在您的因私护照上签另外一个B1签证)。可您入境美国时需要格外小心,确认当您的项目开始时您使用J签证入境。

Name: hehebox
Timestamp: 05-19-2008 03:52:43
网友提问: 请问第一次签证过期一年之内续签美国留学签证需要准备哪些资料?是否需要面谈?
If my student visa expires within one year, what documents should I prepare to renewal a student visa? Do I have to be interviewed?
签证官解答:  You do not necessarily need an interview.  Please look at our website about renewing visas http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_renewal.html。You should be able to submit your documents at a CITIC Bank using our drop off procedure.  You should have a DS-156, DS-157, your I20 or DS-2024, and all of your transcripts.  If you are getting a higher degree in a scientific field, we may need additional documents about your research and advisor.
您不必要面谈。请浏览我们网站上关于续签的信息:http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_renewal.html。您应该可以用中信银行的免面谈带传递业务提交文件。您应该准备好DS-156、 DS-157表格,您的I-20或者DS-2024,以及您所有的成绩单。如果您正在科技领域攻读更高学位,我们也许会需要您提供有关您科研和您导师的额外文件。

Name: ricky2
Timestamp: 05-19-2008 05:43:22
网友提问: 您好!我于今年已二次申请B1签证都未获通过,由于是商务活动,请问我一下步申请需要注意些什么?谢谢!另外我今年28岁,但由于面相显小,是否因为这一点会给签证官留下年龄小不适于商务活动的印象而影响获签,谢谢!
I applied for a B1 visa twice but got rejected. This is a business trip to the US. What should I prepare and what should I pay attention to regarding my next application? I am 28 years old but look very young. Will officer think I am too young to conduct business activities in the US and reject my application? Thank you!
签证官解答:  This is a difficult question to answer since all cases are unique and only the Consular Officer who interviews you can determine whether or not you are qualified for a visa.  You age should not be a factor.  But, your experience and education, as well as how clearly you explain what you will do in the U.S. are important.  No documents aside from the application are required, but a detailed invitation letter can help the Officer understand your situation.  The most important thing is that you communicate to the Officer why you need to go to the U.S.

Timestamp: 05-19-2008 10:51:21
网友提问: 你好 。我是一名高二在读的学生,我想在9月份开学的时候去美国私立高中读书,但是我的英语不是那么的好,在报学校的时候我也会报上了语言课程,但是面谈的时候如果我有一些问题听不懂的话可以请签证官用中文提问吗?签证官会因为我面谈的英语不好而给我拒签吗?
Hi. I am a senior student in Grade 2. I want to study in a private school in the US in September. My English is not that good. I also applied for language courses there. Can I ask the officer to speak in Chinese at the time of interview if I do not understand their questions in English? Will an officer reject my application because of my poor English?
Response:  You can always ask the Officer to speak Chinese at the interview, however, since many students in China speak excellent English the Officer may expect that you will speak English.  If your English is not good enough to conduct the visa interview, you should be able to explain why it is not very good.  The Officer may be concerned that your English level is not high enough to study successfully in the U.S.

Name: cade
Timestamp: 05-19-2008 21:40:55
网友提问: 您好。有件事情咨询一下您。我是大连人,毕业后去北京工作2年,北京户口。2007年4月辞职备考gre及申请学校。由于父亲10月住院,为了方便照顾,申请结束后我12月回大连找了份工作,工作至今年5月份,现在辞职准备签证。由于父亲已经出院,即使没有获得签证我也会回北京工作。请问我这种情况可以去北京签证么?谢谢
I was born in Dalian. I worked in Beijing for 2 years after graduation and got Beijing Hukou. I quitted in April 2007 and prepared for GRE and applied for universities in the US. My father was hospitalized in October. In order to take care of him, I returned to Dalian and found a job there in December. I’ve working there in Dalian since then. Now I plan to quit my job and apply for a US visa. Now, my father already got out of hospital.  I will go back to Beijing to work if I cannot get a visa. My question is: can I apply for my visa in Beijing? Thank you.
Response:  You should apply for a visa where ever you currently work and live.  Dalian is in the Shenyang Consular District.  We recommend that people do not make any life changes, like quitting your job or moving, before the visa interview.

Name: pengfei
Timestamp: 05-19-2008 23:24:06
网友提问: 美国商务签证,如果进入背景调查一般需要多长时间,如果超过3周,除了等待还有别的途径知道签证进度吗?给使馆发传真能加快签证办理进度吗?
Regarding business visa application, how long it’s gonna take for background investigation? If the investigation takes more than 3 weeks, how can I get to know the status of my application other than waiting? Will the processing be expedited by sending a fax to the Embassy?
Response:  Some visa applications do require extra processing.  During some periods, like summer time when lots of people are applying for visas, administrative processing can take longer.  Processing cannot be expedited by sending a fax to the Embassy.

Name: Easy
Timestamp: 05-19-2008 23:28:38
网友提问: 请问对出具存款证明的银行有要求吗?渤海银行的存款证明书可以用吗?
Do you have any requirements for Bank certificates? Will Bank certificate from Bohai Bank work?
Response:  No, bank certificates are not required and there are no special requirements.