

7 月15 日: 签证官直通热线 — View Transcript 
07-15-2008 03:58:51
网友提问: Welcome to today’s webchat. We are reviewing your questions and will begin answering them shortly.
07-15-2008 04:02:36
yilao: 您好,签证官! 
原打算夫妻二人相伴去探望在美国读研究生的儿子,签证申请表中也填了计划到美国的日期在 10 月份。听说这种情况通常是发给一年多次入境签证的,不料签发下来给妻子的是这种,给我的却是 3 个月的,9 月16 日就到期了,根本不能覆盖计划的日期。请问我是不是必须改变计划提前赴美?我妻子因工作关系无法提前,那么我在美允许停留时间为多少?能否待到妻子按原计划访美并一起返回中国?  
猜测只给我 3 个月有效期的原因,可能是:1、我 9 月份就满 60 岁,签证官知道中国规定 60 岁退休,故认为我的个人情况属于有重大变化?还是:2、因我是从事科技工作的专业人士(此次是经过 1 个多月的额外行政审查过程的)?那么请问像这种情况应该如何掌握提出申请的时间呢? 
网友提问: I guess the reasons for only 3-month validity for my visa might be: (1) I will be 60 years old in this September. The visa officer knows that men get retired at 60, so he thought my personal situation changes significantly. (2) I am a professional in scientific field (additional administrative processing was required in my application this time). Are my guesses correct? When should people like me submit our applications? 
美国签证官: We do not change visa validity based on someone’s age. If your application required special processing (if so, you had to wait for a few weeks to receive your visa and your visa is annotated with a Clearance Received date) then we are required by law issue you a three month, single entry visa. This is a world-wide requirement.
我们不会基于一个人的年龄而改变签证有效期。如果您的申请需要做特殊审理(如果是这样,您得等上几周才能得到签证,并且您的签证上会有“clearance received ”的字样及日期),那么我们根据法律颁发给您三个月单次入境的签证。这是全球性的规定。
07-15-2008 04:04:47
我由于多年在美国公司任职,有过几次赴美记录(我太太也有一个签证,但是由于2001年 9 月的那次令人不愉快的事件,我们取消了旅游的计划,所以她没有入境记录)。我和我太太多次赴欧洲旅行,最近正在计划赴美度假旅游,我们希望的是自助旅行,自己租车,网上订酒店,而不希望跟旅行团。想请问,我们是否能够申请旅游签证。
网友提问: Name: Kelvin2 
Timestamp: 07-14-2008 02:02:23Question:  I’ve been to the US for several times and my wife also got her visa in 2001 but for the reason of terror attack in September, we canceled that trip. We traveled to Europe for many times and this time we are planning a trip to the US. However, we do not like to join a tour but to rent a car, book hotel rooms online by ourselves. My question is how can we apply tourist visas? What document do we have to provide? Thanks
Kelvin Lu
美国签证官: Applicants are welcome to apply for a tourist visa on their own, however, you should be able to demonstrate that you will be able to arrange and pay for your trip without the help of a tour agency. The requirements for the visa are the same, including the items we suggest you bring to the interview. There are no required documents besides your visa application. We  always suggest you bring all your old passports. Photos of your previous travels could also be useful. Please see the section of our website about tourist visas for further information.
07-15-2008 04:07:29
Big Lu: 签证官您好。
我想问一下关于 B2 签证的申请问题。我岳父前不久突然去世了,给整个家庭带来了很大的冲击。岳母身体不太好,又逢此重大变故,所以整个人状态一直不好。我岳父的亲姐姐早年移民美国,现在是美国公民,这次也专程赶回来协助办理后事,并提出想请我岳母去美国小住一段。我岳母户口在新疆,持有的是公安部出入境管理局签发的护照。 我想问问看,在有我岳父亲姐姐的邀请的情况下提出申请,除了网上说的那 9条相关材料以外,有没有什么需要特别注意的?签证官会不会认为几个月(少于六个月)的停留时间太长了?面签日期到实际赴美日期之间有没有限制,比方我九月面签,但是申请的是明年 5 月份赴美,是否可行? 还有,户籍在新疆的人面签 B2 是不是一定要到北京? 谢谢您的关注,期待您的回复!
网友提问: Hello visa officer: I have a question regarding B2 visas. My father-in-law suddenly passed away not long ago. His death affects the family a lot. My mother-in-law’s
health situation is not good and it’s getting worse because of this tragedy. My father-in-law’s sister immigrated to the US long time ago and became an American citizen. She made a special trip to deal with the funeral affairs this time and invited my mother-in-law to spend some time in the US. My mother-in-law’s household registration is in Xin Jiang and she is holding a Chinese passport issued by the PSB. My questions are: What extra documentations should my mother-in-law to provide at the time of the visa application if she is invited to the US by her sister-in-law other than the 9 items stated on your website? Will the visa officer think it is to long for her to stay there for at least six months? Do you have any requirements for the date of entrance to the US, say, I plan to enter to the US in the May of next year, can I apply in this September? My last question is: Do applicants whose household registration is in Xin Jiang have to apply in Beijing? Thank you for your time and looking forward to your reply. 
美国签证官: The visa officer will probably want to know the status of your mother-in-law’s sisterin-law. For example, your mother-in-law should bring copies of the first visa her sister-in-law ever used to travel to the U.S., a copy of the last visa she had, her green card, naturalization certificate or passport, etc. She could also bring a copy of her sister-in-laws more recent tax returns. Also, your mother-in-law must show that she herself is qualified for a visa. She needs to show the visa officer she would have no reason to want to stay in the United States. You can apply for a visa as far in advance as you like, just keep in mind that visa will not be valid for more than one year. A person should apply for a visa where ever they usually live and work.
07-15-2008 04:08:24
尊敬的领事官员,您好!我申请 J1 签证,已预订 7 月 29号在北京大使馆签证,我想请问:1.我自己的出生证、结婚证、亲属关系(比如父母、姐姐)、我儿子的出生证等文件需要办理公证吗?原件都有。现在办理公证可能来不及了,这会影响我的签证吗?2.我是到美国大学做博士后研究,由美国大学负担在美期间费用,请问我还需要提供银行存款证明吗?3.我是一名医生,我在中国有很好很稳定的职业,收入也不错,我的丈夫、儿子以及父母、姐姐,所有的亲人都在中国,我有两套住房(单位一套,商品房一套),这些材料足以证明我
在中国有很紧密的ties 吗?Thank you very much for your response!
网友提问: Hello officer: I am apply for my J1 visa. My appointment is on July 29 at the US Consulate in Beijing. My questions are: (1) Do I have to have my birth certificate, my  3 marriage certificate, relative certificates, my son’s birth certificate notarized? It is too late for me to have them notarized. Will this affect my application? (2) I will be a postdoctoral researcher in a US University. The university will cover my expenditure. Do I have to provide bank document? (3) I am a doctor. I have a very stable job and good income in China. My husband, my son, my parents and sisters and all my relatives are all in China. I have two apartments. Can these show my strong ties in China? Thank you very much for your response! 
美国签证官: No, you do not need to have these documents notarized. Just bring the originals. If the university will provide your funding, you should have proof of this on your DS-2024 and in your offer letter. It sounds like you have very strong ties to China. You should probably bring your bank book or some other document which shows your savings, but the visa officer probably will not need to see them if your U.S. university is paying for your program.
不, 您不需要公证这些文件。把原件带来就好。如果这个大学提供您资金,您的 DS2024 表上和录取信上应该有证明。听起来您在中国的约束力很强。您或许应该带上您的存折或其他一些文件展示您的存款,但如果您在美国的大学支付您的项目,签证官也许就不需要看了。 
07-15-2008 04:09:13
watchingcarl: Dear officer,Im a J-1 visting scholar.My original DS2024 was lost and the university in US created a new DS2024 for me.Is it ok for the VISA interview?Thank you very much
网友提问: You need to bring an original DS-2024 to the interview. It does not matter if it is the second one you received because the first one was lost.
07-15-2008 04:09:41
Forrest2: In question 38 of Form D156 “Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime, even though subject of a pardon, amnesty or other similar legal action? Have you ever unlawfully distributed or sold a controlled substance(drug), or been a prostitute or procurer for prostitutes?”, is a speed ticket in the United States for only one time subject to the a “Yes” answer to this question?
网友提问: No, getting a speeding ticket is not the same as being arrested or convicted of a crime. However, if you were arrested because you were driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you would need to check “yes” to this question. 
07-15-2008 04:16:23
您好,尊敬的签证官,我想问的问题是,我是第一次办理签证,是 J1,真的很想一次签过,以您以往的经验,我应该提供什么样的资料,或者我在面试的时候应该注意一些什么情况,才能让我顺利出国呢?谢谢
网友提问: Dear officer: This is my first J1 visa application. I really want to pass the interview. According to your experience, what documents should I proved at the time of my application? What should I pay attention to during the interview so that I can go abroad smoothly? Thank you!
美国签证官: First, you should read the materials on our website about student and exchange visitor visas. You should bring all the documents related to your studies, including you offer letter, your study plan, your resume, and information about the advisor you will work with in the U.S. You need to be able to explain what you will do in the U.S., where you are going and why, and how this will be beneficial to you in the future. 首先, 您应该阅读我们网站上有关学生和交流访问学者签证的有关内容。您应该带来所有和您学业有关的文件,包括您的录取信、学习计划、简历以及将与您在美国一起工作的导师的信息。您应该能够解释您将在美国做些什么, 您将去哪里,为什么,还有就是这些将如何利益您的将来。 
07-15-2008 04:16:55
mq: Dear Sonia, my niece is 10 years old. Both my husband and I are green card holders living in California US. We are thinking of inviting my niece to come to the state to study in a public elementray school for a semester next year in order for her to learn how an American kid in her age studies, plays and lives. What are the options do we have in terms of visa application? Does one of her parent have to accompany her during her visit? Thanks 
网友提问: It is no longer possible to receive a regular F1 student visa for a child to study in a public elementary school. Your niece could apply for a private elementary school. To be approved for visas later in her life, she would have to be able to show that she did not attend a public elementary school on an F1 student visa. 
07-15-2008 04:17:32
MS S: Hello, would you please tell me: How my 83- year-old mother, who is China’s citizen, and she wants to have a visa for visiting the US without of her travel to the US embassy at Beijing, China? Thank you.
网友提问: People who are 80 years-old or older do not need to come to the Embassy to apply for a visa. If your mother lives in the Beijing Consular District, you can find information about applying for a visa for her through the CITIC Bank Drop-off Service on our website at http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/drop-off_for_minor__aged.html. If applying at a different Consulate, please look directly at their website for specific information.
07-15-2008 04:18:01
MS S: Hi, this is me again. My sister went to her local 中信 bank, but the manager told her that my mom must go to US embassy of Beijing, for a finger printing. Is there any possible that can make her easier(Not go to long distance)? Thanks again.
网友提问: Anyone over 80 should not need to come to the Embassy. Finger prints are not required for those 80 and older. You should ask to speak to the manager at the bank, or go to another CITIC bank. You can also send a fax to 6532-3178 about this case and tell us what bank branch you went to. 
07-15-2008 04:18:55
Lizzy2: Good morning, I have a question about administrative check. Normally, how long does it take and where can applicants check the status of the visa? 
网友提问: Until this summer, most applications required about 3-4 weeks for the administrative processing. However, because this summer has been particularly busy all over the world, administrative processing is currently taking about six weeks, sometimes longer. We regret that the process is currently taking so long. If you applied in Beijing, you can fax 6532-3178 to ask about the status of your application, but please wait at least six weeks before inquiring. 
07-15-2008 04:19:22
Lizzy2: Is it the situation different from person to person who need administrative check?
网友提问: Every case takes a different amount of time to process. The current average processing times are 6-8 weeks. Students’ applications receive priority and every effort is made to issue the student visa before the start of the student’s program. 
07-15-2008 04:28:15
网友提问: Name: 八月桂花香 
Timestamp: 07-15-2008 03:49:48Question:  您好,我想问一下我打算赴美探亲,预约时间是 7 月 21 日我是不是只要填写 DS-156 和DS-157 就可以了,这些表格是不是只要一份就可以?还有我的资金证明怎么开?(现在的工资都是用卡不用存折了)定期存单算不算资金证明?还需不需要我老公的收入证明呢?谢谢
I plan to visit my relatives in the US. My appointment is on July 21. Do I only need to fill out one ds156 and one ds157 form? How can I get my bank certificate? (Nowadays, our salary only shows on debit card, not bank book any more). Can I bring my fixed deposit? Do you need my husband’s income certificate? Thanks~ 
美国签证官: Yes, you only need to fill out one DS156 and DS157. There are not requirements for income or bank documents. Just bring what you have that shows that you can pay for your trip to the U.S. and that you do not plan to stay in the U.S. illegally and/or work in the U.S. 
是的, 你只需要填写一份 DS156  5 和 DS157 表。没有带银行证明和收入证明的要求。只带来您有的能证明您能支付此次赴美旅行并且您不打算非法在美国滞留/工作的文件。
07-15-2008 04:30:18
leehenry: Dear Sonia Urbom, I want to know if my arrive date to U.S. is different in the invite letter(Aug. 1) than in DS-2024 form(Sep. 1), will be accepted by the visa officer or not? The reason is that my ds-2024 has not sent to me yet, so I afraid I can’t obtain a visa on Aug.1 and ask the university to change the schedule in DS-2024. thank you lee 
网友提问: You need to have an original DS2024 in order to apply for a visa. You need to start your program before your DS-2024 expired. You cannot enter the US more than 30 days before the start of your program. You can apply for a visa as much as 120 days before your program starts. I hope this answers your question. 
07-15-2008 04:34:31
davis: Dear officer, Sorry that my story is a little bit complicate. I went to visit my daughter in US in 2006. After 6 months stay I went back to China. 3 months later I went to US again using the same visa and got 3 months stay on my I-94 at the entrance. In order to be able to travel back to China together with my daughter’s family I applied for extension of stay for another 4 months and it was approved. However, the family were attacked by a flu causing all of us suffer from fever and cough before the travelling date and one (no me) even developed pneumonia. We had to call the air line to postphone our flying date. For me, that means I left US a few days after the new/extended I-94’s expiration date (although the original ticket date was before the I-94 expiration date). What I wanted to know is a.) how would this affect my future visa application? Some suggested that I will have to wait for at least 3 years to apply again. Some suggested that I will be rejected no matter how long I wait. What is your opinion? b.)I do not have a plan to visit my daughter again in the near future, but I would like to know what supporting document I should keep I do in order for my future applications go smoothly. I did not visit the doctor when I was sick, but the one family member who travelled with us did visit doctor/ER for the pneumonia diagnose. Should I require and keep a copy of that diagnosment? Thanks and have a great day! Thanks
网友提问: If you left the U.S. only a few days after your extension expired, you do not need to wait three years to reapply for a visa. I would suggest keeping a copy of the original itinerary to show that you intended to leave the U.S. on time and you could also keep a record of the doctor’s diagnose although you may not be asked to show any of this. If you do not reapply for a visa to the U.S. too soon, I don’t think you will have any problems. As always, you need to show that you do not plan to immigrate to the U.S, or stay there illegally. Be sure to bring copies of all your extensions and your past passports when you apply again and be ready to explain why your stay in the U.S. will only be temporary. 
07-15-2008 04:36:19
happy2: About J1 2year rule. I’m an MBA student in China and attended exchange student program (from Aug-Dec, 2007, self financed fully) coordinated with U.S University last year. I came back from U.S this January. My visa is J1. Now, I’m planning to join fulltime master program in U.S next year to expand my advanced study. My question is, am I subject to 2-year rule to change to F1 statues? Or do I need to submit J1 waiver application to our embassy in U.S? Thanks you. 
网友提问: The two-year rule does not apply for people apply for another J or F visa. It only applies to work visas or immigrant visas so you should not have any problems applying for your F1 as long as you can show you are a legitimate student who has enough money to pay for your program.
07-15-2008 04:39:58
leehenry: Good afternoon Sonia. I am thinking of visiting the US for sightseeing late this year. I have two questions. (1) Do I have to purchase the pre-paid PIN card in order to make the appointment for the interview? Can I make the call from my home phone or cellphone and be charged directly to my homephone or cellphone? (2)I learned from the website of US Embassy that the Hukou registration in China might be helpful to show my ties in China. My situation is that I was registered on my uncle’s household book 9 years ago in stead of my own family’s  6 book. Which Hukou registration book should I show at the interview, the one on which I am , my family’s, or both? 
网友提问: You can only make the appointment by purchasing the prepaid phone card. You will probably not be asked to provide your Hukou unless you are trying to show your relationship to a relative that somehow helps you qualify for a visa. 
07-15-2008 04:45:35
Hera: Hello, I am applying the B2 visa to the U.S. One thing I felt confused, when I tried to fill the form DS-157. Q14: “Do you have any specialized skills or training, including Friearms, Explosives, Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical Experience?” The thing is my major of my bachelor degree is Biochemistry. So I did learn the courses and did the related lab experiences in the university regarding Biochemistry, Biology, Physical Chemistry, Food Chemistry, etc. But I believe what I learned are all the basic, and I haven’t done any more related works or jobs in my major after my graduated. Will I be considered like a terrorist by knowing these knowledge? Should I check “yes” in this question? or just check “no”? Could you please kindly guide me on this question? Thanks! Hera
网友提问: Anything you learned in your bachelor’s degree should not be enough to give you ‘specialized skills or training’ in these areas. You can probably mark “no” to this question, but only you can decide what is the correct answer.
07-15-2008 04:46:38
xevian: dear officer, I am undergrad student. I was employed as a part time student by the school’s library for a few weeks and I did pay income tax. I would like to know do I need to fill this employment information in under work experience when I fill in the form? Thank you!
网友提问: No, it is not required to full that kind of employment in. But, you are welcome to include it if you think it would be helpful for some reason.
07-15-2008 04:47:45
xevian: Dear Madam: I have held B1/B2 visa. And I have visited USA for 6 months. Because I want to enrich my academic theory, I applied F1 visa when I stayed USA. My agent told me the process duration of F1 visa is 3 months. I can stay in USA lawful during this time even if the date out of the I -94 expiration. I was worried about I was an illegal visitor at the end of the third month. Thus, I decided to retune China. (But the date of my retune is after the I-94 expiration for half a month.) After I came back, I got a bad news for failing approval. You said I can apply another visa with my adjustment of status information to the interview. I want to know when I can apply. Need it after a period? Thank you for your time and consideration! Victoria
网友提问: If you were only in the U.S. for half a month after your I94 expired, you can reapply any time.
07-15-2008 04:49:40
xevian: Hi Sonia. This question is about tourist visa. Do I have to show the hotel reservation at the interview and make specific travel arrangements? I certainly don’t want to pay for it before receiving the US visa. If I put one of the hotels I will probably stay but I may stay in another hotel of the same city depending on the circumstances in the Question 24 of DS-156, will that be regarded as a lie? Thanks.
网友提问: You should not pay for any hotels or purchase any plane tickets before applying for a visa. This information is not required at the interview. If you change your mind about your hotel later, that will not be considered a lie. You will need to fill in the address where you will be staying when you actually enter the U.S. At that time you can supply the correct information.
07-15-2008 04:52:44
Lee2: Dear Mam, I’m preparing for B-visa with the interview in Sep. And the date of leaving China for US within the application is 14th Oct. Therefore, could you pls tell me if there would be enough time to get the final visa or maybe should I apply for urgent process and how? 
网友提问: I cannot answer this question. Only the officer who interviews you can determine if your case will need any special processing. If your case does need special  7 processing, it will probably take about 6-8 weeks. If you have an urgent reason for needing to be in the U.S. at a specific time (like attending a conference or doing some important business) you can request an expedited appointment. If you are applying in Beijing, please look at http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/niv_expedite.html
07-15-2008 04:56:55
PATAPON: Dear officer, I am the first leehenry. I just read your answer but still unsure what to do. When you said an original DS2024, if it is mean that I should require the university sent me a DS2024 schedule start from Aug.1 though it’s already July 15 now? Or I can require them sent me a DS2024 schedule start from Sep.1 as an original DS2024 though the schedure is diffrent from my invite letter? thank you.
网友提问: By “original” I just mean that you cannot submit a photocopy. You must submit the original DS-2024 that your school official signed. The start date on the DS-2024 is
not that important. I am afraid that I do not understand your question very well. Someone at the school or university where you are applying should be able to help you.
07-15-2008 04:58:50
网友提问: Thank you all for joining us for today’s webchat. I appreciated your questions, and was sorry that I could not answer all of them. Please join us for our next webchat on August 5!
感谢大家参与今天的网谈。非常感谢您提出问题,并对我无法回答所有问题感到抱歉。欢迎大家参加我们下次 8 月 5 日的网谈。