

03-06-2007 01:14:21
nina2: I heard that I have less chance of getting a student visa if I have no scholarship? Is that true?
美国签证官:Answer: Thank you for your question. Whether or not a student is issued a visa is not dependent on whether or not the student has been granted a scholarship. However, it could be relevant as a means to show that the applicant has the ability to pay for the education they wish to pursue. Please remember in order to receive a student visa, students must establish they have a legitimate purpose of travel, strong ties to their country, and the ability to pay for their desired education in the United States. 提问:我听说没有奖学金会降低获得学生签证的机率,是真的吗? 回答:谢谢您的问题. 申请人是否能获得学生签证与他/她是否被授予奖学金没有固定联系. 不过,申请人可以用获得奖学金这一点来证明自己有能力支付赴美留学的费用. 请记住要获得美国学生签证,申请人必须能证明以下三点: 有正当合理的访美目的;在本国拥有牢固的约束力;还有就是有能力支付自己在美国留学的费用.
03-06-2007 01:37:50
uncle help: How to apply for a bachlor degree study in the U.S. for the Chinse high school graduates? What else documents shall I bring to the visa interview besides the necessary ones?
美国签证官:Good Question! First of all, applying for universities in the US is a separate process from applying for a US Visa. The first step in applying to a University is to determine your course of study and what school you would like to attend. Please go to liuxueusa.cn for information regarding universities and study abroad programs. The second step would be to apply to a university you would like to attend. After you are accepted to the University you will receive an I-20 from that University, only then can you plan to apply for your visa. In order to apply for your visa, make an appointment and come in prepared to demonstrated three things. The first is why you are going to the US, the second is your strong ties to China which will ensure your return to China, and lastly how you intend to pay for your education in the US. The documents you shoud prepare will substantiate the above criteria. *** 提问:中国的高中生要想申请去美国读大学怎样办理? 除了必须递交的申请材料外,面谈时我还应该准备哪些支持性文件?*** 回答:问得好! 首先需要说明的是申请美国大学和申请美国学生签证是两个不同的程序. 申请美国大学的第一步是确定学习的课程及想去的大学. 欲知有关美国大学及课程设置等详细信息,请访问liuxueusa.cn. 第二步是向您选中的美国大学递交入学申请. 当您被学校接收后,您会收到I-20表. 只有在拿到I-20表后您才能准备申请签证. 要申请学生签证,您必须提前预约并在约定的时间前来面谈. 面谈时您必须能证明以下三点: 第一点是您为什么要去美国留学; 第二点是您在中国是否有牢固的约束力能保证您留学后返回中国; 最后一点是您怎样支付赴美留学的费用. 在准备签证材料时您应该围绕以上三个方面来准备. 回答:
03-06-2007 01:53:19
uncle help: Shall I trust any commercial agent advertising for visa issues and studies in the U.S.? How can I apply for traveling and sightseeing in the U.S.? B1 or B2 visa is enough? Do I need any different visa application or through the travel agency? Does the U.S. allow such sightseeing visa application?
美国签证官:Tourism related questions are excellent questions. Anyone can travel to the US for tourism by applying for a B1/B2 visa. There is no need to go through a travel agent to apply for this visa. In fact, applicants should be wary of anyone who advertises that they can help facilitate the visa process. What is important to remember in applying for a tourist visa is applicants must substantiate their strong ties to China and present to the visa officer their reason and plan for travel.*** 提问: 有些中介会登广告宣传他们能帮助申请人办理赴美签证和赴美留学等等,我应该相信他们吗? 我想去美国旅游,办理B1或B2签证就可以吗? 申请旅游签证需要准备什么特殊材料吗? 还是需要通过旅行社办理? 美国允许中国公民申请旅游签证吗? *** 回答:很高兴有人问到有关旅游签证的问题. 任何人都可以赴美旅游,只要申请B1/B2签证就可以了. 申请旅游签证不必通过旅行社或中介公司. 事实上,申请人在看到任何中介宣传他们能提供签证协助的时候都应该提高警惕. 在申请旅游签证的时候,重要的是记住申请人必须证明他们在中国有足够牢固的约束力,还有就是向签证官说明为什么想去美国旅游,旅行计划是什么.
03-06-2007 01:56:03
Ding Jichun: 我在3月2日申请签证被拒绝了,什么时候我可以再次申请签证
美国签证官:拒签后您随时可以再次申请. 但我们建议您在个人总体情况有明显变化之后再重新申请.
03-06-2007 01:59:12
Chat Participant: 我怎么可以学习在美国?
美国签证官:请访问美国驻华大使馆的网站查看相关信息,网址是http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn. 此网站提供中文信息. 如果您有更具体的问题,请在今后的网谈中提问.
03-06-2007 02:02:43
Chat Participant: What is the visa approval rate at U.S. Embassy in Beijing?
美国签证官:2006年美国驻华大使馆及领事馆在全中国的签证签发率是75.5%. 申请人普遍认为我们拒签的人数大大多于签发的数量,其实正好相反.
03-06-2007 02:10:56
美国签证官:感谢您参与这次网谈. 欲查看此次网谈的内容并得知更多美国签证的信息,请访问http://usinfo.state.gov/mgck 或美国驻华大使馆的网站http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn. 欢迎大家参加下次网谈,时间是3月20日(星期二)下午2点(北京时间).